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How To Upgrade

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28 minutes ago, That1Guy said:

Finally, the most efficient way to upgrade kits if you’re using base is for one factory to constantly craft kits while the other three craft commons

I would not do this, especially for new players. Cost too much gold, when you can farm for boxes.  Just farm for boxes and save them up like crazy. When ready to upgrade, open the boxes.  You save gold for upgrading by doing this.  If you craft common, you are wasting gold.


I use to farm like crazy on OD6 and get around 30 to 50 boxes a day.  Math that out for 7 days, and you get around 200 to 400 boxes.  Times that 200 by 3, and you get 600 items that are either common or rare, and sometimes epic.  Crafting 600 common cost 567,000 gold. I rather save that then spend on crafting. If you are going to be a full on f2p player, it is best to save as much gold as possible for upgrading.  Gold is more essential than tokens, especially for f2p players.  You don't throw away gold for common, when you can farm common.

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9 hours ago, That1Guy said:

Ok, couple of things, using power kits on each other does provide an efficiency boost. Also, if you need rare kits, transforming common kits does actually end up being helpful, but it is long and tedious. Finally, the most efficient way to upgrade kits if you’re using base is for one factory to constantly craft kits while the other three craft commons. Use 19 commons on each common kit, then three max common kits, one rare item, and three common items on each rare kit. Also, slight tidbit that I don’t think anyone else has mentioned, it is actually slightly more cost-effective to upgrade an item all at once, instead of as you get items/kits. The reason for this is that the amount of gold each upgrade costs is rounded up, so if you upgrade individually you end up paying slightly more coins. It’s practically negligible, but good to know.

1. Upgrading kits with kits is less money efficient

2. Transforming kits gives less boost efficiency than not

3. Cool third point, nice

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On 3/30/2021 at 1:13 AM, Tirreggregars said:

This is a collection of the most efficient ways to upgrade items


General Rule: 



PUK=power unit kit

Item=Any Item except a PUK


How to upgrade:


To get a level 5 common PUK:

  • Upgrade a level 1 common PUK, with another level 1 common PUK


To max a common PUK:

  • 3 rare items+6 common items
  • 19 common items


To get a level 17 rare PUK

  • 2 max common PUK+1 rare item+1 common item


To max a rare PUK:

  • 3 max common PUK+1 level 5 common PUK
  • 3 max common PUK+1 rare item+3 common items
  • 1 level 17 rare PUK


To max 1 epic item

  • 1 max rare rare PUK+1 level 17 PUK+1 common item




Ur welcome



Should I only use Max Common Power Kit to upgrade or Use Rare Max Power Kit??

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9 hours ago, monjursayad said:

Should I only use Max Common Power Kit to upgrade or Use Rare Max Power Kit??

You your gonna want to max out common power kits, and some to lvl 5.  It takes 3 common to get it to lvl 5 or one rare item.

Then you use 3 max common pk and a lvl 5 power kit to max out a rare power kit

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1 hour ago, SawzAll said:

Not even.

Also, this helpful image:


Nice, however, I don't recommend transforming kits ever.

If you transform a rare kit to epic and max it, you spend slightly more power than you get.

If you transform an epic kit to legy, you lose a substantial amount of power.

And transforming a common kit to rare doesn't lose power, but it is less input to output efficient than not transforming it.


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19 minutes ago, The Great said:

Nice, however, I don't recommend transforming kits ever.

If you transform a rare kit to epic and max it, you spend slightly more power than you get.

Every old player knows that. You don't transform pk. you max them at the lvl they are, especially base users. If you don't have base, then it is needed to transform a common to rare. You don't ever transform a rare to epic, or epic to legendary kits.

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9 hours ago, JamAnime said:

Every old player knows that. You don't transform pk. you max them at the lvl they are, especially base users. If you don't have base, then it is needed to transform a common to rare. You don't ever transform a rare to epic, or epic to legendary kits.

Hey, Should I only use Max Common Power Kit Or Max Rare??

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On 7/18/2021 at 2:40 PM, The Great said:

Nice, however, I don't recommend transforming kits ever.

If you transform a rare kit to epic and max it, you spend slightly more power than you get.

If you transform an epic kit to legy, you lose a substantial amount of power.

And transforming a common kit to rare doesn't lose power, but it is less input to output efficient than not transforming it.


Yeah, it's not my image, and I agree: don't transform power kits, it's inefficient.

Unless you just have nothing else better to do and feel like wasting gold.

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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