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How To Upgrade

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This is a collection of the most efficient ways to upgrade items


General Rule: 



PUK=power unit kit

Item=Any Item except a PUK


How to upgrade:


To get a level 5 common PUK:

  • Upgrade a level 1 common PUK, with another level 1 common PUK


To max a common PUK:

  • 3 rare items+6 common items
  • 19 common items


To get a level 17 rare PUK

  • 2 max common PUK+1 rare item+1 common item


To max a rare PUK:

  • 3 max common PUK+1 level 5 common PUK
  • 3 max common PUK+1 rare item+3 common items
  • 1 level 17 rare PUK


To max 1 epic item

  • 1 max rare rare PUK+1 level 17 PUK+1 common item




Ur welcome



I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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for max effecincy of not wasting kits, 3 common items or 1 rare item equals one level 5 common kit

for a rare level 17 kit you could use 2 maxed common kits and 1 level 5 common kit

maxing a non E-M legendary item is 4 kits, L-M is 5 (max rare kits)

maxing a E-M myth from level 1-50 is 525k boost power so 10 max rare kits, and a level 16 rare kit

Clan: Goodbye To A World

epicspeedster, SpeedMachine

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1 minute ago, epicspeedster said:

for max effecincy of not wasting kits, 3 common items or 1 rare item equals one level 5 common kit

for a rare level 17 kit you could use 2 maxed common kits and 1 level 5 common kit

maxing a non E-M legendary item is 4 kits, L-M is 5 (max rare kits)

maxing a E-M myth from level 1-50 is 525k boost power so 10 max rare kits, and a level 16 rare kit

one correction 1 rare = 1760 boost pwoer, whilst 3 commons=1200, ur first part doesnt make sense.

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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Just now, Spam said:

I don't know how many people read the tips that popup in arena but one of them said that items of the same type give a better boost than items of a different type.

yea thats true, also of the same element

I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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To max rare puk with rare puk use

lvl 16 puk + 3 commons

Instaed of 

Lvl 17 puk, which is equal to

lvl 16 puk + rare item + common item

To make lvl 16 puk just fuse 2 maxed common puks


I wish you edit that so I can delete my reply if you want to keep the topic clean

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2 hours ago, TheLord said:

To max rare puk with rare puk use

lvl 16 puk + 3 commons

Instaed of 

Lvl 17 puk, which is equal to

lvl 16 puk + rare item + common item

To make lvl 16 puk just fuse 2 maxed common puks


I wish you edit that so I can delete my reply if you want to keep the topic clean

Since rare power kits, are generally rarer to come by than common power kits, I don't think this is a great idea.



I literally pulled an MPV from r3 box, and from the other r3 box I opened, I puleld plat fortress, so its holy sry whiteout

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Catch is, if you use a item of the same class/type to boost, you get 10% more power.

If you get both of them correct you have 20% more power.


If I use a common sikanda, which have 400 power, to boost my dawnblaze, dawnblaze will receive 480.

Whereas if I use it to boost my savagery OR if I use it to boost my viking hammer, the item will receive 440.

If I use it to boost anything not explosive or anything not side weapon, I will get 400.

Boosting common kits, and then use it to boost items give you 17% since power kits do not benefit from this -- which made it a waste of power and money.

It's tedious, but boosting item-by-item is more efficient when power units fall short.

A rare kit that came (as is) will give you 20%+ boosts (22.5% or something), which make it worthwhile. Same goes for epic/legendary kits.

Hence the food I use to feed the transformations is largely random -- I just grab whatever plentiful item I have on my table that goes to legendary. Redeemer? Or annihilation? Maybe dawnblaze?

Maybe all of them. I need quite some amount of it.

Edited by CDR_Xavier
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It's a FLASH GAME. At least, it once were.

Get over it

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8 hours ago, Tirreggregars said:

Since rare power kits, are generally rarer to come by than common power kits, I don't think this is a great idea.



What? You didn't get it


You just said here 

On 3/29/2021 at 10:13 PM, Tirreggregars said:

To max a rare PUK:

  • 3 max common PUK+1 level 5 common PUK
  • 3 max common PUK+1 rare item+3 common items
  • 1 level 17 rare PUK

The 3rd one you said to max a puk use lvl 17 puk

Replace the lvl 17 puk with lvl 16 + 3 commons

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1 hour ago, TheLord said:

You just said here 

I'm pretty sure it's for reference only.

Stacking kits (boosting kits with kits) work, but rather costly (as the kits themselves can be used perfectly fine with other non-kit items)

It's a FLASH GAME. At least, it once were.

Get over it

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On 3/29/2021 at 2:13 PM, Tirreggregars said:

To get a level 5 common PUK:

  • Upgrade a level 1 common PUK, with another level 1 common PUK

I would not recommend upgrading power kits with other power kits.  I would recommend only using common items (cheapest) built in the base, or items you get from campaign farming, to upgrade power kits.

I don't ever feed power kits to other power kits.  All power kits give a boost bonus.  Feeding one power kit to another, however, really doesn't do that.  It would be almost like buying something in the grocery store with a coupon, and the item you bought came with another coupon for you to use next time you buy that item again.  Feeding power kits to other power kits does not, last I checked, stack up the bonus in the sense of getting an upgrade boost.  It seems to only be equivalent (i.e. power kit to power kit boosting seems to only go 1=1, not like upgrading power kits with commons, which seems to be 1:1.3).

On 3/29/2021 at 2:13 PM, Tirreggregars said:


I also do not agree here.  I would say don't do that 99% of the time.  BUT if you are waiting for a certain item and you want to store up enough power kits to max it out really quick, you can transform power kits.  Some people who are trying to get rare items from power kits, people who are in the top ranks, sometimes store up epic power kits for this purpose.  It's rare but there's that 1% where it can be useful to just store up a bunch of upgrade power.

Like if you're using selfish protector, which is max'd, but trying to buy premium packs to get selfish guardian.  You can have the power kits saved up to max it out pretty much when you get it, if that's your thing.


"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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16 hours ago, MasterChief said:

honestly, max rare kits are the way to go

max common isnt really worth the..... 20k...

but max legy/epic are too expensive

Max commons are okay. They pack decent punch.

The higher the level (which mean more power to next level), the higher the increase in the amount of power (for the kit). In higher levels you can get to 11K increase in power (per level), although you need to spend about 8K or 9K to boost that level (which might be discouraging)

Max epics are used on legendaries. A maxed epic will boost a (non premium) legendary item to level 33. A legendary that is below level 32 will not be maxed with the use of another epic kit (and will need some common food).

Legendary kits, in their name, should go with prenium legendary/mythed ones.

But again, those are pretty rare. You will not want to transform power kits.

17 hours ago, SawzAll said:

I also do not agree here.  I would say don't do that 99% of the time.  BUT if you are waiting for a certain item and you want to store up enough power kits to max it out really quick, you can transform power kits.

You must also agree that by transforming, you need to spend gold and you lose some power.

Yes, I agree, having a power kit at 100K power (or 50K power) and use it to boost a dozen level on an item feels good, it might not be THE most economic choice.

Same as when you boost common kits to boost other items -- you can boost all the legendary with the commons directly (20% rule), but its tedious and the boosting seem to not have any effect. But it might as well be the more economical one.

Edited by CDR_Xavier
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It's a FLASH GAME. At least, it once were.

Get over it

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1 minute ago, CDR_Xavier said:

You must also agree that by transforming, you need to spend gold and you lose some power.

No, I don't agree there.  I'm just saying if the boost comes (math) from using commons to upgrade a common PKU, why would I then feed that common PKU to a rare PKU?  So what I do, personally, is use commons (factories in the base) to upgrade all my power kits.  I don't feed PKUs to other PKUs, and I don't transform them.  I max them out at whatever level they come and use them appropriately.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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20 hours ago, SawzAll said:

I would not recommend upgrading power kits with other power kits.  I would recommend only using common items (cheapest) built in the base, or items you get from campaign farming, to upgrade power kits.

a common power kit at level 1 has 1200 boost power combining another common level 1 powerkit will boost the boost power by 1400 boost power so you get a better power kit and the sacrifice is worth it.

PURPLE  Bring Back The Confetti! "Like and follow it'll give me a better reputation" - Spam


Stolen from @JamAnime

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3 hours ago, Spam said:

a common power kit at level 1 has 1200 boost power combining another common level 1 powerkit will boost the boost power by 1400 boost power so you get a better power kit and the sacrifice is worth it.

Ok, then I stand corrected.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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  • 2 months later...
On 4/5/2021 at 9:28 PM, SawzAll said:

Ok, then I stand corrected.

No, you don't, spam is wrong, upgrading a kit with another common kit is a waste of kits, to get a lvl 5 kit (+1400 boost power), you can either use a power kit (cost 6k in base), or 3 commons (cost 3k in base), so it is twice as effective to use commons to upgrade, than it is to use PUK to upgrade other PUK.

In regards to what you said about storing kits, it is wrong see here:

If I have 1 max common kit, i have 10k boost power, if i wish to upgrade it to rare, I use 2 common items=800 boost power, then I must upgrade the rare kit with 35.8k boost power to max it, meaning to get 50k boost power (1 max rare kit), I use 46.6k boost power. So a small gain, around 7%

If i just upgrade a common PUK to max, I use around 7.6 k boost power, to get 10k boost power, which is a gain of 33%

If I have a max rare kit (50k boost power), and transform it to epic using 2 rares (3.52k boost power), and then max it (85.8k boost power), I use a total of 139.32k boost power, to get 1 max epic kit, which only gives 130k boost power, so you are losing boost power by transforming a max rare kit to epic

IfI have a max epic kit (130k), and transform it to legy using 4 epics (14k boost power), and max it (200k boost power), I get a PUK that has 300k boost power, however to get that PUK, I used 343k boost power, so I lose even more power.

So we can conclude, it is never worth it to transform kits, unless you have big inventory problems.

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9 hours ago, Username4 said:

No, you don't, spam is wrong, upgrading a kit with another common kit is a waste of kits, to get a lvl 5 kit (+1400 boost power), you can either use a power kit (cost 6k in base), or 3 commons (cost 3k in base), so it is twice as effective to use commons to upgrade, than it is to use PUK to upgrade other PUK.

In regards to what you said about storing kits, it is wrong see here:

If I have 1 max common kit, i have 10k boost power, if i wish to upgrade it to rare, I use 2 common items=800 boost power, then I must upgrade the rare kit with 35.8k boost power to max it, meaning to get 50k boost power (1 max rare kit), I use 46.6k boost power. So a small gain, around 7%

If i just upgrade a common PUK to max, I use around 7.6 k boost power, to get 10k boost power, which is a gain of 33%

If I have a max rare kit (50k boost power), and transform it to epic using 2 rares (3.52k boost power), and then max it (85.8k boost power), I use a total of 139.32k boost power, to get 1 max epic kit, which only gives 130k boost power, so you are losing boost power by transforming a max rare kit to epic

IfI have a max epic kit (130k), and transform it to legy using 4 epics (14k boost power), and max it (200k boost power), I get a PUK that has 300k boost power, however to get that PUK, I used 343k boost power, so I lose even more power.

So we can conclude, it is never worth it to transform kits, unless you have big inventory problems.

So I guess I stand corrected, lol.

PURPLE  Bring Back The Confetti! "Like and follow it'll give me a better reputation" - Spam


Stolen from @JamAnime

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On 6/6/2021 at 11:13 AM, Username4 said:

No, you don't, spam is wrong, upgrading a kit with another common kit is a waste of kits, to get a lvl 5 kit (+1400 boost power), you can either use a power kit (cost 6k in base), or 3 commons (cost 3k in base), so it is twice as effective to use commons to upgrade, than it is to use PUK to upgrade other PUK.

In regards to what you said about storing kits, it is wrong see here:

If I have 1 max common kit, i have 10k boost power, if i wish to upgrade it to rare, I use 2 common items=800 boost power, then I must upgrade the rare kit with 35.8k boost power to max it, meaning to get 50k boost power (1 max rare kit), I use 46.6k boost power. So a small gain, around 7%

If i just upgrade a common PUK to max, I use around 7.6 k boost power, to get 10k boost power, which is a gain of 33%

If I have a max rare kit (50k boost power), and transform it to epic using 2 rares (3.52k boost power), and then max it (85.8k boost power), I use a total of 139.32k boost power, to get 1 max epic kit, which only gives 130k boost power, so you are losing boost power by transforming a max rare kit to epic

IfI have a max epic kit (130k), and transform it to legy using 4 epics (14k boost power), and max it (200k boost power), I get a PUK that has 300k boost power, however to get that PUK, I used 343k boost power, so I lose even more power.

So we can conclude, it is never worth it to transform kits, unless you have big inventory problems.

True, never transtforn kits

But why its better to craft kits only instead of commons

- kits doesn't need space

- you have a chance for rare kits

So the more kits you make the more rare kits you get,

also you can fuse lvl 16 rare puk + 1 common puk or 3 common items to lvl 1 rare puk to max it

Still some times you will need some common items to have better fuse system 

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, couple of things, using power kits on each other does provide an efficiency boost. Also, if you need rare kits, transforming common kits does actually end up being helpful, but it is long and tedious. Finally, the most efficient way to upgrade kits if you’re using base is for one factory to constantly craft kits while the other three craft commons. Use 19 commons on each common kit, then three max common kits, one rare item, and three common items on each rare kit. Also, slight tidbit that I don’t think anyone else has mentioned, it is actually slightly more cost-effective to upgrade an item all at once, instead of as you get items/kits. The reason for this is that the amount of gold each upgrade costs is rounded up, so if you upgrade individually you end up paying slightly more coins. It’s practically negligible, but good to know.

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