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    Zylok got a reaction from Clan Red in O.D FARM TEMP CLAN SEARCH   
    Hi OKI,
    I'm doing fine, thanks for asking.
    Ofcourse I understand that you want to look at multiple clans and want to decide which one would suit you best, so feel free to do so.
    WLGang players do complete their daily 5 wins most of the time (As long as they're available that is). Currently in the 3v3 season we are always backing off a little with the top ranked players though.  We have a 2-3 star titan which we defeat, and its 50/50 with wars. One war we're put against a harder opponent, but the next against an easier opponent clan.
  2. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from Clan Red in O.D FARM TEMP CLAN SEARCH   
    Hi m8,
    WLGang currently still has some spots left. We have ranks varying from 2 to 10 every season. There's some familiar faces still in there and we can satisfy all but one of your needs.
    The 1000 wins we usually don't achieve because of lack of very active arena players (most just do their 5 daily wins)
    We do, however, achieve S box in wars and have a number of players fight the titan.
  3. Like
    Zylok reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D FARM TEMP CLAN SEARCH   
    Sorry, I was farming. 
    Hi Zylok
    How are you?
    About the offer, I have that one now in consideration. I will not respond yet and will wait for others offers from friends that might get mad not giving a change to answer in this moment. I am not saying no. Just waiting for others to be fair. I will wait for some hours till night local time before TITAN start. If the clan see my request then accept. 
    Boss always offered me to be part of the clan in the clan best moments and when was moving up step by step. I have to thx to him  for his offers sadly I was solo in my solo mentality and by the time again I already joined CANDELA  and I do not like to cross roads regardless his offers. 
    Yes, I can see many familiar faces. Do they complete their daily's? Do you guys kill the titan always? What about war wins ratio getting S box? 
    I know WL been very strong in the past and always was a high win grinder as CANDELA level 5-6k on 1v1 and 2-3K on 2V2 and 2K at 3v3. Weird to know some are in the win low side.
    I can see is very low. 23 members at 5 wins from Friday 4pm local time mean basically put basic at 345 wins with some low side due to weekend will say 300 to have now regardless season. Low play even for 1k low wins. 🤦‍♂️ WTF. 
    Anyway, I am not saying no. I am focus on S relic possibility and I am in the low side wins. 
    Thx for the offer. Will know later today.
  4. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from Burn Baby Burn in O.D FARM TEMP CLAN SEARCH   
    Hi m8,
    WLGang currently still has some spots left. We have ranks varying from 2 to 10 every season. There's some familiar faces still in there and we can satisfy all but one of your needs.
    The 1000 wins we usually don't achieve because of lack of very active arena players (most just do their 5 daily wins)
    We do, however, achieve S box in wars and have a number of players fight the titan.
  5. Like
    Zylok reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D FARM TEMP CLAN SEARCH   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you?
    I am getting better and finally my lady is back at home released from hospital. She is feeling better out of the dangerous zone but still in bad shape at this for this week but it is a good news for me and for our kids.
    Been under a lot of work and training schedules and recently with my family sick I had to walk away my O.D FARM account from my clan CANDELA INC and give the space to someone capable to keep the clan in top notch adding wins and doing the rest of the work. If you wonder if the acc was kicked the answer it is no. I requested my exit and the search of new player to be added to ensure my clan can do better and for sure they are doing great and I am happy. Great team to be with. 
    As everyone knows basically in the forum and tons of clans members and leaders, I am not a clan hopper, jumper or super fan to be on clans rather I am a solo player by preference. I do play for fun and develop parts farming and I am not into rank things. I play at all ranks testing parts and making weird mechs just to max items as they look for my fun and entertainment without a particular direction to build a mech for combat. 
    I am a loyal player to my clan and I support them 100%v as best I can and I am not that fun into play dual clans. I like to play just in one only. 
    I do have friends around and clans offers to join all the time but I have rejected all of them because I do play my 2 accounts supporting CANDELA no other plus a promise to help the clan stability to the clan original owner. With the mess on clan issues and lost of players due to hacking etc like any other clan my clan suffered a bit to have stable members doing their job and we have been remaining at top position and addressing to get new decent members. The clan is doing now fine and it is in a solid position with great members and I am happy to play with all of them.
    Having the clan in a good spot with great members I decided to join a clan as temporary member "guest" to a clan if need a member my O.D. FARM ACC
    What I am looking for?
    1-First of all I do not like a clan leader to kick someone to add me. If your clan members are loyal and doing their job it is not right to kick someone because maybe I have a bit of more power that benefit your clan. Do such actions to me it is not a clan for me. Respect your peers that join you and want to be with you. 
    2- I do not like a clan talking trash or talking bad of any member even is doing poor. There are ways to talk with tack and address the issue and if not I will understand the kick if does not help to make the necessary correction to help the team.
    3- I join only as temporary. My account it is reserved to help CANDELA INC at any given time if we suffer losses on membership. I will do a proper exit to no harm the clan. I do not know for how long will be in the clan all depending of my clan need. I will test your clan ways and if I do not like I am out.
    Been clear on some aspects it does prevent miss understandings. I do have some requirements to join a clan or rather be a solo player account and what I can offer.
    1- I play my way. Always been always will be. My rank fluctuate according my mood to play for test or rank per season. Sometimes I play low and sometimes I play at high. I am playing at low this season at R7 and might later move to R3 as max. 
    2- I play only 5 wins per day back to normal as used to be. I do not have time for extra wins even sometimes can add few depending what I do for a particular rank desire at the moment. 
    3- What max rank I offer? I offer just R3 by end of season as max regardless I achieve all ranks in all seasons. I just do not play for it and I am not interested. Sure sometimes go for it like last season playing at R8 and moving to R1 both account just for the fun. 
    4- The clan it does compete for at least "S" box at WAR. The clan have to play war as rule. I do not like to play for less than "S" box so clan need to ensure that spot.
    5- TITAN tickets. I do collect tickets always and I do fight the TITAN always. The clan should attack TITAN as rule all members and collect tickets.
    6- The clan achieve 1000 wins per season. I do not like lazy clans even my wins are low. I am not based to collect tokens from the clans or take advantage. I get my own tokens so I no need clan tokens and I am not in a clan for it. I am in a clan to make friends and help them but can't be lazy. I guess many people know me a bout that. 
    7- I do help to position clan for war on rank need for war. The clan should help on it to ensure success in the fight and get the reward desired for the team.
    8- I do not have DISCORD and I do not have intentions for now to open one. I use mainly the forum or clan chat.
    If you are interested as member or leader go ahead and drop a line and PM me or write down below. To my friends around asking me to join their clans, I do really want to help you guys if you need me but also I am focus to develop O.D FARM with some possibility of gold relics at war and if your clan does not goes at that level I can't join. I will wait till a clan is interested and can achieve war at that level. Sure I can join for a week for a visit as friends if not clan offer. Also I am not into medals. 
    This is last minute decision but as I indicated my account is based on CANDELA INC support. Oh, I do not like spy games so do not count on me on those ways. My clan it is an open clan without secrets plain and simple. I like that way. I like honest clans only and no drama. I am an honest player working hard my account farming. 
  6. Like
    Zylok reacted to Pavke in Forum Tournament - Police Mechs 🚓🚓   
    Hello Pilots,
    I'm super excited to announce the Police Mechs community tournament! If you were a user of Tacticsoft's forum you may already know what this is because we already organized few tournaments like this. For those who are unfamiliar what the tournament is about I will explain it shortly, but first I want to thank @Marija and @Fluffeh who will help me out with this event! 
    What is Police Mechs tournament?
    The main idea of this tournament is to bring community closer together and have some fun by battling in ways you wouldn't do in a real match. I think we all can agree that sometimes we just want to try something new, something that just feels out of place. That's why I think this tournament will be a great chance for it and you will see why too after reading the rules!
    1. Only common, rare and epic items allowed. Legendary and Divine items cannot be used in this tournament. This way no matter are you a rank 1 or 10, you have equal chances to win.
    2. Item level cannot be higher than Epic level 1. Commons and Rares can be upgraded. Reason for this is that we don't need unfair advantage by having higher levels items than your opponent. This way it stays balanced.
    3. You must use Energy and Heat weapons only. Physical items are banned from this competition except for charge and modules.
    4. You must use at least 2x Energy and Heat weapons (torsos, legs, drones or any other special doesn't count for this requirement). This is so the name of tournament make sense.
    5. Heat Bomb, EMP, Firefly and Electrolyte are banned. 
    6. Legacy items are not allowed. Some of them could provide unfair advantage over the players who can't get them anymore.
    7. Battle is done in 1v1 format.
    How can I Sign Up?
    To enter this competition you need to do the following:
    -After creating your mech for the tournament you will need to send it privately to me on forum along with your INGAME name. 
    -You need to screenshot every category of your mech. This is so we are 100% sure you follow the rules. Any unregistered change will result in disqualification!
    How long will the Signing Up last?
    Exactly one week. Participants will have enough time to make their mechs and collect missing parts if needed. Any late entry or update on your mech will not be validated!
    Where can I check who is my opponent and how much time do we have to finish our fight?
    After the signing up period ends you will be able to find out who is your opponent here a day later. You have 2 days to finish the fight and the replay code of the match must be sent here. It's up to both sides to decide do they want to play with pads or not. If someone happens to not get an opponent in the first round that player will get a free pass to the next one.
    This will probably be the favorite part of the topic for many, but with a good reason! The rewards for this tournament are:
    1st place: 3000 tokens
    2nd place: 2000 tokens
    3rd place: 1000 tokens
    But that's not it! Depending on the number of participants we get, random players will get a FREE pack for just deciding to participate, so if you lose you still have a chance to get some rewards! The more participants we have, more people walk away with a free pack so make sure to spread the word 😉
    If you have any other questions about the tournament, or have any ideas for tournaments that might happen in the future, make sure to join this club! Again thanks to Marija and Fluffeh for making this possible!
    Good luck on the battlefield!
  7. Thanks
    Zylok got a reaction from Eneg in Arena Shop levels listing   
    Level 6 is 150 and level 7  is 180
  8. Like
    Zylok reacted to Eneg in Arena Shop levels listing   
    I'm making a small project in a form of discord bot with various SM related commands etc. (not going into details here...)
    I've come to a point where I'd like to give a player the ability to select exact arena buff levels they want applied, but this requires knowing the bonuses at each level.
    I managed to get most of the necessary data, except for the values for HP buff at levels 1-3 and 6-9. (0, None, None, None, 90, 120, None, None, None, None, 300, 350)

    I'm asking anyone who's able to check the HP buff at any of aforementioned levels to tell me the value. Thanks!
  9. Haha
    Zylok reacted to Fyrestare in Remember me?   
    jeff. 🙂
  10. Like
    Zylok reacted to DragonsIayer in I think I might be a magician   
    Reason being is how many times I’ve appeared on and disappeared from this site. The reason for that is because I never got attached to the new forums like I did the old ones, and I didn’t know how things worked, so I didn’t even bother. Whether I’ll be here to stay or leave after a day, I don’t know.
  11. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from iAldoPR SM in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    The difficulty of a titan is based off of the previous titan you fought, if you lost to the prvious titan you will most likely get a titan with 1 star less. If you win against a titan it is highly likely that you will get a titan with 1 star more
  12. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from OKI DOKI in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    The difficulty of a titan is based off of the previous titan you fought, if you lost to the prvious titan you will most likely get a titan with 1 star less. If you win against a titan it is highly likely that you will get a titan with 1 star more
  13. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from White Star in White & Bleu relics are they useless ?   
    Relics can be used to divine items. there are only 3 legs and 3 torsos that are c-m and thus need common relics.
    Same goes for the rare relics, only very few items are r-m, even less of those are usefull.
  14. Sad
    Zylok got a reaction from Dark conon mech in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    Clevername stopped playing SuperMechs for now. He will not respond nor see these messages.
  15. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from Clan Red in White & Bleu relics are they useless ?   
    Relics can be used to divine items. there are only 3 legs and 3 torsos that are c-m and thus need common relics.
    Same goes for the rare relics, only very few items are r-m, even less of those are usefull.
  16. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from OKI DOKI in White & Bleu relics are they useless ?   
    Relics can be used to divine items. there are only 3 legs and 3 torsos that are c-m and thus need common relics.
    Same goes for the rare relics, only very few items are r-m, even less of those are usefull.
  17. Like
    Zylok reacted to Bring live your dreams in Super mechs video   
    10 minutes of edition

  18. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from OKI DOKI in No game connection   
    I don't have any troubles, might be local for you. High chance it will be over fairly soon, I'venever had connection errors for over 2 days.
  19. Like
    Zylok reacted to SC2A in Superb hooks??   
    Why superb hook when we have a premium one, its"superb" already
  20. Haha
    This is not reddit 
  21. Like
    Zylok reacted to OKI DOKI in I need relationship advice   
    It is hard to tell. 
    All depend of age and maturity from both sides and mind set at the moment. Looks not all the time is the right thing. Personality and attention help. Be you and do not try to be someone you are not. Build friendship in a normal way. Sometimes feelings betray and building friendship is better. Time will tell but do not let it scape waiting. maybe if she give an small token of signal take her hand. Say hi with a kiss in her cheek. 
    The problem here is about culture and others aspects. A person from USA or a person from Japan will be a little bit different in the approach. A person here is hard to give an advice unless the person is from your country who can understand better the culture. 
  22. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from Ace Red Baron in ...CANDELA INC...   
    What are the minimum win and rank requirements per season?
  23. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from Exquisite Phosphorus in Zylok's Youtube videos   
    After more than half a year I am back, but not with a Supermechs video...
    I want to take you with me on me and my friends' mountainbike journey of the past 2 weeks.
    Here is the trailer of an aftermovie that I'm working on and going to upload in the near future.
    I hope you enjoy and that you'll be looking forward to the full video.
  24. Like
    Zylok got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Zylok's Youtube videos   
    After more than half a year I am back, but not with a Supermechs video...
    I want to take you with me on me and my friends' mountainbike journey of the past 2 weeks.
    Here is the trailer of an aftermovie that I'm working on and going to upload in the near future.
    I hope you enjoy and that you'll be looking forward to the full video.
  25. Like
    Zylok reacted to OKI DOKI in ...CANDELA INC...   
    Hi guys
    I just want to Welcome our new leader Diablodder. Nice guy and hard worker. I want to thank as well our former leaders SIN for his great work ethic and massive support to the clan on all levels. I want to thank as well Ayron our long term member and recent leader for his work and loyalty to the clan. Our former member and short leader Tirred covering the spot for a while. 
    It is been some changes in the clan on leadership but all is good. I am back to the clan post been 5 weeks out due to work and unable to play basics so I left till can recover a bit but I still not in full basic as before. I want to thank to the clan always asking me to be part as team member regardless even during those days not been a real supporter but to stay no matter what and I decided to step out to not take advantage of their hard work.
    Thank you a lot guys. I appreciate your kind and support and for sure I am trying to do what I can in my busy life.
    I will add more information as Discord info or the leader with add the info. Our clan still in business and our goals haven't change or requirements unless specials decisions. 
    Thank you 
    Wally-OKI DOKI 
    I forgot to add Azrael. Great leader and one of the best player and contributor. Hard worker and make sacrifices for all of us all the time. 
    SHABBA, The first clan leader. Cool guy and clan owner hard worker. Miss him too. 
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