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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. I made a post about a server that I created for a legacy pack project 4 hours ago but it seems that my friend and I aren't the only ones with the legacy pack idea.

    Perhaps we could work together to create it?

  2. 10 minutes ago, Melanös said:

    ik im not clevername, but my humble opinion is, god mode was better for climbing to rank 1, but it was hard to reach top 10 without a diamond shell pusher mech

    Hmm... But if there was to be a definite winner among'st the two, which one would claim the victory?

  3. I found a great question to ask and it's been surely bouncing around here and there... But which legacy torso do you think is better:

    God Mode or Diamond Shell?

    If you're wondering why I brought it up, it's because those two torsos have been battling it out for the best legacy torso spot before Reloaded happened.

    And for reference, here's a battle that I did with ZeRo while I was co-piloting his Madau San legacy account and while he was using his Nova legacy account.



  4. A cheap F2W drainer build with a custom twist added on top. It has nothing but F2W items (no premiums). It's also easy to divine as the majority of the items are R-M, so it'll be cheap and simple to max myth and divine them.

    What are your opinions on this build?

    Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 4.00.36 PM.png

    Build Update: I changed the build to a more E-M perspective.1620733504_Screenshot2021-02-10at4_14_49PM.thumb.png.fb9a5200b7aa2f8ee37f959e1c1877cb.png

    Yet another update...1728039527_Screenshot2021-02-10at4_17_54PM.thumb.png.b3d07348aec578401c5ebb73b11948ab.png

    Final Update: I tested it against a Hugger build to see how well it worked... It actually works pretty well as long as you play it cool.625044203_Screenshot2021-02-10at4_22_50PM.thumb.png.07db74aeafe11107ac95059d6d886535.png

  5. On 1/5/2021 at 11:32 AM, Fidelio said:

    About a month or so into reloaded, the Developers released a special 5-day portal, the unicorn portal. aside from the perk (a unicorn horn), which I have never recovered from accidentily fusing, the purpose of the portal was simple: to help those who had been dealt a bad hand with their initial boxes to get a head start. the mission was of high easy-light moderate difficulty and dropped boxes with exceptionaly good drop rates (scaled to whether you were playing Normal, Hard or Insane).


    Nobody knows the exact drop rates of the portal, because the past development team were exceptionally mysterious about drop rates in all instances, and it was a very long time ago now so my memory might be off, but I'd estimate something like this:

    • Epic - 85%
    • Legendary - 15%

    "Sure buddy, and I'd like to throw it to Angelina Jolie tonight instead of my fat wife, I aint getting that either."

    okay, so I hear you asking why I think its justified to drop a second unicorn portal now. well, allow me to do so in the form of a numbered bullet point list:

    1. A significant period of time has passed since the last portal of its kind, in which time a general feeling of discontent with the gap between those who do not spend or spend modestly and those who have been able to afford to buy every premium item as it came out. this feeling being the justification at the time for the last one.
    2.  we are under new development now, with a team that undoubtedly has its own ideas about the direction they want to take the game, therefore I think its fair that all those who have lived through (survived) the TS years should be granted a good way to "catch up" at least to a certain degree in order that the community as a whole can go forward into the new era excited and ready to experience the new direction. not still tearing their hair out trying to scrape rank 5 because they can't get this or that item that they need from the past era
    3. the perk is really pretty

    "Did you really need a list for that, wise guy?"

    No, but I figured out how to do it just now and I'll be damned if I don't.


    In terms of the specific drop rate, I don't know if the devs have access to some kind of record of what it was on the original portal. I think the fuel costs were similar to Madboy 2v2 mission. but even just 5% would do a lotta good for a lotta people.


    but that's just like, my opinion, man, vote above to express yours 👆

    or tell me how much you love or hate the idea down there 👇


    the 4th poll option in question 2 reads 25-20%. it SHOULD read 15-20%


    Avenger was a Unicorn? Since when did that happen?

    Also, I really want the portal to be a thing now because of Univenger AND the fact that the horn isn't a rank 1 exclusive item as I originally thought... Then I'll be able to attach horns onto my mechs as I have done with my 2 pumpkins.

    Yep, I want this to be a thing.

  6. It's a good idea... But what about the threat that Valiant Sniper poses against it? It's gonna be a 4-5 range weapon with 1 knockback, so it's gonna have to compete against Valiant... That, and people will be more drawn to Valiant's high drain and 2 uses for only 31 energy cost.

    Would the item be positively be received like the standard Valiant Rage upon being released as a tool usable by pure and hardcore drainers?

  7. 1 hour ago, MasterChief said:

    @W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T i think that you can best me in battle quite easily. 

    but the idea of getting something good is not really sticking... ive been opening fortune box after fortune box, and the best thing ive gotten was a epic heat engine. i honestly dont think that drops are helping me any more

    I've gotten nothing but rares and epic poop from fortune boxes while I haven't gotten that many fortune boxes recently (I only got 2 from 80 fuel in OD-6 Normal yesterday... Both were rares).

    The only good things that I've gotten so far was Quad Core from rank 10 arena box and Cooling Booster from premium box. That's pretty much it.

    I know it may seem that I'm lucky... But in all of reality, my luck's pretty poor. The same could be said about my arena matchmaking luck when I get matched against rank 8s as a rank 10/9. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, MasterChief said:

    goddamnit ive literally never gotten a legendary from a fortune box.... EVER... 

    That only means that when that time comes, you're gonna get something META.

    That's usually what happens when you don't feel lucky and you get a fortune box.

    Hell, it's happened to me on several occasions and I'm sort of weaker than you are, so you're definitely gonna be having your lucky streak eventually. 

  9. 2 hours ago, og boy sm said:

    Cyberpunk meme


    You can customize everything, they said.

    You can be a true crimelord, they said.

    It wasn't going to feel like Final Fantasy but with guns and GTA elements, they said.

    ... I really miss playing Saint's Row IV. Why can't I play that instead of Cyberpunk?

  10. 2 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    I don't think you're insulting me at all.

    I would say you're right about energy-free weapons.  But I don't think we should remove them all.  I think we should just limit how many of them there are to specific classes.

    This is a thread for another day, but I agree and I would say this should be the list of energy-free items:

    • "Staplers" (reckoning, mercy, bulldog)
    • "Foggers" (all single-shot resistance drainers)
    • Any single-shot item that is already energy-free can remain energy free.
    • "Top rockets" (distance shredder, party crasher, space invader)

    That way, in my opinion, the META isn't harmed too much.

    I think all other itemss should have at least a small energy cost (even if it's only 5).

    But like I said, this is a conversation for another day.

    BUT also, I think it's possible that if energy is buffed just the right amount, energy-free won't be so much of an advantage that energy-free configs can just ignore energy mechs while sawing them in half.  I want to believe the solution is giving energy a slight buff, not nerfing a bunch of energy-free weapons.

    I just think that some heat weapons that are already losing to their energy counterparts would die from oblivion as they completely lose their edge of having slightly more benefits rather than the famous "damage stacking" that Ultrabright and Malice Beam are good at.

    4 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    Given how angry nerfing makes people, I'd prefer not to nerf anything unless it's absolutely necessary.

    True... But given the nature of how some of the energy-free weapons are capable of beating both energy and heat mechs alike, something should be done to even out the playing field.

    Like Rock Polisher's 62 heat cost and 115 backfire for 536 max damage + 15 resist drain + infinite uses.

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