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  1. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from Monke King in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Got 2 legendary relics out of my r7 box, used them on this.

  2. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from White Star in Short Ranged Drones   
    It would make them more versatile for close range builds, but usually you don't end your turn with an opponent at range 1, so I don't think it would be too strong.
  3. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from SolarisHK-CZ805 in Flaminator and Hot Flash   
    The hybrid weapons are really annoying. Flaminator and hot flash are relatively common at lower ranks (even in r6-r7, where I am now), and fighting them as a typical heat or energy build without hybrid weapons is difficult, unless the opponent just has a bad/underlevelled mech. I don't think hybrid weapons are too strong, they're just a pain and I despise playing against them. 
  4. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from Clan Red in I need help with reaching rank 5. At all costs. Please send me advice.   
    The builds look pretty good. Just upgrade stuff and pray for luck in matchmaking. I came within a star of rank 5 last season with only 4 max mythed modules, so it's doable with some luck.
  5. Haha
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Release your anger here LMFAO   
    Ah yes, taking a bite out of the apple, a long-standing symbol of knowledge and education. Many layers to this image.
  6. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Got 2 legendary relics out of my r7 box, used them on this.

  7. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from Darkweaver in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    First divined premium

    Hard portal drop

    Beat insane with 2 revives, now I have 2 falcons lol.

  8. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    First divined premium

    Hard portal drop

    Beat insane with 2 revives, now I have 2 falcons lol.

  9. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from Dark conon mech in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    First divined premium

    Hard portal drop

    Beat insane with 2 revives, now I have 2 falcons lol.

  10. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from TritiumThermonuclearBomb in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    This is from today's offer. Besides these, I got 5 other foodable legendaries and 3 boxes of purples. 

  11. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    This is from today's offer. Besides these, I got 5 other foodable legendaries and 3 boxes of purples. 

  12. Like
    PlainBadLuck reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    My 3er Burning. 😉 Oh well, I still do not use my first for 1 year and 8 months when  I got it. 🤡 I will some day for sure.

  13. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from Coddiwomple in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    Bought it and got 8 foodable leggies, not bad.
  14. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    Bought it and got 8 foodable leggies, not bad.
  15. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    5 boxes for this 1k deal instead of the usual 4, I need food and might buy this. 

  16. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from Scourge in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    5 boxes for this 1k deal instead of the usual 4, I need food and might buy this. 

  17. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from Fordekash in Token Use   
    Also, while the wait for deals is kind of boring, they are so much more satisfying. Unless you have terrible luck, you're basically guaranteed to get some legendaries from deals involving multiple premium packs. It's more enjoyable than saving up for a premium pack and getting all epics, which happened to me several times before my luck really started to hit its stride.
  18. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from JamAnime in Token Use   
    Also, while the wait for deals is kind of boring, they are so much more satisfying. Unless you have terrible luck, you're basically guaranteed to get some legendaries from deals involving multiple premium packs. It's more enjoyable than saving up for a premium pack and getting all epics, which happened to me several times before my luck really started to hit its stride.
  19. Like
    PlainBadLuck reacted to SC2A in Superb hooks??   
    Why superb hook when we have a premium one, its"superb" already
  20. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from The_Real_Ramsay49 in Superb hooks??   
    I agree that new items are needed, but idk about direct upgrades to current items. New items with new mechanics are what freshen up the game, not upsized, upgraded versions of current items.
    Reintroducing a new utility item like the old legacy shields into the game would change up gameplay a lot, while a more damaging grapple would just give players lucky enough to obtain it a stronger version of a current item.
    Or other new mechanics like damage over time, new damage types, physical shields (although resistances kind of fill that role), etc.
  21. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from JamAnime in Token Use   
    I started saving for deals once I was consistently hitting r10, and its worked out much better than buying premium packs. If you have 2 mechs with decent modules and weapons for arena, then I don't think there's any reason to buy premium packs in the hopes of getting a better item; your mechs can manage as they are, and deals are more cost-effective.
  22. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from Kurt in Base Defense   
    Base serves as a way to obtain items and coins, but what if it were more? I propose a new base defense mode.
    The concept: Players would create their own buggies, tanks, mechs, and eventually bosses to defend their base, with stronger, more numerous defenses becoming available as their base grows. They would then raid opponent's bases, getting rewards which they can use to augment their base and upgrade their mechs. 
    A few flaws and obstacles with the idea (ignoring the fact that it would likely not be implemented due to lack of interest or resources from Gato Games): 
    Many players already have a max base, which could screw up the progression idea. Perhaps a 2nd base, or just ignore base building levels in the defense mode.  If everyone starts from scratch regarding the defenses, and uses their main mechs to attack opponents' bases, then you would have maxed mechs attacking weak bases. Would the player be forced to create a new, separate mech for the mode? Could older players with more resources use their gold, tokens and items to upgrade their base/defenses/base mech faster than newer players? A progression system in which new stuff is unlocked after x amount of base assaults could help, but it would also make the mode less flexible, and potentially less fun. How would the base mode and regular mode interact with each other? How would rewards be determined, and which rewards would go to which modes? Would there have to be new items for base (ie tank/buggy chassis, new boss items, maybe even a shop to upgrade the base stats, like how mechs grow stronger using the same items in campaign)? This is a very basic premise, I'd appreciate additions or suggestions to improve it and detail it more. 
  23. Like
    PlainBadLuck reacted to JamAnime in Base Defense   
    This was my idea back in TS forum. Don't know if I brought it here. I think I brought it up before base was established.  Anyway, I am still for it, yet not gonna happen.  I seriously would come back to the game and do this. 
    Now here is my idea.
    - Once you had implement a weapon into the base mechs, they cannot be uses in other events, unless removed from base mechs. So, example if you have a Maxed Mythical Rock Recoiler on a buggy, you can not use it Arena Builds, Titan, war, campaign, or raid. Using items on base builds, decreases inventory number. Say you have inventory 220 and you use 6 items on base mechs, those six items are deducted from inventory which is 214, until taken off they go back to inventory.
    - Base upgrading: Every base starts at lvl 1. At lvl one, you use one build at that lvl upgrading base mechs and items gets you closer to be able to upgrade to the next lvl.  Every 10 lvls requires a certain amount of HP to be ment, before upgrading. There are 30 lvls for a 1v1 base. To go to a 2v2 lvl base, starts at lvl 31.  For a 3v3, starts at lvl 61, and reaches max at 1v1 90.
    I can get into more detail, yet this can even out for everyone. 
    lvl 1

  24. Like
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from Tigergeezer in why is it taking so long for my base to be disabled?   
    I wonder how many "disable base" or "why is it taking so long for base to be disabled" topics have been made. It seems like someone asks these questions every week.
  25. Sad
    PlainBadLuck got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Your most bad luck in game   
    Yeah, I'm getting to the point where many mechs have 100 resistance in at least one area and it's a little annoying, especially for my duo desolation build.
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