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  1. Haha
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in Damn this guy came outta nowhere mocking me   
    Ok, blocked.
  2. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Should Flaminator be buffed?   
    Yeah this and other comments is why I ignore you on the forum.  Just every once in a while when someone quotes you, I feel compelled to reply because of the damage your comments might cause.
    Savagery is not useless.  It does a lot of heat damage, and you still see it in rank 4-5 battles.
    Corrupt is not useless for the same reason.
    Flaminator doesn't do cooling damage so on a cooling destroyer it's supplemental.  But you could substitute corrupt light for flaminator on any of those, so I'm still trying to understand why you think this way.
    There are several problems with calling any weapon useless:
    Usefulness depends on build.  Ever get your butt handed to you by someone using Sorrow?  Exactly. Usefulness depends on rank.  But rank in this game depends mainly on your luck or money (i.e. the items you have) and your build.  If you are rich and have all your stuff divine, you can make it to rank 1.  However, tactics and build will determine if you make it to top 10. Usefulness also depends on your inventory.  If savagery is all I have, but I find a way to make it work for me, it's useful. Sometimes such weapons are substitutes for items on META builds.  Like Flaminator for the HHCs on the META list boiler.  Works like a champ for me because I don't have 2 x HHCs. But you said the same thing about Reckless Beam and I still see people in ranks 4-5 using Reckless Beam.  I wouldn't do that, but they're doing it and apparently it's working for them.
    So please stop saying things are "worthless" because:
    1) there's a use for them somewhere and
    2) you might make newbies feel inferior just because they found a use for something you falsely claim is worthless.  
  3. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from AssClown in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    First, it might reveal who's helping, or if the person has alts, what their alt names are, so that someone could in theory report the replay and the player to Gato and have the alt purged.  I don't mind alts: I have one, and I like it because it lets me play SM using two different philosophies.
    But when used for boosting purposes, it harms the game.
    You might say "everyone does it."  Sure, maybe that's true.  But does it make it right?  I doubt it.
    I'm not pointing my comments at you or anyone else.  And I think you're getting at something I agree with: I think the hacks are the worst part, and that fixing those for good (not ban waves but programming) will probably clear up most the boosting.
    And I think your solution of more players in the arena might help.
    I also think that if people just up and decided to spend one month not boosting (i.e. those who are good people, not the hackers, they won't agree to that) it would be nice just to see what would happen.  Think of it like an experiment.
    Me, I might decide to fight my alt against my main some day, just so that I can test my own builds in a more realistic environment than WU.  (But WU is actually very realistic when it works right, so I'm not dissing WU.)  But I will never do so to boost my arena points.  I personally believe boosting is unchivalrous.  It would be like the medieval knight who fights other weak knights just to make themselves look better (i.e. intentionally not fighting people that are about equal to them).
  4. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from OKI DOKI in What music are you listening to?   
  5. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    Seems to me like it's the opposite: you're loving this petty discussion. 🙂
    -----------   NEW REPLY ----------
    I think the replay system should include all insta-quits.
    And all non-ladder matches (i.e. even pick up games in the chat).
    Basically every match between (what should be) two sentient human beings.
    If that means major work to the SM game in terms of coding, so be it.
    I've always liked full transparency.
    And it would be cool if we could see what accounts are boosting what other accounts.
  6. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in Recommended Mono-Type 3v3 Line-Ups   
    Not trying to necropost but I seriously want to run 3v3 energy.  Here are the builds I'm thinking of using:

    It's based off of what I actually have in inventory....
    Or if you'd rather, here's my inventory (not posting the random krap).

  7. Sad
    SawzAll got a reaction from Turtle in Top Ranker Jokes   
    I figured I'd put this out because I think I may have created some funny jokes.  This is not a roast, it's more like Chuck Norris jokes.  But instead of Chuck Norris, top rank players.
    I'll start us off.
    "CleverName.  Even his cosmetics are divined."
    "CleverName.  Even his double teleporter is divine."
    Person A: CleverName is legendary.
    Person B: Don't you EVER call him that.  He's divine!
    Did you hear that story about Bobson?
    Neither did I, I fell asleep half way through.
  8. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from rc in Recommended Mono-Type 3v3 Line-Ups   
    Not trying to necropost but I seriously want to run 3v3 energy.  Here are the builds I'm thinking of using:

    It's based off of what I actually have in inventory....
    Or if you'd rather, here's my inventory (not posting the random krap).

  9. Thanks
    SawzAll reacted to WarrMachine in Recommended Mono-Type 3v3 Line-Ups   
    Piloted this up to solo bronze last 3v3 season. It's essentially the product of a year and half's worth of grinding and developing builds that can flourish given my inventory in response to the current 3v3 environment. 

    If you plan on making a monotype 3v3 team, I suggest constantly keeping your eye out for adaptations (big and small) that you can develop overtime as you learn how each mech interacts and leads off one another. Another important note, expect to not be able to utilize all of your maxed items (of said type) in the team. I have a 4th mechs worth of phys parts collecting dust while this team is fielded as a consequence of constant improvements being made.

  10. Haha
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in Top Ranker Jokes   
    I figured I'd put this out because I think I may have created some funny jokes.  This is not a roast, it's more like Chuck Norris jokes.  But instead of Chuck Norris, top rank players.
    I'll start us off.
    "CleverName.  Even his cosmetics are divined."
    "CleverName.  Even his double teleporter is divine."
    Person A: CleverName is legendary.
    Person B: Don't you EVER call him that.  He's divine!
    Did you hear that story about Bobson?
    Neither did I, I fell asleep half way through.
  11. Sad
    SawzAll got a reaction from wolf in Top Ranker Jokes   
    This is why we can't have nice things.
  12. Confused
    SawzAll got a reaction from DragonsIayer in Top Ranker Jokes   
    I figured I'd put this out because I think I may have created some funny jokes.  This is not a roast, it's more like Chuck Norris jokes.  But instead of Chuck Norris, top rank players.
    I'll start us off.
    "CleverName.  Even his cosmetics are divined."
    "CleverName.  Even his double teleporter is divine."
    Person A: CleverName is legendary.
    Person B: Don't you EVER call him that.  He's divine!
    Did you hear that story about Bobson?
    Neither did I, I fell asleep half way through.
  13. Sad
    SawzAll got a reaction from Kurt in Top Ranker Jokes   
    I figured I'd put this out because I think I may have created some funny jokes.  This is not a roast, it's more like Chuck Norris jokes.  But instead of Chuck Norris, top rank players.
    I'll start us off.
    "CleverName.  Even his cosmetics are divined."
    "CleverName.  Even his double teleporter is divine."
    Person A: CleverName is legendary.
    Person B: Don't you EVER call him that.  He's divine!
    Did you hear that story about Bobson?
    Neither did I, I fell asleep half way through.
  14. Sad
    SawzAll got a reaction from wolf in Top Ranker Jokes   
    I figured I'd put this out because I think I may have created some funny jokes.  This is not a roast, it's more like Chuck Norris jokes.  But instead of Chuck Norris, top rank players.
    I'll start us off.
    "CleverName.  Even his cosmetics are divined."
    "CleverName.  Even his double teleporter is divine."
    Person A: CleverName is legendary.
    Person B: Don't you EVER call him that.  He's divine!
    Did you hear that story about Bobson?
    Neither did I, I fell asleep half way through.
  15. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from AssClown in In Memory Of   
    I'm not being toxic or bombing your topic.  People are acting like this is honoring fallen soldiers or something.  I don't see how that's logical.  But do whatever you want.
  16. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from AssClown in In Memory Of   
    But the question is, DO you know?  Because if not, you might be stirring up trouble for no worthwhile reason.
    To me, the usability on the new forum is higher.
    I think a lot of why people didn't join the new forum is because they knew there would be stricter controls over the toxicity.  But I can't read their minds, so I don't know.
    But the old forum was easily more toxic.  So really, good riddance.
    Back to your thread's intent: I'm not taking any "moment of silence" for people who got banned.  I don't wish them well, but I don't wish bad upon anyone either.  It just is.
    Also, FYI, I am not completely sure whether you're serious or joking.
  17. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from OKI DOKI in SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMPLETE: Premium Pack Rate   
    SHORT STORY: The premium pack to legendary rate appears to be 0.85 legendaries in every premium pack.

    LONG STORY: I ran a research study which was configured as scientifically as possible.  From my own premium pack openings, and the contributions of only a few others, I came up with an estimate of what the rate is.  I used exactly 40 premium pack results to do this, which is the minimum data points to consider this study scientific.
    Some caveats:
    I could not use the flex thread for this because people tend to post only their good drops on that thread. I tried to use others as little as possible to prevent a negativity bias.  This is because it's possible that people only posted good drops on the flex thread and bad drops on my own thread.  However, from what I can see, it appears people didn't do this, so I think the risk of a negativity bias is low. It is possible that different days and different accounts have different drop rates.  I do not know for sure if this is true or untrue.  It's simply unknown. Because the random numbers created by most computers are not completely random (unless you're talking FBI/CIA-level special equipment that's designed to create numbers that are more highly random), it's possible that this segment of 40 is not perfectly representative of what the rate truly is.  Therefore, this is only an estimate.  Keep in mind, others have given their opinion on this rate being about 1 to every 5 (i.e. one in every premium pack), which is close enough to consider these results as being accurate enough.
  18. Haha
    SawzAll got a reaction from Sparks in Community reputation flex   
  19. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from AftoKrator in Resist Armors (Fanarts #2)   
    Well, to be fair, this chart was created by Eneg(), and it's not completely scientific.  But it seems to line up with my own experience.  In my experience, using a Molten Platinum Vest without resistance, versus a Fractured Heat Armor without resistance, is not good in the arena.  In my experience, to make the vests worth using, you need at least 100+ resistance in all categories, and so the minimum is probably a vest with a Max Protector and a Platinum Plate, or a Defense Matrix.
    So, it seems the chart is right, but it's not strictly scientific.
    That's why I don't recommend non-premium resistance in the arena, even though it's good in the campaigns.  In the campaigns, your resistance resets with every enemy or group of enemies.  In the arena, it doesn't.
    I don't mind power creep.  It's basically the entire concept behind war research and weapons development, something I got to be a part of in the Air Force.
    But I feel like this is too much creep.  Maybe the final resistance values could be +10% of what the vests are instead of almost 50%-100% more.
    I like the art, though.
    So I'm not saying "no", so much as saying I think that any or all of the stats should only be about 10% better than the MPV/LPV/HPV.  (The Physical doesn't have to be 10% better than HPV, it can be 10% better than MPV/LPV.)
    The reason is I'm trying to prevent too much rage quit.  There are some F2P out there who will be upset that they got lucky and have 3 x MPVs on their mechs that they spent a lot of time upgrading, only to once again not have the best in the game and be hoping to get the new best thing.
    So in my opinion, limiting the improvement over vests to 10% in any/all stats categories would help, in my opinion, prevent too much harm to the F2P players out there.
    But I'm just speculating.
  20. Thanks
    SawzAll got a reaction from A-RANDOM-NAME in Resist Armors (Fanarts #2)   
    Well, to be fair, this chart was created by Eneg(), and it's not completely scientific.  But it seems to line up with my own experience.  In my experience, using a Molten Platinum Vest without resistance, versus a Fractured Heat Armor without resistance, is not good in the arena.  In my experience, to make the vests worth using, you need at least 100+ resistance in all categories, and so the minimum is probably a vest with a Max Protector and a Platinum Plate, or a Defense Matrix.
    So, it seems the chart is right, but it's not strictly scientific.
    That's why I don't recommend non-premium resistance in the arena, even though it's good in the campaigns.  In the campaigns, your resistance resets with every enemy or group of enemies.  In the arena, it doesn't.
    I don't mind power creep.  It's basically the entire concept behind war research and weapons development, something I got to be a part of in the Air Force.
    But I feel like this is too much creep.  Maybe the final resistance values could be +10% of what the vests are instead of almost 50%-100% more.
    I like the art, though.
    So I'm not saying "no", so much as saying I think that any or all of the stats should only be about 10% better than the MPV/LPV/HPV.  (The Physical doesn't have to be 10% better than HPV, it can be 10% better than MPV/LPV.)
    The reason is I'm trying to prevent too much rage quit.  There are some F2P out there who will be upset that they got lucky and have 3 x MPVs on their mechs that they spent a lot of time upgrading, only to once again not have the best in the game and be hoping to get the new best thing.
    So in my opinion, limiting the improvement over vests to 10% in any/all stats categories would help, in my opinion, prevent too much harm to the F2P players out there.
    But I'm just speculating.
  21. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from monolithic in Which torso is better, naga or redeemer?   
    Naga.  Totally.
  22. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from rc in Sacrifice Cannon   
    Ok, so are you going to build two SM accounts, one frantic cancer, one dual spartan, all divine, and fight them in SM until you figure out who wins?
    Also, I think rc just did that, and Spartan still better than Frantic.
    WU may not be perfectly identical to SM but it's not so different that you cannot trust results (assuming you pilot both mechs and fight both like you're trying to really win in real life).
    Besides, given that the tactics of dual frantic and dual spartan are to get in range and keep firing, it's not like there are a ton of extraneous variables to control for.  That's why some people like to say "all frantic and no skill", etc.
    But regardless, the point is sacrifice cannon doesn't need anything.  Sacrifice Cannon was on META-listing mechs before Frantic got "nerfed."
  23. Thanks
    SawzAll got a reaction from rc in Sacrifice Cannon   
    ^ This is what I'm referring to.
    It seems to me the OP is talking about sacrifice cannon not being relevant any more.  Also, the title of this thread is "Sacrifice Cannon".  I think I already replied saying why I don't think sacrifice cannon is irrelevant.
  24. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in NWC: Chivalry   
    My website.
  25. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Jajcyn420 in NEVER GIVE YOUR ACCOUNT   
    Absolutely right.  Never give your account information out.  And please report people like that here.  Even if nothing can be done by admin, it's good to know if people are out there trying to scam others.
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