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Everything posted by Tirreggregars

  1. @CleverName I tried to make a build with archimonde, I tried it in WU against your best phys and best heat build and it consistently won. Here it is, do you think it would work? I was wondering why would you equip the regular heat protector and the physical fortress instead of the heat fortress and physical protector, since with my option you gain resistance and lose nothing?
  2. It isnÄt valid, no one would equip a 1 kg drone that deals 20-25 damage, why? because it's irrelevant, and even now, swoop is useful, but requires a complete build change to be played, and if it weren't for the low cooling 4k hp mechs in the arena heat would be a lot weaker.
  3. @Grosboss what are the rank requirements and win requirements. I am rank 8-6, I get 50-150 wins, I farm tokens and fight titans and participate in war.
  4. it is last on the buff priority list, or at least it seems like it
  5. There is nk point in using 30 extra kg to get 270 useless regen, the scope is useless since you will almost never use it (teleport+scope almost energy breaks you). Overall just using one engine and two cooling boosters shoukld qork for the first one, so you have weight to use individual resistances.
  6. I am at a similar rank (7) and saviour resistance has worked perfectly for me. I believe it is mathematically impossible to disprove my claim (taking into account the fact that little to no dissolvers are used at my rank) EFA is generally weak to energy, since 240 valiant drain is superior to the 120 or so res you get with an efa.
  7. While I might agree for a max Plat Plate, at your rank saviour res is better than iron, since dissolvers are rare, and doing the maths it equates to more hp than an iron plate. Back tot he original post, if you wish to run any energy dependent weapons at all, I recommend MPV, since with EFA you have to equip one energy module at least if you want to run those, without any energy dependent weapons efa is better since it allows for better modules and more weapons. Overall, I recommend playing a sorrow, and otherwise I recommend using Windigo since it is now very very strong and easy to get. Right now you can't really go wrong with any of those torsos so it's up to you.
  8. Overall, I do not recommend using savagery or corrupt light, since they deal far too little damage. Your best option remains a sorrow or a Shadow Wolf, otherwise a basalt polisher also works. Desolation is last resort and overall not so good due to the Space Invader. Supreme canon is good (shadow is better) however then you are forced to play MPV. For the second build it might be better to replace one engine with a booster. If you have more magmas equip those.
  9. I don't know about the others but I pulled a dozen Epic ascension relics, I get a box around 70 percent of the time, and for now I've pulled 2 legendary ascension relics and a valiant sniper.
  10. Hooray, I got my first valiant sniper, and a legendary ascension relic (my second)
  11. Also, they wouldn't do it because there are only ads in campaign, and the more that lasts, the more ads you get, and therefore the more profit for Gato.
  12. I will be using the overall best weapons which in addition drain energy. For example dissolver is useless but drains the most 1. Valiant Sniper (17 res drain) 2. Bunker Shell (13 res drain) 3. Piercing Fox (10 res drain) 4. Lightning Cutter (10 res drain) 5. Brightroar (9 res drain) 6. Lightning Recoiler (10 res drain) 7. Bulldog (10 res drain) 8. Ultra Bright (5 res drain) 9. Party Crasher (5 res drain) 10. Frantic Lighning (10 res drain) This is the order which I would use if I wanted to put an eng res drain weapon on my mech.
  13. It wouldn't work, there are already so many glitches in 2x speed (hammer completely screws up the mechs), and sometimes the mechs stop working completely. So 4x would destroy the game, let alone 10x.
  14. The fact remains that with the exception of Lord Gorgon, the only torsos in the top 10 being used are Monkeys and Vests, note both are L-M, so why should Archimonde be much worse than its other L-M brothers? Also I play triple Monkey just FYI.
  15. There is no range 4-8 energy free physical weapon. If you buff energy, lower ranks will be unbalanced in favour of heat and energy, so I propose buffing the only f2p energy free heat weapon to counter that, by a 10 percent damage increase. That is all. I am not being reported I believe, so I think its just you
  16. I believe my original post to be an overbuff, an increase in 10 percent to the damage should be sufficient to make desolation useful for the F2P and in lower ranks, and weaker than the L-Ms in higher ranks.
  17. No that is actually wrong, the reason is the lack of strong non L-M energy free weapons, which are limited to: annihilation: heavy, too low damage and res drain in many cases, bad range (hammer and last words keep it out of range) desolation: too low damage, bad heat generation, bad range (grim cobra) heat bomb: not very played dissolvers: not rlly a weapon plus the lack of high damage charges, and of elec res mean that energy players hit 400 with each shot, killing an opponent within 3 turns once they are broken
  18. Dual malice works better, higher drain, better synergies, and after you've used up your grim uses your range 3 will be weak. Besides range 3-6 is much more played than 7-8. Also your build is far too heavy considering no drone. @OOSNSOO can you send ur inventory so we can see what you have at your disposal?
  19. When will this be updated. Also, can't all builds with a basalt dissolver use the new and better L-M dissolver?
  20. better dual malice than hysteria especially with the grim cobra
  21. True, I've seen you everywhere Next person doesn't like em and thinks I don't like them
  22. I play Viking Hammer with Last Words, to cover Ranges 1 and 2 it is very functional
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