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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Tirreggregars

  1. I mean, just change torso to windigo, and make the legds stone feet.
  2. Aight, they're around 3 times as good The stone feet I mean
  3. Aight haha, I need another 100 k then imma flex Also use stone feet instead of beasts
  4. True true, btw for ur phys, u only need one nightfall, instead equip one or 2 res drainers (new ones) and take off the reckless for night eagle (ik u dont have, once u do i mean) and mercy instead of anni if u get it.
  5. Hahaha, mine wont get past r7 doe ngl. You need a heronmark on mine at least
  6. Sure, wait till lord gorgon gets top 10, inspect him, go to clan, bam all replays r there.
  7. Yea, still, it was the last l-m I wanted after rolling beasts. It is practically useless, deals 1 more damage than my max epic hook and cots 9 more heat. I'm using it anyways, but I won't uograde it so....
  8. I spent around 500 fuel (had 300 saved up) and didnt get jack shit just 1 l-m hook no other legendaries.
  9. Banned because this is incredibly boring and pointless
  10. aight come global chat whats ur in game name
  11. I recommend going physical or heat. Heat is good for campaign, physical is better for arena. Energy needs to be built carefully and is harder to play. The easiest to make with e-ms to get to rank 5 or smth is phys Sure show me wait a min cuz I'm playing portal rn
  12. Oh yea sure no biggie I just turned 15. These r the torsos you should use: Best=>Molten Platinum Vest or Lightning Platinum Vest, Or Fractured or Rusty Monkey 2nd=>Hollow Spectral, Windigo 3rd=>Zark Idk how the other Vest places
  13. I recommend using the in game sprites, much easier than painting them yourself. Also, it is better to not animate anything, and leave that for later, instead I would recommend getting the basic code of the game, as well as the basic items (all the c-ms) so that you cna test for bugs and improve it's functionality.
  14. Here's a good build using only non-premiums, the premium dissolvers are meanrt to represent the e-m backfire equivalent. It has neough weight for you to play around a bit. 101 is more than enough for some screenshots they wont even take more than 1 mb
  15. How much storage and which brand
  16. Aight, then empty your trash, and try to find one video around 30 seconds long on your device and delete it
  17. Then take ss, idk how to do it on windows but on apple its command shift 4 then uopload them here so we can see
  18. Nah nah, res is applied after, I have a myth res drainer and it hits 1 if the guy has 60+res, even though it shouldn't if the res would be applied after
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