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HardToKill (official recruitment thread)

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HardToKill is searching for nice & great players ❗

You want be part of one of the best Clans of all time ?


- being friendly
- playing with heart, brain & honor
- Rank 1 - 2 end of the weekly tournament

You fulfill these requirements ?


Feel free to join us ✅


We do not tolerate any kind of cheating !


HardToKill become stronger and stronger every week ...
(Clan War result from today)


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34 minutes ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

HardToKill is searching for nice & great players ❗

You want be part of one of the best Clans of all time ?


- being friendly
- playing with heart, brain & honor
- Rank 1 - 2 end of the weekly tournament

You fulfill these requirements ?


Feel free to join us ✅


We do not tolerate any kind of cheating !


HardToKill become stronger and stronger every week ...
(Clan War result from today)


the result was wrong

im pretty sure inmax won against htk

but i saw htk getting many new quality members now congrats 🙂

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51 minutes ago, Atusiff said:

I'm not trying to be offensive right now, BUT ...

You just did, here the reason why ...

51 minutes ago, Atusiff said:

the leader Hamza was quite lenient with recruits in the past. He let in anyone rank 5 and up

Hamza did / does and is doing an AMAZING job, special during my absense !
I see really 0 reason to blame him for anything, when he is the one who held HardToKill alive for so many months as well as he brought it back to solid Top10 and often Top6 !

51 minutes ago, Atusiff said:

including hacked accounts. Is this still happening or have you resolved it?

Well ... this is pretty offensive, because you connect hacked accounts with HardToKill which is bloody nonsense, SPECIAL because we are (I am) known for not tolerating any kinds of cheats for many YEARS now !

The facts are ...

- if a Clan is open, there is 0 possibility for the leader to control who is joining (on the short term)

- hackers are in ALL Clans and it is a thing from ALL Clans, trying to put it / this thematic on one specific Clan is BS and you know that (or at least should know it after all these years)

- YOU cannot KNOW who is a hacker or not (they may have just bought their tokens and great items with real money)

- WE cannot KNOW who is a hacker or not (they may have just bought their tokens and great items with real money)

- leaders and normal players cannot KNOW who is a hacker or not (they may have just bought their tokens and great items with real money)

- ONLY the game administrators - like @Alexander can know / check, if an account is hacked or not ❗

So I will kindly ask you to not spread any failse rumors and to respect other Clan's Recruitment Threads, same as we - HardToKill - respect other Clan's Recruitment Threads !

Insulting, accusing, spreading wrong rumors and being off-topic as in some posts already here at this officially HardToKill Recruiting Thread is not showing any Respect and will as well not be tolerated !
Therefore such posts - with the only intention to damage and/or start unnecessary accusations - will be reported !

Thank you for your understanding !


Edited by bestplayeroftheworld (see edit history)
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Hamza did and keep doing a great job and has been loyal to the clan all of this time and it is something I really appreciate to see from a player.

In my personal side I do not compete or have rivalry against any clan or player and still like to see every clan doing great with full clan membership as I do and wish for my own clan.

What does happen in the game with players it is something independent per player and it is hard to figure out who is clean from start to the end with some exceptions easy to see like in the raid.👍

Good job Hamza.  Players can join and have fun. 🙃


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1 hour ago, Username4 said:

There are 3 empty spots, ig if u fulfill the requirements go for it.

I would but I only get r2 in 1v1, and am happy where I'm at rn.

My start is:

1v1 rank 3-2. 400-800+ wins.

2v2 rank 5-3. 200-400+ wins.

3v3 rank 5-4. 200-300+ wins

Willing to join war, collect ticket, attack titan fully. 

Is it enough?

My main language is French and Polish. I don't speak English very well.

What the point?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi there,

so as some may have worked out I am Misfit, and I have been chosen as the next leader of HTK

I can't describe in words the pride and happiness I feel leading this clan, this same clan which under bago gave me my first shot at being under a top clan all those years ago (I know, it HAS really been a long time)  

I suppose I have been playing a while, best guess probably 7 (?) years ago now, and my heart has for the most part of that period belonged to HTK, even though for a time I was woo'd into the popular opinion that HTK is the clan its fun to mock


I'm sorry Michelle we love you so much <3333

but that brings me to my next point: HTK is a clan often misunderstood and believed to be hard and evil, but under the strong exterior, I promise you, you see a clan with a lot of heart, but also a lot of pride.

It was often said that HTK plays with brains, heart, and strength. I tell you that I've considered this for a few weeks and HTK's basic principle comes down to one thing: integrity.

we are the clan of honour. we are the clan which was strong, arguably the strongest surviving clan in SM, we were the clan which held honour, courage and integrity as the highest standard.

that's what sets us a part - and that's what I have to offer you. alongside a long heritage of courage and strength we have a longer and more rich heritage of integrity and community. which is why, under my leadership, we absolutely will NOT accept a single cheater. sure, you can chase another bigger clan which props itself up with hackers and those who ride the gray area (I name no clever names here) but when you join HTK you join a family who holds your integrity to be a resource that CANNOT be bought and would NOT BE SOLD for any rank

what we offer you:

- experienced guidance from longterm community members such as Lord Gorgon, bestplayeroftheworld (Michelle), Tay Tay (shape) and many others including myself

- the will to fight against the odds! HTK is a clan which does NOT give up, we will never roll over and will always strive for greatness no matter how bad SM community of this game gets!

- a long history of courage and integrity NOT present in other clans which started well then sold their soul!

- long term friendships such as that I have with G (whose real name I refrain from posting). we are brothers and sisters here, and G has watched me grow up, I almost cry as I write my sincere love for my brother @Lord Gorgon

- my sincere promise that we will NEVER be involved in any cheating, scamming, and that you WILL be treated FAIRLY as a valued member for your ENTIRE duration here as long as it may be



- courage - we at HTK have a will and an eagerness to FIGHT and we EARN respect, we don't ASK for it

- honour- DO NOT be involved in scams or hacking or dishonourable behaviour 

- be ready and willing to learn from your peers and ALWAYS strive for greatness

- UNDERSTAND why I say that what sets us apart is INTEGRITY

I do not set a rank limit as these things I hold higher than rank, if I cannot fit you in at any given moment or you feel you are not yet ready PLEASE feel free to respond or get in touch with me regardless. I LOVE to meet new great and honest players of this game

and if you do join us I WELCOME YOU to one of if not THE greatest clan that has ever been in supermechs, if I could I would kiss you at the door, ANYONE who has read what I have said and can say 🙌AMEN🙌 do not hesitate to get in touch with me, regardless of your rank, I'd love to hear from you 😉


I LOVE you

- Misfit

Edited by Fidelio (see edit history)
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Funny video. 🤣

Since I like all clans around I never like to get into matters of others and I like all players around even sometimes are not that cool with me been a bit out of line. Due to I play for fun and do not like issues and I do not have clan rivalry I like to see progress in all clans.  HTK it is not an exception to see it in constant progress as I wish for my own.

Misfit is been a cool guy with me since I joined this game from rookie times even I still a rookie player in my own opinion. I have no doubts about his direction for the clan. For you players interested take a look and give a try to HTK and I hope you like and stay. 

The clan have direction and goals set with many been long terms players in this game so they know what to do. For those guest reading and no joining the forum take a look. 

All clans have their own identities and directions as clan. I hope you like theirs with Misfit as their new leader. 👍


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2 hours ago, Fidelio said:

Hi there,

so as some may have worked out I am Misfit, and I have been chosen as the next leader of HTK

I can't describe in words the pride and happiness I feel leading this clan, this same clan which under bago gave me my first shot at being under a top clan all those years ago (I know, it HAS really been a long time)  

I suppose I have been playing a while, best guess probably 7 (?) years ago now, and my heart has for the most part of that period belonged to HTK, even though for a time I was woo'd into the popular opinion that HTK is the clan its fun to mock


I'm sorry Michelle we love you so much <3333

but that brings me to my next point: HTK is a clan often misunderstood and believed to be hard and evil, but under the strong exterior, I promise you, you see a clan with a lot of heart, but also a lot of pride.

It was often said that HTK plays with brains, heart, and strength. I tell you that I've considered this for a few weeks and HTK's basic principle comes down to one thing: integrity.

we are the clan of honour. we are the clan which was strong, arguably the strongest surviving clan in SM, we were the clan which held honour, courage and integrity as the highest standard.

that's what sets us a part - and that's what I have to offer you. alongside a long heritage of courage and strength we have a longer and more rich heritage of integrity and community. which is why, under my leadership, we absolutely will NOT accept a single cheater. sure, you can chase another bigger clan which props itself up with hackers and those who ride the gray area (I name no clever names here) but when you join HTK you join a family who holds your integrity to be a resource that CANNOT be bought and would NOT BE SOLD for any rank

what we offer you:

- experienced guidance from longterm community members such as Lord Gorgon, bestplayeroftheworld (Michelle), Tay Tay (shape) and many others including myself

- the will to fight against the odds! HTK is a clan which does NOT give up, we will never roll over and will always strive for greatness no matter how bad SM community of this game gets!

- a long history of courage and integrity NOT present in other clans which started well then sold their soul!

- long term friendships such as that I have with G (whose real name I refrain from posting). we are brothers and sisters here, and G has watched me grow up, I almost cry as I write my sincere love for my brother @Lord Gorgon

- my sincere promise that we will NEVER be involved in any cheating, scamming, and that you WILL be treated FAIRLY as a valued member for your ENTIRE duration here as long as it may be



- courage - we at HTK have a will and an eagerness to FIGHT and we EARN respect, we don't ASK for it

- honour- DO NOT be involved in scams or hacking or dishonourable behaviour 

- be ready and willing to learn from your peers and ALWAYS strive for greatness

- UNDERSTAND why I say that what sets us apart is INTEGRITY

I do not set a rank limit as these things I hold higher than rank, if I cannot fit you in at any given moment or you feel you are not yet ready PLEASE feel free to respond or get in touch with me regardless. I LOVE to meet new great and honest players of this game

and if you do join us I WELCOME YOU to one of if not THE greatest clan that has ever been in supermechs, if I could I would kiss you at the door, ANYONE who has read what I have said and can say 🙌AMEN🙌 do not hesitate to get in touch with me, regardless of your rank, I'd love to hear from you 😉


I LOVE you

- Misfit

I'm AssClown and I approve this message.


Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.

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