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I was a noob


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 One day when I was a noob I got a legendary was a hardened platinum vest I already had the avenger and I had no idea which one was better so use A LEGENDARY TO IMPROVE DO NOT UPGRADE IMPROVE the avenger who in the end uses pra improve the windigo to the mythical

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On 3/30/2021 at 2:43 PM, Atusiff said:

You haven't played the game unless you fused a good item that you needed.

Oh man i remember when i fused my nightfall, 2 annihilation's, Reckoning and mighty cannon just for a mythical Interceptor (I ended up replacing the Interceptor with a Naga anyways which in result wasted my 5 good legendaries)

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On 3/30/2021 at 4:10 PM, Patimomo said:

 One day when I was a noob I got a legendary was a hardened platinum vest I already had the avenger and I had no idea which one was better so use A LEGENDARY TO IMPROVE DO NOT UPGRADE IMPROVE the avenger who in the end uses pra improve the windigo to the mythical

When I once got my first Archimonde, I used it to improve my legendary Avenger when I still had my old main account... Yes, I mythed the Avenger with the thought of Avenger being superior because I beat an Archimonde user in a Claw stomp battle (He had 1 Annihilation while I had 2, so I won from extra damage due to more resist break).

... I then lost that main account, so I lost my Claw, LPV, and Valiant Sniper (LPV + Valiant Sniper were on my third build, which was energy)... But hey, I had a redemption arc in the form of my current main, Whiteout.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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On 4/1/2021 at 6:48 AM, Reveag said:

Oh man i remember when i fused my nightfall, 2 annihilation's, Reckoning and mighty cannon just for a mythical Interceptor (I ended up replacing the Interceptor with a Naga anyways which in result wasted my 5 good legendaries)


6 hours ago, Getsu6057 said:

i remember back then i used a energy free armor and a energy monkey torso as myth food for a terror cry

i need these 2 things


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On 4/1/2021 at 2:25 AM, Tirreggregars said:

My worst was using a falcon and molten paltinum vest to myth a flaminator or smth, which I dont use anymore

my worst was using a flaming scope and a few other valuable heat legendaries to myth my flame battery armor

it still sits there to this day in the spot right above my regen boosters

I polish rocks

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