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I need relationship advice


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there is a nice looking girl who i met a week ago she sat next to me and held my hand as a joke at lunch and my friends dared her to kiss me she hasnt done it yet but said shes thinking about it. im not super good looking for 1 and i barley know her and am not really interested in dating rn but i want to get to know her more and build a relationship i just dont know how to get started i do kinda like her tho so does anyone know what i should do?

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It is hard to tell. 

All depend of age and maturity from both sides and mind set at the moment. Looks not all the time is the right thing. Personality and attention help. Be you and do not try to be someone you are not. Build friendship in a normal way. Sometimes feelings betray and building friendship is better. Time will tell but do not let it scape waiting. maybe if she give an small token of signal take her hand. Say hi with a kiss in her cheek. 

The problem here is about culture and others aspects. A person from USA or a person from Japan will be a little bit different in the approach. A person here is hard to give an advice unless the person is from your country who can understand better the culture. 

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10 hours ago, boomboomsticks said:

there is a nice looking girl who i met a week ago she sat next to me and held my hand as a joke at lunch and my friends dared her to kiss me she hasnt done it yet but said shes thinking about it. im not super good looking for 1 and i barley know her and am not really interested in dating rn but i want to get to know her more and build a relationship i just dont know how to get started i do kinda like her tho so does anyone know what i should do?

Why does it matter how good looking you are?

Just get to know her by spending time with her and her/your friends.  Text.  Email.  Write notes.

Women want relationship and kindness before they care about your looks.



"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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10 hours ago, boomboomsticks said:

there is a nice looking girl who i met a week ago she sat next to me and held my hand as a joke at lunch and my friends dared her to kiss me she hasnt done it yet but said shes thinking about it. im not super good looking for 1 and i barley know her and am not really interested in dating rn but i want to get to know her more and build a relationship i just dont know how to get started i do kinda like her tho so does anyone know what i should do?

I feel like that was my gf pov last year but what do you know, now she says she love me more 😋

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2 hours ago, SawzAll said:

Why does it matter how good looking you are?

Just get to know her by spending time with her and her/your friends.  Text.  Email.  Write notes.

Women want relationship and kindness before they care about your looks.



because im in highschool thats how highshcool women think 

and she really doesnt talk to me that much we just play online games together

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1 minute ago, boomboomsticks said:

and she really doesnt talk to me that much we just play online games together

She probably is scared as well, if she wants to play games together with you, she wants yo have contact with you. The games are the things that connect the 2 of you, use that to start talking to her at school.

Talk for example about new upcoming games to start a conversation.

Legacy Messiah | Reign Forever | Rejoined March 2020

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7 hours ago, boomboomsticks said:

because im in highschool thats how highshcool women think 

and she really doesnt talk to me that much we just play online games together

Why would you want to be in a relationship with a woman who DOES NOT LIKE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE?

Sorry, but still, why?

Anything based on looks, relationships or careers, will eventually fall apart, just like your looks and your body.

Trust me, you want a relationship with someone who values you for who you are, no matter what you look like, because looks ALWAYS fade.  Ever seen Ms America reunions?  Looks fade.  We will all lose to the enemy of entropy.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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On 10/28/2021 at 10:12 PM, boomboomsticks said:

there is a nice looking girl who i met a week ago she sat next to me and held my hand as a joke at lunch and my friends dared her to kiss me she hasnt done it yet but said shes thinking about it. im not super good looking for 1 and i barley know her and am not really interested in dating rn but i want to get to know her more and build a relationship i just dont know how to get started i do kinda like her tho so does anyone know what i should do?

Always shoot for the moon. The worst she can say is “no.” Also, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama says that relationships are “impossible.” 😂

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or if I ask if she wants to do something with me she says yes but doesnt really want to

(edit) so things with eden have been really confusing can someone tell me whats going on?  I ask if i can sit and have lunch with her and she says she wants to sit with her other friends and the next day she comes and sits next to me but doesnt say anything at all and kinda just watches me play a game on my phone so that was kinda weird the next day she sits with me again and actually talks to me some but im sitting with other guys on the football team and we start talking and she says Do you want me to leave? and i say id prefer if you didnt and i wanted to tell her i kinda liked her there but didnt say it and i still dont know her all that well. 

Edited by boomboomsticks
because (see edit history)
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