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Differences in accounts


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I'm a little sad that you locked the topic about GOLDEN PORTAL, but I understand, you solved it ...
However, there was a question about the differences in the accounts. The issue of account differences has been addressed several times in the past. If you didn't turn off the old forum, I'd give you a copy-paste thread where it was written about. TS devs also admitted that there were differences in the accounts.
So I ask again why one account gets 20 claws and not one valiant or spartan. And another account gets 8 valiants and not a single claws. And this is happening permanently. It doesn't even matter how long you play. If you are an f2p player you may get maybe one valiant in 1 or 2 years.
I guess if you invest a large amount at once, you will lose what you need. But that supports what I'm asking. Accounts are intentionally set in accounts so that the system knows what to give primarily.
I hope you don't call it a conspiracy theory, because it would be embarrassing. Thank you for your response.

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I do believe it is a proper question. I am one of your example. No valiant, magmas, etc no in the free or pay for boxes. I got few magmas because summer sale in 2020 and saved them without use not having proper modules for it. Some accounts gets set from start in my opinion. It does happen at all rank levels in my case also with regular modules or nightfall or ani etc when I was trying to progress at low rank and I got basic energy and heat modules when I used 500 tokens earned for free with the 500 tokens offer then I got a bunch for meat. I do understand it is by luck but still a bit hard for many to get parts. 



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18 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

Verím, že je to správna otázka. Som jedným z vašich príkladov. Žiadni udatní, magmi atď., Zadarmo a neplatíte za boxy. Dostal som niekoľko magiem, pretože letný výpredaj v roku 2020 som ich zachránil bez toho, aby som na to nemal vhodné moduly. Niektoré účty sa podľa môjho názoru nastavia od začiatku. Stáva sa to na všetkých úrovniach, v mojom prípade aj s bežnými modulmi alebo so zotmením alebo ani atď., Keď som sa pokúšal postupovať na nízkej pozícii a dostal som základné energetické a tepelné moduly, keď som použil 500 žetónov získaných zadarmo s ponukou 500 žetónov potom Dostal som zväzok na mäso. Chápem, že je to šťastie, ale pre mnohých je stále trochu ťažké zohnať diely. 



Yes, that's right. We all feel it. In connection with the introduction of so many "improvements", I would like @Alexander to finally improve the offer of mechs. I am glad that GATO is getting rid of outdated game styles and models used by TS.
At the same time, it would give players a chance to get things that the game (I believe by chance LOL) did not give them even after 3 years of playing.
For example:



There is only one good thing about this offer - Crimson rapture. It is certainly not a problem to give much better weapons and modules, and let the mech cost 15,000 tokens. Especially let the player not be frustrated for 3 years but have a choice. If a player in a flash game has to pay three times the price for a top PS5 title, then let him get something valuable for it.

Edited by Jesper (see edit history)
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yeah, i agree. one thing tho. i didn't get a single night eagle until i started complaining about how i hadn't gotten one in 3 years of playing.i was almost desperate enough for one to buy either the clan mech offer, or the offer you have mentioned. plus, i have gotten 3 premiums on my alt account in the past week, and 7 on my main in the past 3 years. is there something off with that?

7 minutes ago, Jesper said:

Yes, that's right. We all feel it. In connection with the introduction of so many "improvements", I would like @Alexander to finally improve the offer of mechs. I am glad that GATO is getting rid of outdated game styles and models used by TS.
At the same time, it would give players a chance to get things that the game (I believe by chance LOL) did not give them even after 3 years of playing.
For example:



There is only one good thing about this offer - Crimson rapture. It is certainly not a problem to give much better weapons and modules, and let the mech cost 15,000 tokens. Especially let the player not be frustrated for 3 years but have a choice. If a player in a flash game has to pay three times the price for a top PS5 title, then let him get something valuable for it.

i 100% agree with this

Edited by MasterChief (see edit history)

One Mech to rule them all

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Once, a long time ago, we talked about it. Is something in the system, something automatic or something that has been programmed like that.

Somehow the system interprets what you don't have and what you do have. Of what you already have, the system will give you more. But it will cost you a lot to get what you don't have, once you get one of those, you will get the second one more easily.

One player mentioned that he did some alt accounts, in some he got a lot of heat item, in another a lot of energy or phys. It could be a defect in the system, but I am more inclined to think that it is another strategy to sell. What is really funny is that this has survived so long, because it has been like that for years, through all the changes that the game has had.


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1 hour ago, Jesper said:

I'm a little sad that you locked the topic about GOLDEN PORTAL, but I understand, you solved it ...
However, there was a question about the differences in the accounts. The issue of account differences has been addressed several times in the past. If you didn't turn off the old forum, I'd give you a copy-paste thread where it was written about. TS devs also admitted that there were differences in the accounts.
So I ask again why one account gets 20 claws and not one valiant or spartan. And another account gets 8 valiants and not a single claws. And this is happening permanently. It doesn't even matter how long you play. If you are an f2p player you may get maybe one valiant in 1 or 2 years.
I guess if you invest a large amount at once, you will lose what you need. But that supports what I'm asking. Accounts are intentionally set in accounts so that the system knows what to give primarily.
I hope you don't call it a conspiracy theory, because it would be embarrassing. Thank you for your response.

I don't understand what do you mean by "it's solved". Now we are back to old braindead TS gold portals which give 45 tokens max. Also, TS never said that one account has different drops than the other one

Edited by Purific (see edit history)
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Immediately after reload, when Energy was the meta  and Rising was on first place with 6 bunkers, El Metre and me took many months, almost 1 year to get 1 Bunker, but we had 5 Magmas each one of us! Once I got the first Bunker, the second one arrived shortly after, but Energy build was no longer meta....


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15 minutes ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

Raz, veľmi dávno sme sa o tom bavili. Je niečo v systéme, niečo automatické alebo niečo, čo bolo takto naprogramované.

Systém nejako interpretuje to, čo nemáte a čo máte. Z toho, čo už máte, vám systém dá viac. Získať to, čo nemáte, vás však bude stáť veľa, akonáhle získate jedno z nich, ľahšie získate druhé.

Jeden hráč spomenul, že urobil nejaké alternatívne účty, v niektorých dostal veľa tepelnej energie, v iných veľa energie alebo fyzických údajov. Môže to byť chyba systému, ale skôr sa prikláňam k názoru, že je to iná stratégia predaja. Naozaj zábavné je, že to tak dlho prežilo, pretože to tak bolo roky, a to cez všetky zmeny, ktoré hra mala.

Exactly as you say. I have confirmed from the no longer working devs that it is defined in the game system. We'll be conspirators now, but I don't really care.
The only solution is to put it in the offer of new mechs. You still throw half of the mechs in the trash or use it as food, but at least you buy what it needs. If Gato does that, it will give a drastic price, because more they want p2w they will buy premium packs where 4 good things will fall for every $ 100 ... LOL


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1 hour ago, Jesper said:

I'm a little sad that you locked the topic about GOLDEN PORTAL, but I understand, you solved it ...
However, there was a question about the differences in the accounts. The issue of account differences has been addressed several times in the past. If you didn't turn off the old forum, I'd give you a copy-paste thread where it was written about. TS devs also admitted that there were differences in the accounts.
So I ask again why one account gets 20 claws and not one valiant or spartan. And another account gets 8 valiants and not a single claws. And this is happening permanently. It doesn't even matter how long you play. If you are an f2p player you may get maybe one valiant in 1 or 2 years.
I guess if you invest a large amount at once, you will lose what you need. But that supports what I'm asking. Accounts are intentionally set in accounts so that the system knows what to give primarily.
I hope you don't call it a conspiracy theory, because it would be embarrassing. Thank you for your response.

I mean thats just rng on how good your acc gone :))

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9 minutes ago, Purific said:

Nechápem, čo myslíte tým „je to vyriešené“. Teraz sme späť pri starých zlatých portáloch TS Braindead, ktoré dávajú max. 45 žetónov. TS tiež nikdy nepovedala, že jeden účet má iné poklesy ako ten druhý

And what did you expect them to reduce the difficulty for most players while leaving the amount of the reward? You don't count as a majority, you're almost a TOP player. Gato made a compromise. That's why Alexander called it solved.

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Just now, Jesper said:

And what did you expect them to reduce the difficulty for most players while leaving the amount of the reward? You don't count as a majority, you're almost a TOP player. Gato made a compromise. That's why Alexander called it solved.

No, I do not understand why did you all call portal a scam when you get 100+ just by doing normal and hard and now we will only get 45 each gold portal if you do all the difficulties. Yeah 45 is much better than 110 if you dont include insane (230 then)

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5 minutes ago, Purific said:

Nie, nerozumiem, prečo ste všetci nazývali portál podvodom, keď získate viac ako 100 iba tak, že budete robiť normálne a tvrdé veci, a teraz získate iba 45 zlatých portálov, ak urobíte všetky ťažkosti. Áno, 45 je oveľa lepších ako 110, ak nezahŕňaš šialené (230 potom)

Once again, please use self-reflection. We're talking about 20,000 players. We're not talking about the 200th Spock from STAR TREK, it would explain it to you like this: "The needs of the majority outweigh the needs of the minority."

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1 minute ago, Jesper said:

Once again, please use self-reflection. We're talking about 20,000 players. We're not talking about the 200th Spock from STAR TREK, it would explain it to you like this: "The needs of the majority outweigh the needs of the minority."

I fail to understand your logic. Easy and hard is literally the same as before and only insane is made harder for better rewards. In what way are majority in lose here when you already get better rewards just by doing easy and hard?

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9 minutes ago, Jesper said:

And what did you expect them to reduce the difficulty for most players while leaving the amount of the reward? You don't count as a majority, you're almost a TOP player. Gato made a compromise. That's why Alexander called it solved.

I need some resistante and platinum grapping hook and super b chatge engine selfish guardian distance shredeer terror blade swwop molten vest which i need themost is no use its hard to get these items i really need

1 hour ago, OKI DOKI said:

I do believe it is a proper question. I am one of your example. No valiant, magmas, etc no in the free or pay for boxes. I got few magmas because summer sale in 2020 and saved them without use not having proper modules for it. Some accounts gets set from start in my opinion. It does happen at all rank levels in my case also with regular modules or nightfall or ani etc when I was trying to progress at low rank and I got basic energy and heat modules when I used 500 tokens earned for free with the 500 tokens offer then I got a bunch for meat. I do understand it is by luck but still a bit hard for many to get parts. 



Wow so many likes

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4 minutes ago, Purific said:

Nechápem tvoju logiku. Ľahké a ťažké je doslova to isté ako predtým a len šialené sa robí ťažšie pre lepšie odmeny. Akým spôsobom sa  tu stráca väčšina,  keď už dosiahnete lepšie odmeny len tak, že budete robiť ľahké a tvrdé kroky?

You don't understand because you don't have self-reflection. Create an account and play with it for 2 months and play golden gate on hard. How much will you earn? Don't think about yourself. Forgot your majority account? But Alexander said he would reconsider this over time. So you will definitely be satisfied too 😉

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Just now, Jesper said:

You don't understand because you don't have self-reflection. Create an account and play with it for 2 months and play golden gate on hard. How much will you earn? Don't think about yourself. Forgot your majority account? But Alexander said he would reconsider this over time. So you will definitely be satisfied too 😉

For your information I already have an alt that is few months old and It can definitely beat hard mode. I guess people here prefer pew pew autopilot portals that are literally not fun over having an actual challenge. That says a lot. Also, just letting you know that not every event is for every player. If you can't beat insane that will just motivate you more to play the game and become stronger. I don't know in what game did you saw that insane is supposed to be easy😉

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I remember back May 2020 I asked to the forum the opinion about selling coins to enhance arena stats and 95% said no to my wondering. The reason was because even I was new player the system match maker used to match me with higher up and good deal on arena stats against me not having them. Now the sales are around and I still have the opinion that it is good for those have the tokens and can advance because the match maker still punish those with low conditions.

Sure now I am max etc and we need to look for other venues to use those extra coins. 

Now, I have a question for you Old players

What do you think about selling gold relics? Why I ask?

Regardless the game it is a bout to progress and then enhance and that it is what I do and can see in my threads, the system still making matches a bit in the unfair way.

I remember Nefty mention the unfair losses in the arena and sure it does affect but that it is different history and I do not want to go there. My question is base in the sense of match making regardless people at play in particular hour. 

For example, the game have the tendency since I started the game to have adversaries 90% with higher HP. Every time I increase the HP the game compensate to keep adding that 300-500 above me at any rank and I do make those test for over a year. Every time I change a mech the game compensate with the opponent that will kill my mechs.

Apart of that, many players play solo like I was and to get relics it is really hard but match making force the player to fight with those with that advantage. Even it is part of clan condition to get them, a solo player it is punished too hard not getting them to force the condition of clan. 

Now, apart of those issues also some players in fortune boxes or clan or rank boxes barely can get a gold relic as I have seen some long term players frustrated not getting them. 

I think a sale in the arena shop adding that option can help with tokens usage. It can help to make a part not divined for 6 months etc and bad luck to get them. I will think in 200 tokens per gold relic as a fixed price since it is hard to get tokens for a free to play player. 

I am 1.5yrs player 

In OKI. Pathetic when I face the best players of this game. Can I win? Sure but hard. Yes, it is about clan and progress but still a bit off when matches happen with tuff conditions. 

Not controversy please. It is a simple question and to have your opinion about it. 


O.D FARM even worse



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1 minute ago, OKI DOKI said:

I remember back May 2020 I asked to the forum the opinion about selling coins to enhance arena stats and 95% said no to my wondering. The reason was because even I was new player the system match maker used to match me with higher up and good deal on arena stats against me not having them. Now the sales are around and I still have the opinion that it is good for those have the tokens and can advance because the match maker still punish those with low conditions.

Sure now I am max etc and we need to look for other venues to use those extra coins. 

Now, I have a question for you Old players

What do you think about selling gold relics? Why I ask?

Regardless the game it is a bout to progress and then enhance and that it is what I do and can see in my threads, the system still making matches a bit in the unfair way.

I remember Nefty mention the unfair losses in the arena and sure it does affect but that it is different history and I do not want to go there. My question is base in the sense of match making regardless people at play in particular hour. 

For example, the game have the tendency since I started the game to have adversaries 90% with higher HP. Every time I increase the HP the game compensate to keep adding that 300-500 above me at any rank and I do make those test for over a year. Every time I change a mech the game compensate with the opponent that will kill my mechs.

Apart of that, many players play solo like I was and to get relics it is really hard but match making force the player to fight with those with that advantage. Even it is part of clan condition to get them, a solo player it is punished too hard not getting them to force the condition of clan. 

Now, apart of those issues also some players in fortune boxes or clan or rank boxes barely can get a gold relic as I have seen some long term players frustrated not getting them. 

I think a sale in the arena shop adding that option can help with tokens usage. It can help to make a part not divined for 6 months etc and bad luck to get them. I will think in 200 tokens per gold relic as a fixed price since it is hard to get tokens for a free to play player. 

I am 1.5yrs player 

In OKI. Pathetic when I face the best players of this game. Can I win? Sure but hard. Yes, it is about clan and progress but still a bit off when matches happen with tuff conditions. 

Not controversy please. It is a simple question and to have your opinion about it. 


O.D FARM even worse



Iirc Alex said that he will add more ways to obtain relics soon.

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I would like to say what I think by points, so as not to interfere with the mustard ...

* Regarding the Relics. The system as it had been raised at the beginning was not bad, it was something similar to the Arena Update, it favored old players over newer ones. But it wasn't too bad. The problem came when Sarah made private agreements and the beneficiaries of those agreements abused the benefit that was given to them. And Gato didn't correct this because it doesn't suit them. I hope that one day Alexander becomes aware of what is happening and decides to do something about it. Deep down, still, somewhere, there must be something of the Alexander that I knew.

* About Gold Portal, if I haven´t read it wrong, what was said is that the difficulty would be less and that the reward would be somewhat lower as well, but didn´t say that the reward would be the same as that granted by TS. Which is not the ideal solution, but at least  is a middle point between what we would have wanted and the interests of the administration.

* I was concerned that Alexander implied that there will no longer be Item Portals. I don´t know who he consults with,  but the issue that players do not want item portals doesn´t seem correct to me. That the mechanics are repetitive, it´s true, the same happens with the campaign. But the same. it's the only way to get some better items. So I don't think players don't want item portals.

* And if every time we make a comment to make things better, they are going to say that we are conspirators or that we accuse others of conspiring, then we are screwed. Bad criticism, if done with good intention, is much more productive than good criticism. The bad review makes us see the mistakes and encourages us to improve.


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7 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

* O portáli Gold, ak som to nečítal zle, hovorilo sa, že obtiažnosť bude menšia a že odmena bude tiež o niečo nižšia, ale nepovedal, že odmena bude rovnaká ako poskytnutá. spoločnosťou TS. Čo nie je ideálne riešenie, ale je to aspoň stredný bod medzi tým, čo by sme chceli, a záujmami správy.


I would like to say something else about the Item portal.It was one of the things @Burn Baby Burn pointed out to me. He explained to me that the Item portal has one more function, in addition to giving you a new epic item. If you've been playing long enough, the item portal has given you legy items. The players exchanged information about who missed the tokens and how many legions received.
Alexander is a strict mathematician. He sees everything through calculations and immediately knows what pays off and what doesn't. But more people are playing this game. And as they say - more people, there are more tastes. Try to reach out to the community more. After all, it was one of the first promises you made to us after the purchase from TS.

The biggest problem for @Alexander, so at least I hope so is that he allows unjustly armed players to play. There aren't many of them anymore, but they still are. I promised Clevername I wouldn't say that, but over time I see the importance of telling the community about bad things. I also promised the community that I would write down how I got the ban and what I did for the game ... but only later and in the form of a video that no one can delete and can ban here on the account.
So, as has been shown several times in the foreground, a video about opening premium boxes with dozens of epic and legy divine crystals. Our friend Clevername received this offer from SARAH. Two years ago, a player no one knew and wanted to play in RR, but was eventually taken by TF. He knew that when Tacticsoft came with the divine, he had no chance and money would not help him. The only thing that could help him was divine offer for money. For a bit of fame, he made an agreement where one unnamed developer made a tailor-made offer for him. First it was a 50purple/50gold divine relics and 2x Cockpit burner and then a 50purple/50gold divine relics and 2x Selfish Guardian.
But the richest player in the world who can buy everything has started selling offers. I don't know how many people besides me and ROMAN has sold it. But the video where KOKOTOV aka Supermechs Helper opens premium boxes with dozens of purple and gold divine relics is an offer I sold him. For $ 49 as he stood. Not for $ 100 first and $ 120 second, as Clevername sold me the same offer ... LOL
What I mean by that is that, from a moral point of view, such an offer should be offered every month. Let the players who are p2w and want to beat Clevername have a chance to fulfill the dream. Because perhaps no one here thinks the situation is fair. Either Alexander should take the Clevername divine mark from 100 epic and 100 legal things, or he should offer such offers to everyone.

Peace for all clever players 😉

Edited by Jesper (see edit history)
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I don't know where to start, super mechs left full of bullshit and huge delay

now i see a game lying that around, here's a little trick for a asshole?

alex, sarah or other + hacked group who secretly sell

before 2017 more 1000 item with good measure also small kg weapon up to large weapon

and now everything is mixed up, 500 item very bad , much ridiculous....

alex, sarah or other + hacked group who secretly sell.

sm progress 10 times more played and 10 times tokens, 10 more expensive

the impossible advanced my game

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14 minutes ago, Grosboss said:

I don't know where to start, super mechs left full of bullshit and huge delay

now i see a game lying that around, here's a little trick for a asshole?

alex, sarah or other + hacked group who secretly sell

before 2017 more 1000 item with good measure also small kg weapon up to large weapon

and now everything is mixed up, 500 item very bad , much ridiculous....

alex, sarah or other + hacked group who secretly sell.

sm progress 10 times more played and 10 times tokens, 10 more expensive

the impossible advanced my game

I opened 3 premium packs and got all epics :((

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