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Everything posted by Tirreggregars

  1. i didnt pull it but I only opened one prem pack.
  2. I got a plasma fortress, for a sec I thought it was defense matrix, but ig is still good. @CleverName can you post max stats as soon as you have them.
  3. The energy damage is far too high. I think he heat cost should be increased to 70, with that said, I think this is a great idea. However, doing this would make it a necessity to make a phys eng free drone, which would be far too strong.
  4. Honestly, the module choice is rather bad. You should use on CSU, and 2 energy engines, and one heat engine, with 2 cooling boosters, if you prefer two engines and 1 booster works as well.
  5. wait for max fortress What happened to IvarTheBoneless. Is he SkyNarl now, or did he quit
  6. The boiler is fine, however maybe a corrupt instead of dawnblaze
  7. Well, one thing that happened to me: my clan won the war and got the loser reward, after having contacted @Alexander and received no response, I am stuck with two useless relics. I ask again @Alexander, pls look into this. War is the best way to get relics, and I personally rlly need them.
  8. Broken rocket battery? Thats what those words r haha
  9. True haha am in the same clan as @MasterChief Finally, max legy already.
  10. True, a few remarks: Season reward issues have happened to me on my alt as well, it is really annoying. I also sometimes don't get raid rewards on my alt either. This forum is largely inactive due to bad organisation. The main problem is you cannot find anything, if I wanted to find the flex thread I'd have to search for it, in the old one it was immediately there for me to see. Whilst it looks cool, functionality is low. A suggestion: Ads should auto-close upon completion to allow farming to be farming and not staring at the computer completing a mission and closing the ads. @Alexander Please look into this.
  11. AIght, idk it doe my in game name is Tirreggregars
  12. Yea, magma recoiler remains the best option, maybe after shadow wolf.
  13. Nah am rank 8-6, so if you play counters you could easily beat me. I have no myth modules either. Idk, if you're online in global chat we could fight. I flex getting countering with rounded mechs, and getting insta quits 1B3B5 1B62E 1B933 2A55A 2DE06 2FCDD
  14. Already made one, however, if you have questions about builds, to go the mech building academy club. That's where you should ask.
  15. For the real ones: I challenge you to put this as your background in all your online classes. I did and got compliments about it from every teacher. I even claimed to have drawn it myself. Greta??!!
  16. Also sawz u wanna fight (in game) I have a test mech.
  17. Well, I personally don't use it, but on a heat mech it is far stronger than terror cry, and the backfire is not a gift, since the heat damage will make the opponent lose an action point, fully paying back the sacrifice you make. Plus, it is one of the most useless weapons in the game, if you really want to run a phys push weapon runt he phys recoiler, terror deals less damage and has no res drain. Anyways, running weapons of the same type is almost always better, and terror cry is surely not stronger than cracked plasma cannon on heat build, ofc abomination is better, but it's l-m.
  18. I have diablo got rank 1 with smth similar, and dual broken energy annihilator (l-m) is now viable with dual roar or dual bunker. Also, energy deals just as much drain as heat, with the exception of some weapons dealing more and dawn blaze dealing less. Anyways, you do not need res if you have energy, without energy you need res or any energy mech will ass phack you.
  19. With the phys res it is very strong. The legs are bad but at least they are effective fro getting you into the correct range.
  20. Oh, mind sending a picture of the finished build, I am intrigued. Without shadow wolf B was a bit weak.
  21. No, there was someone collecting coins to try and get that many, but as far as I know they haven't managed it yet.
  22. One tip that has helped me a shit ton in ranks 8-6. Around those ranks, I've noticed most everyone plays counters, that means that my rounded mechs stood no chance, until: I realised if while picking mechs I have heat first and energy second, like this: But when selecting, I pick the energy mech first, I can defeat most counters, since they will put their heat counters first. Using this tactic I've gotten much further then I would've otherwise. it is also rather fun, since eventually people remember me and pick accordingly, so I also counter their picks. Anyways its great for farming wins, since many people instant quit. Some insta quits I got using this tactic: 1B3B5 1B62E 1B933 2A55A 2DE06 2FCDD
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