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Campaign improvement & Store comeback

Tiger P

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 I have got suggestion;

What about making next few enviroments? Big Boy is very easy. Just 2-3 days of active playing, and you beat him. In 2v2 is way harder. You fight 2 mechs at once, but made of legendaries, not heavily nerfed epics. 3v3 is just extreme. There are mythicals. I know, Big Boy has got one, but it is just faint. 3v3 would be same as now, because it's almost unbeatable in insane mode.

And I really want store comeback, beacause we just loved this. Your favourite cards were just waiting in store to buy. The only rarity you can't buy is divine, because it would make no sense. But when you wouldn't accept it, you can make something similiar, but this will be making [selecting the item what you want to make will cost more] card in item factory.

These are my suggestions. Thanks for reading.

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The campaign does really need an improvement since it's been the same from the start of Reloaded... Well, 1v1 was the same since the start of Reloaded while 2v2 and 3v3 were just gradual additions to the game as it grew from there... But you get my point.

As for the store, it's not gonna work out well while the transforming system is still a thing. I mean, think about it... If you have all of the legendary items on a storefront and are all purchasable, what's gonna stop a player from buying a powerful L-M and 5 bad legendaries in order to max that powerful L-M? Even if it costs tokens to get L-Ms or all legendaries in general, that would only mean that F2Ws are restricted from doing that while P2Ws can go all-out and just buy everything until they got full myth mechs with nothing but L-Ms.

Sure, it would alleviate all of the RnG gameplay of premium boxes, packs, and fortune boxes... But it'll cost F2Ws the small chance they have left to compete with P2Ws in arena if the legendary items are going to be in a shop for everyone to buy, regardless if the price tags are gold or tokens. 

Legacy got away with the shop since items couldn't be transformed (they came in separate forms that had to be earned/bought) but with Reloaded, times have changed and we can't really afford to have another shop.

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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17 hours ago, Tiger P said:

 I have got suggestion;

What about making next few enviroments? Big Boy is very easy. Just 2-3 days of active playing, and you beat him. In 2v2 is way harder. You fight 2 mechs at once, but made of legendaries, not heavily nerfed epics. 3v3 is just extreme. There are mythicals. I know, Big Boy has got one, but it is just faint. 3v3 would be same as now, because it's almost unbeatable in insane mode.

And I really want store comeback, beacause we just loved this. Your favourite cards were just waiting in store to buy. The only rarity you can't buy is divine, because it would make no sense. But when you wouldn't accept it, you can make something similiar, but this will be making [selecting the item what you want to make will cost more] card in item factory.

These are my suggestions. Thanks for reading.

I think the campaigns are fine the way they are.  If anything, I'd like a totally new campaign mode called Survival, where you see how many mechs you can destroy (they get harder as you beat them).

As for the store, I never experienced the store, so I can't agree or disagree on that one.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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5 hours ago, SawzAll said:

As for the store, I never experienced the store, so I can't agree or disagree on that one.

The store was basically an item marketplace where all of the in-game items were able to be directly bought with gold/tokens. As you leveled-up in legacy times, more and more items would unlock and become purchasable. 

For the cost determination, common to epic items were purchasable with gold while legendary and mythical items were purchasable with tokens.

You could also get kits from the store like the ones that you see dropping from supply crates in Reloaded campaign maps (Legacy did that too but also had bullet and rocket ammo kits to replenish your ammunition) but they were  permanent until used... Which meant that you could carry HP kits with you into arena in order to heal yourself in the middle of combat.

Extra Note: Using kits in the middle of any battle (campaign and arena alike) will take an action point away per kit, so it wasn't easy to abuse the system without risking your mech's life in the process. 

If you fail and don't succeed at something, you simply haven't failed enough. Through failures, one can pave a path to eventual success. 

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I don’t usually like to influence suggestions topic but I feel like concerning old features, people put on rose glasses (often without never having played it themselves) and make them sound better and better every year after they’re gone... 

The store was good for checking what items exist and completing mechs with lower level items, it was totally useless for getting. The best items. 

To my knowledge it never ever sold mythicals and only sold a few legendaries, for tokens as mentioned. This was before you could upgrade cards, so if you wanted a mythical item, you needed one to drop - you couldn't upgrade any other items into it. 

It was mostly useful for checking the item list and getting low weight commons/rares/epics to complete your mech. Back then getting those outside of the store was a bit of a pain. 

Suggestions are welcome, but please do keep in mind we also have to consider things financially and such. Boxes are a very effective system of monetization used by basically every game right now 😛

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Back in 2012-2013 buying premium items with tokens was the only way to get META builds. You could not get rank one without these token purchased items. Also back then, the only way to obtain tokens was buying them with real money.


with that being said, I get that the box system has to be a better source of revenue. As much as I hate the box system we may not have a game to play without it. We certainly wouldn’t have all the advancements of the game that we have today.


I quit playing for almost two years after the box system replaced the store. As much as I hate the box system and as much as I hate to admit it, the game is much better today then it was back then.

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8 hours ago, Alexander said:

Boxes are a very effective system of monetization used by basically every game right now 😛

Well then I'm happy about that word "basically", because that means that not all game developers think that stimulating interest on gambling in children and adolescents is right.

It depends on the neighborhood in which you move. If you live in a neighborhood where most people steal and you haven´t seen how the rest of the people live, you will surely think that stealing is good and normal, because "everyone does it".

Surely, when you go to buy shoes, take a good look at what you are going to buy, try on, choose, review, ask before opening your wallet. That´s what we all do! But here people open their wallets without asking anything and without the right to return.

Then, someday someone will take the bull by the antlers and put limits to this liveliness of game developers where 4 cats living to naturalize the interest in gambling in the minds of very young people who still lack life experience to determine what is right and what is wrong.

What a shame that a person has studied and dedicates so many hours of work to a profession as noble as the development of a game should be (one of the best contributions that someone can make to a society), to end up making money with the bets of loot boxes. The world upside down.


And I congratulate a member of this community who one day wrote "I am not going to spend my family's money on a game."


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