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How can the pay gap shrink with these rewards ?


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I have a small clan . We can field enough players to fight clan wars . Below is a picture of the box we get as a reward . How would a player that was new or a f2p close the gap with better players with these rewards ? I suggest that the boxes at lower levels should be better, at least equal , than at the top ranks should Gato want to bridge the pay gap. 


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If a player wants to become better - he must strive to be in the best clan to get the best rewards in clan wars. Something like "natural selection". If a player for some reason reduces the requirements for himself and does not care about competitiveness -he must accept the fact that his prizes will be low. That's how I see the situation

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Miron don’t . Don’t come here on a valid topic and tell us how we can try to be better . I know how your clan got better . Players are competitive by nature . They want to be better because they have a fire to do so. My question was HOW COULD A PLAYER WHO. CHOOSES NOT TO SPEND OR CHEAT close the gap with those rewards ? I now understand Wepwawet implying that these barricades cause players to use hacks and cheat. Word on the street is  Some clans even use hacks as a recruiting tool. 

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4 hours ago, Se77en said:

Miron don’t . Don’t come here on a valid topic and tell us how we can try to be better . I know how your clan got better . Players are competitive by nature . They want to be better because they have a fire to do so. My question was HOW COULD A PLAYER WHO. CHOOSES NOT TO SPEND OR CHEAT close the gap with those rewards ? I now understand Wepwawet implying that these barricades cause players to use hacks and cheat. Word on the street is  Some clans even use hacks as a recruiting tool. 

Why are you attempting is deflect/invalidate Miron's point by bringing up his clan? What does that have to with anything? That's called ad hominem.

If we closed the gap between all clan war boxes by making low ranked boxes "better, at least equal" to those of the top clan rewards, all strategy in clan war is essentially out the window. Why would a clan try to win if it means getting a higher ranked (and therefore worse) box? You'd be turning wars into a competition to see who can lose the hardest, and get the lowest ranked box for the better rewards.

A better solution would be to simply increase the rewards for lower ranked boxes, and at most setting the droprates from S boxes equal to that of S+. Then add to S+ an extra (albeit trivial) reward, like a level 1 epic power kit. This benefits the f2p playerbase by increasing their divine relic intake compared to that of the top players. It also provides incentive for the top warring clans to actually try to win, because they get a nice little bonus if they earn the S+ box. Fixing clan war to display the correct damage % for both clans would also help a bit too.

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8 hours ago, Se77en said:

My question was HOW COULD A PLAYER WHO. CHOOSES NOT TO SPEND OR CHEAT close the gap with those rewards ?

This is exactly what I'm talking about. We have several f2p accounts in the clan that regularly receive relics and are also competitive.

As for the cheating that you are alluding to here, I must tell you that a real cheater does not need clan wars. He will have enough of these golden relics that he will receive from the season box. Then he knows what to do with it.

8 hours ago, Se77en said:

I now understand Wepwawet implying that these barricades cause players to use hacks and cheat.


Three years ago were "golden times" for the SuperMechs. All the players were happy ... the company was making money. But a man came who united other people around him and the game fell. In the game as in society there are always decent citizens and there are criminals. This is the law of life.


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Dear Se77en, I have tried to make you understand some things in the past but I see with regret that you continue in your crusade.


8 hours ago, WarrMachine said:

Why are you attempting is deflect/invalidate Miron's point by bringing up his clan? What does that have to with anything? That's called ad hominem.

I subscribe to the words of Warrmachine


Se77en ... You keep pointing your finger at the person, you are wrong!

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I read top to bottom.

And I notice you say that you have small clan. Maybe that was the cause.

18 hours ago, Se77en said:

I have a small clan . We can field enough players to fight clan wars . Below is a picture of the box we get as a reward . How would a player that was new or a f2p close the gap with better players with these rewards ? I suggest that the boxes at lower levels should be better, at least equal , than at the top ranks should Gato want to bridge the pay gap. 


Also if you suggest that the boxes at lower lvl should be better... no wounder why some top player rather drop rank for better reward.

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