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Posts posted by Fordekash

  1. On 6/22/2021 at 1:34 PM, OKI DOKI said:

    no lack of weapons but will need at some point more release since some people are getting bored not getting new weapons as part of the game fun

    Heck even if they re did the portals for all the items that tacsoft released it would pacify many people. 

    I would certainly like a try at the portals I missed or skipped last year 

  2. Very cool. Just to give you a heads up, I believe supermechs has a copy right. If you haven’t already, you may want to understand if the copy right can cause you any trouble with making your game.

  3. I was able to beat the insane mode. I died the first time and adjusted my build then  had to revive twice. 

    Aside from raid it was the hardest thing I have seen. I assume They test these things to make sure it is beatable and wouldn’t give us an impossible task for the purpose of draining a few tokens.

    In addition to the gold portal consider all the easy quest that Gato gives us such a five arena wins or destroy 70 structures that pay out 100 tokens 

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