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Posts posted by Fordekash

  1. I have always viewed resistance as 1:1 equal to health. To simply the variables assume you have 100 health and 10 resistance. 

    if you’re opponent deals 10 damage a turn it will take 11 turns to kill you. Just the same as if you had 110 health and zero resistance.


    it gets a bit more complicated given the variables of how much health you really have, over heating, energy drain bonus damage, resistance draining weapons  and your opponent’s variable damage rate... 


    but all things being equal and using the simplified model it should be notionally accurate?

  2. I am looking to find out when gato games events will replace tacsoft events. Has there been an official announcement with a posted date? 

    has there been any official announcements on any changes we can expect?


    .....the suspense is killing me...

  3. The only reason outer space exists is because it is afraid to be on the same planet as Chuck Norris.


    Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.


    Chuck Norris doesn’t read books he just stairs them down until he gets the information he needs.


    Chuck Norris doesn’t flush the toilet. He just scares the crap out of it.

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