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Posts posted by Fordekash

  1. We all want top clan rewards but don’t realize what it takes to be in one beyond just being able to rank high.


    the game should bring you joy. The time you spend thinking about the game should be about building and strategy not pressure from the clan. 

    life is too short and full of enough stress. Do what you need to in order to spend your time playing and thinking about the game a joyful experience!

  2. On 9/29/2021 at 5:13 PM, GuningSnipping said:

    Guys is there any tips how to improve my mech? I'm at Rank 12 and I'm making a energy mech.  here is all my top  weapons  side weapons and other things.

    Drop the resistance modes and replace with heat or energy mod. Max your mods and you probably can drop the party crasher once the rest of your items max

  3. Now that I see the details I can’t say I’m opposed. If two people agree to let one person win then that is their choice. 

    More concerning is a person with multiple accounts but if you have multiple accounts in the top ranks it’s not like you ended up there without being good?  

    it really seems to take more work than just fighting every match so let em have it. Also I don’t feel they are holding me back in rank. I can’t be r1-2 regardless so how high they have boosted in those ranks makes no difference to me. I still lose the fight 😃

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