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  1. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Bunboy in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2nd one 

  2. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Zylok in Recommended Mono-Type 3v3 Line-Ups   
    There's a player by the name 'Mary Poppins Yall' with 3 energy mechs in their lineup. They reach rank 2-3 every season.
  3. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from SavSam in HardToKill (official recruitment thread)   
    I'm not trying to be offensive right now, but the leader Hamza was quite lenient with recruits in the past. He let in anyone rank 5 and up, including hacked accounts. Is this still happening or have you resolved it?
  4. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Canucklehead in DEWASTATOR, Dewastator   
    I believe the account DEWASTATOR is a part of what I call the 'account black market' where accounts are regularly traded between people. One person could have taken on this name and created a cheated account with it, or like THUNDER GOD states, could just be a smurf.
  5. Like
    Atusiff reacted to bestplayeroftheworld in HardToKill (official recruitment thread)   
    HardToKill is searching for nice & great players ❗
    You want be part of one of the best Clans of all time ?
    - being friendly
    - playing with heart, brain & honor
    - Rank 1 - 2 end of the weekly tournament
    You fulfill these requirements ?
    Feel free to join us ✅
    We do not tolerate any kind of cheating !
    HardToKill become stronger and stronger every week ...
    (Clan War result from today)

  6. Like
    Atusiff reacted to W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in The rank 5 lock   
    The lock keeps the best players from doing the sneaky move of dropping into ranks where they can't be defeated and preying on those in said ranks in order to get wins, so it's probably for the best that rank 5s don't get a chance to do that outside of 2v2 season matchmaking, which is a story of its own.
  7. Like
    Atusiff reacted to bestplayeroftheworld in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Yes, I like to quench the rumors ...
    I feel pretty alive 😆 !
    There was a person who spread that rumor - no clue what was his intention, maybe he wished it would be true, but some wishes do not come true (at least not at the "moment") !
    I simple took a break from the game and from the (old) forum from one day to the next, and it FELT so so so good !
    Beside that I had personal reasons for !
    Unfortunately my "mistake" (HOW I could know someone would spread such a serious thing?) was, that I did not inform about my friends ! Just "gone" and it was the right decision !
    I read that rumor a few days only before the old forum were disabled !
    Of course I "immediatly" informed my friends after I saw/read what someone / many talked about !
    I must say ... it felt VERY STRANGE to read about my own demise ❗
    For me - it was funny, BUT I do understand that for many it was the opposite - thank you @Lord Gorgon & @Fidelio for your love !!!

    "got very sick"
    I am very healthy - god thanks - never was sick, never run into corona or anything else !
    I guess me being very sporty helps a lot about !
    I was never banned from the game - not 1 second - also here I can see that maybe many wished, but sorry, it will never happen, I won all and everything HONEST, therefore I can be very proud of it !
    Cheaters will never get any respect AND they will never be able to be proud of anything they achieved with !
    Quite the opposite about "me being banned" 🤣 ... I reported many many many cheaters over all these years and a very high % of them were banned !
    The reason many hate me for - but I can tell - I don't care about 1 second ...
    HONESTY goes way over achieving anything with cheating or dirty methodes !!!
    I appreciate your concerns about @MasterChief and I guess these rumors are now devastated !
    For all "hard-core-believers" ... feel free to think whatever you want, it will not change the facts !
  8. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    What does this mean?
  9. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Pavke in MasterChief's YT channel   
    Yes, people like when you get straight to the point and not wait 10 seconds for bouncy name to finish.
  10. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Ad1tya in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Starting off, I gotta give kudos to Alex, Marija, Raul, Elcent, and all the other GG team members.
    After that, I'd like to appreciate all the clan leaders who took me in from beginning to end. (Splatmaster - Hammers Slammers, L4K3 - Bound To Black, BossParody & Death_Gun - WLGang)
    I'd like to appreciate all the WLG discord members who've spent time helping me, playing with me, or just chatting. (Too many to list, i'll just say members of WLG)
    I'd like to recognize @Dwightx for paving the way to modern SMYT, as well as making SMYT videos. Plus, allowing me to help in this journey. (Plus payment :p)
    I'd also like to recognize @WarrMachine for being a big inspiration on YouTube and in SM.
    I'd also like to say a thanks to @WindForge ,  @Ad1tya, and @firewater789 for being good friends over time. 🙂
    As well as @StormWeaver, @CleverName, and @WinzKay for inspiring me to make awesome YT vids. (I'm speaking of your massive box openings)
  11. Like
    Atusiff reacted to OKI DOKI in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    I see. In my case normally I farm close to 24hrs a day. There are some days less now due to I work too much and when I have a day to rest in the month then I stay at bed a bit longer but then I start to farm and do other things with family, car, house etc and can't do that that many pvp making farming my source of game progress in a daily basis. 
  12. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    About once a day
  13. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from S_k in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    What does this mean?
  14. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from rc in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    What does this mean?
  15. Like
    Atusiff reacted to SawzAll in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    Yeah we were talking about Gato Games' recent acquisition.  Legacy was 3 years ago.
    Also, it seems from what I gather from others that someone created SuperMechs initially and sold it to TactiSoft.  So really I don't think it can be said that TactiSoft "made" legacy.
    So yeah....
    1) Yes, there was something to rescue.  TactiSoft made bad decisions, especially towards energy mechs.  If you think this, you must not be aware of the many changes Alex has made.
    2) I don't know about a 5 month grace period.  I feel like you're exaggerating.  But at the same time, in those 5 months we got the non-premium backfire resistance drainers.  Some have argued that these are pointless items, so I don't know if I would act like the 5 months that TactiSoft had planned for SM were all good things.
    3) Again, you haven't been paying attention.  I can say a new item is already being planned, though I can't say what it is.
    4) Businesses don't move at light speed.  Gato Games deserves at least a break for the time being because of all the turn-over and set-up they need to do.
    Let's see,
    - Base prices have been adjusted as an experiment (and this experiment will likely be finished soon I imagine)
    - Legacy drop rates were increased.
    - Gold portals were made a lot more lucrative (more tokens and more challenge, even though the Karens out there shot down the challenge aspect recently)
    - Ban waves
    - Balance changes
    - Moving people's accounts over from Kongregate
    - Dealing with the flash sunset effect
    I think you might need to hang out on the discord more in #general so you can ask Alex what he's been up to and/or see it as it is discussed.
    At least here's one good reply to me 🙂 
  16. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Dark conon mech in Appreciate everyone you want to appreciate thread   
    I think its quite the opposite :))
  17. Like
    Atusiff reacted to OKI DOKI in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    Not all have same direction or priorities in the game. He can be R1 without issues. I had too many pvp with him and I know that for sure been killed too many times by him. 🤣
    Nice. That inventory is massive. Nice parts maxed. How often do you farm? 
  18. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Ad1tya in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    Week 1:
    Unclaimed Boxes:  +1 Premium Box (5), +2  Fortunes (275), +1 S Tier Box (3), +1 R3 Box (33)
    Got 600 tokens (5K).  -300K Gold (19.7M).
    Inv: +2 maxed items (distance shredder, dark eagle)
    +200 Arena coins
    Cleared +7% of 3v3 campaign. (working on 100% 😛 ) 
  19. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from Sparks in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    I've been accused before.
    Coming on four. And no r1 is ugly
  20. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Bunboy in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   

  21. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Pink555 in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Sadly i got it in alt acc
  22. Like
    Atusiff reacted to ZeRo_ in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2nd divine Malice Beam.

  23. Like
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  25. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    Week 1:
    Unclaimed Boxes:  +1 Premium Box (5), +2  Fortunes (275), +1 S Tier Box (3), +1 R3 Box (33)
    Got 600 tokens (5K).  -300K Gold (19.7M).
    Inv: +2 maxed items (distance shredder, dark eagle)
    +200 Arena coins
    Cleared +7% of 3v3 campaign. (working on 100% 😛 ) 
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