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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. 5 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    Actually the premium heat bomb/emp shouldn't have backfire

    The backfire is to balance out the increased heat damage and energy drain.  The slightly higher heat cost/energy cost isn't enough to balance that out on its own.

    Oh, and the lighter weight, too.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Canucklehead said:

    I have never liked the Heat bomb and EMP. I have listened to all the discussions, advice, etc., over time, but I still think they should be removed from the game. I liken them to a sucker punch, or bringing a gun, to a knife fight.

    Heat Bomb and EMP are few of the reasons why physical isn't dominating everything.

    Trust me, you would rather get shut down or energy broken than decimated into nothing by chainguns and quad-barreled RNG nightmares.

  3. For those who think that the only way to beat Heat Bombs is through P2W methods..

    I'm rank 8 with a heat and physical line-up and I haven't spent money on the game in order to get the mods shown below. For the premium mods, I got Maximum Protector from a premium box and I got Platinum Plating from the level 200 box. Also, I don't have maxed arena buffs for heat stats, so what you're seeing is from HSA + Heat Mods + Level 4 Heat Cap Buff + Level 4 Cooling Buff.

    As for weapons, keep in mind that Overcharged Rocket Battery has 75 heat cost and Burning Shower has 81. Add Backstabbing Protector's 50 heat cost onto that and you'll see that I generate 206 heat per turn. That's fairly enough to push me to the brink of a shutdown if I get hit by a Heat Bomb when I'm close to my heat cap.

    However, even with that amount of heat, I'm capable of withstanding Heat Bombs in the matter of a shutdown. It doesn't cost money in order to survive against Heat Bombs, it just takes good heat stats and thoughtful heat level management. If you can do that, Heat Bombs won't be much of a problem.


  4. 2 hours ago, Redskullhead49 said:

    Sorry Zark... Your just not good enough... This Bulldozer chin looking torso looks better... But is it good to replace? Fractured Heat armor (Mythical) replace with Zarkares? I think its good.. For me its a fair replacement 

    Super Mechs_2021-05-01-06-14-25.jpg

    Super Mechs_2021-05-01-06-14-30.jpg

    Max Fractured Heat Armor before thinking about replacing Zarkares since if you do it now, you'll lose a substantial amount of stats for an HP boost that isn't worth the stat loss.

    Also, you could remove Desolation or Flaming Scope in order to make enough space for FHA's weight (it's 8kg heavier than Zarkares, so it doesn't take much to make room for the weight increase).

    But yes, FHA is a better torso than Zarkares.

  5. Just now, Spam said:
    1 minute ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:


    I broke the reply.

    1 minute ago, Spam said:



    3 minutes ago, Quantum said:

    why not both?

    1 minute ago, Spam said:





    3 minutes ago, Spam said:

    It's the rain and uv lights floor

    Because floor gang



  6. 28 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

    I will refrain from posting details here and I expected you, @SawzAll, to also not refer to alex's statement.

    However, no one was right and no one was wrong, lets leave it at that.

    The True Power of Opinions has finally been realized.. I was honestly thinking that the battle of the game's liveliness was gonna go on forever due to the cycle of "it's dead" and "it's not" that kept going on.

  7. 2 minutes ago, STARWULPH said:

    Ok, good point, frantic needs nerf cause it equal to spartan... but...

    Consider that some fights are over in 2 turns, try the calculations of 2 shots vs 2 shots.

    That will look a bit different I think.

    It mainly comes down to RNG and what builds are being used when the Spartan vs Brute battle occurs.

    If the Spartan build has low HP and the Brutes hit max damage, the Brute build wins.

    However, if the Spartan build has high HP and the Brutes hit low, the Spartan build would survive long enough to finish the Brute build off.


  8. Update: 

    Frantic Brute and Spartan Carnage are extremely similar but Spartan Carnage has a slight edge due to its 3rd shot while Frantic Brute has a slight edge due to the speed of which damage is dealt.

    However, it entirely comes down to RNG because both weapons will just constantly win and lose against each other as long as there's RNG.

  9. 13 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    You're referring to Frantic Brute?

    Honestly, I'll repeat what I said on another thread: I think Frantic Brute should be made identical to Spartan Carnage except 2 shots.  It needs a damage nerf because it's still possible to do in 2 shots what it takes Spartan to do in 3.

    Frantic Brute is already like a F2P's Spartan Carnage. As to how:

    The Differences

    - Has just about the same energy cost but twice the heat gen (30/70 vs 31/31)

    - Has only 2 shots while Spartan Carnage has 3

    - Weighs 1kg less than Spartan Carnage but that's barely a difference at all

    - Does 12 resist break per shot while Spartan Carnage does 15 per shot

    - Has a wider damage range, which provides a higher damage cap at the cost of more damage inconsistency, while Spartan Carnage has a much more narrow damage range, which provides a more consistent set of results at the cost of lower maximum damage (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this, Spartan Carnage users.)

    - Has a lower shot damage total than Carnage (Brute = 618 * 2 = 1236 / Carnage = 490 * 3 = 1470; Carnage can do +234 damage over Brute if all their shots hit max damage every time)(Note: This excludes resist break.)

    The Similarities

    - Are heavily spammable for physical weapons

    - Are 3-6 range to maximize that annoyance factor against Malice Beam and Corrupt Light users

    - Used for high physical damage capabilities that mainly rely on RNG and are hated by users when they hit too low and hated by targets when they hit too high



    Both Frantic Brute and Spartan Carnage are similar in terms of purpose and functionality but Spartan Carnage has a slightly higher edge due to certain aspects of the Brute holding it back. However, that slightly higher edge doesn't mean much since both weapons rely on RNG in order to perform and have both rewarding crits and disappointing minimums.

    But hey, hopefully this managed to clear some things up.. If not, feel free to correct me but don't jump me for comparing two similar weapons due to the famous state of one and the infamous state of the other.


    Out of curiosity, I did the damage calculation with the minimum damage potentials of both weapons:

    Frantic Brute: 246 * 2 = 492

    Spartan Carnage: 286 * 3 = 858

    So, Spartan Carnage is capable of outdamaging the Brute if their shots hit the bare minimum (still excluding resist break here).. And as for the overall damage potential.. Well..

    Frantic Brute: 492 - 1236

    Spartan Carnage: 858 - 1470

    That 3rd shot really does make a difference in the long run, especially when you're dual-wielding Spartans.





  10. 6 minutes ago, Quantum said:

    what's wrong with using shields?

    Two things:

    The shield mechanic is outdated, so the game may end up freaking out over shields if they were usable in arena.

    Shields would provide unfair advantages since shields are only owned by those who got them in legacy and as Master Chief said, shields take away energy/generate heat in order to absorb some level of damage based on the shield's cost to absorption ratio.

    Though something like "7 energy per 20% damage absorbed" doesn't seem like much, that's basically like an added layer of resistance that absorbs one portion of the damage while the initial resistance layer absorbs another portion. It would be hard to counter those with shields if you don't have a boiler or a drainer build available to deal with the shield.

    So, that's pretty much why shields aren't allowed in arena.

  11. 3 hours ago, Drivetacos said:

    Hello I know you people probably get this question a lot but what the hell are Legacy Shields I started playing this game at about release and then stopped after abt 2 months (other stuff came up) then I come back to it now and it says you may not participate in the arena with Legacy Shields so I gave up and made a new ac but my old one is Stacked so what do I do and how can I take off Legacy Shields? Btw Im playing on an emulator if that has anything to do with it plz let me know ty for listening :). 


    You don't have to delete or fuse anything in order to fix that. You just have to remove any shields that you have on any of your builds.

    If you don't know where to go in order to do that, head to the central hub (shows your mechs as well as buttons to go to raid, campaign, workshop, arena, etc.) and enter the workshop, then press on the button that has the grappler/charge/teleport icons. If you see a shield in the item slot with a hexagon, remove it from that slot.

    Do that with all of your builds (blue arrows at the sides of your mech will switch to the next or previous mech when pressed/clicked).

    If you remove the shields, you won't be stopped from going into arena as long as you don't reinstall a shield.


  12. It seems like this topic's in an infinite cycle of who's right and who's wrong.. Isn't there supposed to be no right or wrong answer when it comes to opinions?

    I would say something else but I fear of getting jumped if I say a single word that gets taken out-of-context, so the question's the only thing that I will post for now to avoid sparking more conflict. That, and it seems like there's already enough voices in the topic as is, so I wouldn't be helping anything if I were to involve my opinion.

    So.. Yep, I'll keep my opinion out of this.

    1 hour ago, Spam said:

    not trying to criticizes you, but it's spelled it's


    Also we grammer user need to stick together online forums are the breeding place for bad grammer.

    Also, I hate to be that one grammar person but it's:

    I'm not trying to criticize you, but it's spelled "it's".

    Also, we grammar users need to stick together. These online forums are the breeding grounds for bad grammar.

  13. On 4/28/2021 at 7:32 AM, SoulmortGTA said:

    I always liked super mechs, I started playing in 2014 at that time it was good, right, in my opinion the drawing looks good, I wanted to make a + - 3D fanart because I hardly saw anyone doing it before, I wanted something new "Yes" I thought * . and it was l! I liked the result, bye !!.


    * please, if there is something wrong with my English, ignore it *



    This is likely the first time that anyone has tried to make a 3D SuperMechs drawing but the clash between Hollow Spectral Armor and Molten Platinum Vest couldn't have been displayed in a cooler way than this.

    Nice job and here's a free like.

  14. Just now, OKI DOKI said:

    I do not know you, but I get kill often with them. Just saying 😋

    I get hammered by divine Frantic Brutes as a daily routine, so I feel your pain.

    But at the same time, I feel a very similar pain when someone has a Damaged Armor Annihilator and Spartan Carnage on the same physical build in rank 8, so I can't really say that Brutes are the only sources of pain that I go through when doing arena battles in rank 8.

  15. 18 hours ago, Soviet Union mech said:

    And the game will be crazy if It have 3 uses lol

    The F2P Spartan Carnage is best left with 2 uses if it has a 618 max damage cap and a slightly higher damage average than Spartan Carnage itself. 3 shots would be a nightmare and even the mere thought of that is horrifying enough.

    So... Yeah... The E-M Spartan should remain as is.

  16. There's little to no other weapon that can do Sacrifice Cannon's job better than it can.

    It's basically a lightweight push weapon that's made to deal substantial damage to the target without being as heavy as a Terror Cry or as pointless to use as an Unrepaired Laser Cannon.

    Besides, it's meant to be used as a support weapon rather than a main weapon since it's combo'd with a main weapon (i.e Mercy, Spartan Carnage, Frantic Brute, Mighty Cannon) in order to do more overall damage or to force someone away without wasting chances to deal resist break or more damage than if you were to use Terror Cry, which doesn't do resist break and has a lower damage average for its 3 shots.

    But I suppose that it's up to the user to determine how effective Sacrifice Cannon is, whether it be a META item or a cheap alternative.

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