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  1. They actually ban ALL cheaters over there ..... just saying
  2. Miron don’t . Don’t come here on a valid topic and tell us how we can try to be better . I know how your clan got better . Players are competitive by nature . They want to be better because they have a fire to do so. My question was HOW COULD A PLAYER WHO. CHOOSES NOT TO SPEND OR CHEAT close the gap with those rewards ? I now understand Wepwawet implying that these barricades cause players to use hacks and cheat. Word on the street is Some clans even use hacks as a recruiting tool.
  3. I have a small clan . We can field enough players to fight clan wars . Below is a picture of the box we get as a reward . How would a player that was new or a f2p close the gap with better players with these rewards ? I suggest that the boxes at lower levels should be better, at least equal , than at the top ranks should Gato want to bridge the pay gap.
  4. Why not just compensate players that showed no signs of hacking a fair value compensation for what was stolen ? Oh yeah that never happened . Just throw me off here .
  5. Valiant Sniper used to be OP but now is one of few weapons that lend any kind of balance to the current arena . It is a weapon most players must build for either in movement , regeneration , HP . I would leave it as is for now . (2 cents)
  6. Does anyone else from SM play this game ? I have moved Over there and find it to be similar to this . Alliances ( clans) wars , missions, team building , titans .
  7. Will sarcasm be viewed as hostility ? It is a second language to me .
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