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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Tirreggregars

  1. . Oh no, a bird flew into satans anal cavity...
  2. Wish i pulled one of those As in any dual module
  3. Banned for joining us Ban myself for banning masterchief Guys, how do u add a signature to the end of posts
  4. Everyone writes 3 words Once upon a
  5. banned because you need to stop having bad reasons
  6. banned for no having a decent comeback
  7. Yes, he has ignored my message since over 2 weeks He seems to have left the forum
  8. Banned because this was your 150th post U 2 doe
  9. Banned because you couldnt think of a comeback
  10. Yo, normally it only brings your items to legendary or epuc
  11. Weapon choice is great, but mercy instead of recoiler would be better
  12. Bruh, charge, hook. Rolling r too heavy and too bad. Also, my flex: A quick update, my third mech (nightfall, night eagle, massive stone feet, rusty energy armour, tonto, e-m charge, epic hook, new backfire dissolver, 1 csu, 2 energy engines, 1 plat plate, 1 superhot protector, 2 heat engines, 1 cooling booster) has now got a divine tonto, and a max myth rusty energy armour, everything else, except the charge (level 25 legy), the new backfire drainer (added yesterday, level 1 legy, the hook (level 1 epic) and two level 35 energy engines is max legy, mercy is now mythic!
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