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OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little


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Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine but really tired today. Terrible week at work but finally is over for few hours till tomorrow morning. 🥶

There is no much to say this time just only the general status for this week. 

OKI like his little brother O.D. FARM it is been under saving gold mode in order I can start to max out a bunch of myth parts around then to save again and start to make new ones. The gave keep morphing and I have been building parts as general needs to many combos for all 3 types as basic building blocks to be able to make different combos when I need and have desire to play with for fun regardless rank results. 

Let see what I have...

Gold reserve it is been increasing like O.D. FARM close to each other rate. Gold reserves increased to 93millions and it is OKI max record on savings. Tokens still on reserve for weapons deals if are attractive for the account. 

The account it is not been growing as mentioned previously instead enhancing power and saving gold. Low pvp is been bad to progress faster but it is the best I can do with my busy life. Anyway, like in OD. FARM I am happy to see the gold stash growing making me feel like rich person. Just a bit selfish not making parts except the general basic of making some legends from epics for the future myth parts and consuming some epics to open space. 

The game plan is to save gold for another week or till reach 100mill as O.D. FARM and then craft 8K power kits and max out myth parts around. 


I was really luck this week opening a Fortune Box. Never expected but both parts I was hoping to get. Even account is not been growing on weapons this grant was in need so I will say the account grew a bit this week and I am happy with both parts.


I think this was Rank Box reward. I really do not remember.





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1 hour ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine but really tired today. Terrible week at work but finally is over for few hours till tomorrow morning. 🥶

There is no much to say this time just only the general status for this week. 

OKI like his little brother O.D. FARM it is been under saving gold mode in order I can start to max out a bunch of myth parts around then to save again and start to make new ones. The gave keep morphing and I have been building parts as general needs to many combos for all 3 types as basic building blocks to be able to make different combos when I need and have desire to play with for fun regardless rank results. 

Let see what I have...

Gold reserve it is been increasing like O.D. FARM close to each other rate. Gold reserves increased to 93millions and it is OKI max record on savings. Tokens still on reserve for weapons deals if are attractive for the account. 

The account it is not been growing as mentioned previously instead enhancing power and saving gold. Low pvp is been bad to progress faster but it is the best I can do with my busy life. Anyway, like in OD. FARM I am happy to see the gold stash growing making me feel like rich person. Just a bit selfish not making parts except the general basic of making some legends from epics for the future myth parts and consuming some epics to open space. 

The game plan is to save gold for another week or till reach 100mill as O.D. FARM and then craft 8K power kits and max out myth parts around. 


I was really luck this week opening a Fortune Box. Never expected but both parts I was hoping to get. Even account is not been growing on weapons this grant was in need so I will say the account grew a bit this week and I am happy with both parts.


I think this was Rank Box reward. I really do not remember.






Hcaptcha scam

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Hi Pilots

How are you?

Well I am tired and trying to do some test at low rank and with undeveloped parts in my lunch time. I have my boss around and is been interrupting me and every time I will sneak in my own break to do some pvp he appears to give me more work to do. Jesus, not even on my breaks and constant phone calls and massive pages for issues to take care and projects to prepare and to work on and people off due to COVID or others conditions. Seems is a terrible week to get some wins and test or else. 

Anyway, this is my short weekly progress report before the boss get angry at me.🤡

I was targeting OKI like O.D FARM to get 100millions in gold and I was trying to get it by Sunday but I OKI was behind for 1million taking longer plus due to I was unable to do limited grind in both accounts the gold accumulation is been slower and limited pvp do not help much to increase it. I need to do more pvp and I want but sadly I can't. 

Well, I got the 100millions but OKI does have many MYTH parts at L1 and I have to work on them to max out and clear the cluster I have then move to a more controlled myth creation. 

My goal still the same about the intension to craft 8k power kits to max out some myth parts but not all due too it is not enough for it and gold reserve will drop a lot. I will have to go for some parts as batches of 6 or 7 parts then recover a bit then another batch etc. 

There are some important parts at legend status I need to max out ASAP but I will hold for now. 

This is my gold reserve. Finally 100millions in OKI first time. I think O.D FARM did many things before OKI. 🤣

I will save gold for the rest of the week just to start 1k P.K. with that gold. Not a lot but I will control a bit. I have some mix boxes on reserve and I will drain a bit those with the IK craft and to make some max out and legend parts in need from epic stash.



Clan war. Happy to see those gold in OKI. Normally OKI suffer a lot on grants from starting the acc. 


Rank. So inspiring 🙂








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Hi Pilots

This is my weekly update and not that much to add. I am on my break at work and lucky my boss is not here today been on vacation. 😃🍺 Sure he left too many things to do to cover him. 🤦‍♂️🥶

Anyway, as I was saying I have been saving gold to be ready and be able to max some parts making some parts at base crafting 1k power kits. My goal still 8k power kits to get out of the myths around but this batch is only the first batch.

I was able to increase gold reserve to 105millions but crafting and maxing the gold went down fast so I am holding back a bit to increase gold for balance but sure will keep going down for now. 

My current reserves post maxing some parts and making 1K power kits. I forgot to take a picture for the 105 millions. Oh well, next time. 


My factories still working to complete the 1k order then will be idles to increase gold reserves for next batch of parts to max out.


Some parts maxed for combat but others just because I want to have them max out for fun and to have a mix of weapons availability. I will be making 4 set of 3 weapons per week crafting and stopping and saving. I think will take 6 weeks if I want to clear all out and keeping high gold level then will move to make controlled parts. 




Portal was not that great but something some food is ok


WAR- I need those. 


Mix Box but do not know 







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Yes I know @SC2A. Will be awesome. 😉

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am as I described on O.D FARM. 🤡 Too lazy to write again the same. 🤣

I am busy as always but today was family time or to get in trouble with them in my only single day off I have. Well, not all the time because I do work too but was for family after be able to sleep some. I was not feeling well and had too much pain all over due to work at work working with machines down and took me a toll all week. I feel busted and ready to sleep in few ours when I am done with couple of things and start another round of training with the boss. 


Ok, lets go to the monkey business.

I am doing the same as O.D. FARM saving gold and maxing parts, OKI does have more parts than O.D. been older account and I need to keep working on maxing many myth parts made long ago. I just want to finish them for fun.

Gold reserve dropped but I have been recovering during this week post maxing some parts.

Current gold reserves. I will be saving for this week then I will make another round maxing only 3 parts.


Parts maxed this week.


I still have few power kits reserves to make L30 or anything around if need. 


 Rank Box👍




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Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am tired for sure due to new "another" job assignment and training due to company new leader direction and covid thing. It is getting annoying with changes at work due to I can cover different areas related to experience and some of them I need some refresh in some areas or to learn new stuff making my play time impossible for at list another month or so.

I can farm a bit and do just basic like titan or war but wins is been impossible due to I work long hours per day 6-7 days a week. Those recent changes took away my play time that in reality I do not have. I might step out of the clan for this period of time till can get back in full post this new assignment can be settle.

In another note, I was able to recover OKI DOKI communication issue. "Happy for it".

Before I had issues with the account I was able to work on few max out just to finish a mech I had for very long in development but never tried to finished and instead to save up gold as planed for this week I end up maxing parts and test in full few time just to see opponent reaction and what it does as mech. No rush with it trying to move up but just few test.

Let see current status.

I was able to finish those parts and gold instead to move up went down like a rock. Also, I decided to add few tokens just to have them around not having anything in special for their use at this moment. Gold dropped from 1.1millions to 92millions now I am trying to get back to 100millions or more before get into maxing 3 more parts. It will take longer due to I will miss some days of pvp and I am doing if I can the minimum for the daily not allowing me to get extra gold that I need from those pvp that I really want to do to enhance account but changes at work cut me off again and the progress it is been a lot slower than I planned for.


I still have some power kit reserves for any particular goodie of priority but my plan it is not to use  gold reserve.


Parts maxed some from Legend L1 and some from L1 myth. Apart to max those I decided to divine few items to add a bit  health due to lack of divined weapons to attack so I compensate just a bit with torso and leg. Lack of relic is a bit annoying.

Now I have all the modules needed.



 I had this one for very long time and never max it in OKI. I decided to finished.


Getting this one was in need and transformed and maxed.



Why not to divine just for a bit health



Maybe clan war. Sorry, I forgot. I think I forgot to screen capture rank. 


I decided to get the 5 box offer just because I was bored and it was helpful to max the 3 items. I got at list one goodie and meat was ok. So I call it good with the shower and I have now 3 of them.








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Yes and No.

It is all depend the way you see it. I was free to play but reached top rank with 8 accounts as free player. I became a customer buying an item for my niece that wanted to get an item when she was playing my OKI DOKI account due to we build the account together in the early stages but not playing dual but as single together meaning that we never advanced the account with 2 person to maximize gold etc. We player together or independent as owner.

Pay to Win it is the concept for a player that want to move up fast on rank and become an R1 in a permanent way and compete generally speaking or sustaining due to game changes. 

Pay to have fun will describe better my person since I do not pay to win or rank or any particular interest since I am not into the game per se but family request to play the game with them. I do not need to buy tokens or parts since it is not in my need to play the game and I just focus on grinding gold due to I do not have time to play the game in real life. 

Then why I pay? My answer is simple, it is a game. Why not if want when bored or have the few dollars and go for it because well just do.

I do not have personal desire to compete and be at top but just the fun to farm and level up parts with the farming. Sure my account can be good in the hand of a real pro game to win player. It is not the best around but can pack a punch good enough for R1 all seasons if want. I get R1 when I have time and play for it with desire but I am not playing for it but I still get it not intentionally.  I mostly stay in R3 or changing ranks to lower to higher for weapons test developed or undeveloped. 

Good enough tokens and boxes I think.🤔



I just play with parts in development at their respective rank and power level at all seasons. I do not have a particular season to play at low rank or high rank according my personal time to play the game. When I want to test I test and when I want to play a few I stay at high and get the gold in need with pvp.


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Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am tired for sure and my daughter is sick and my son too. I had to take my daughter to the hospital multiple times hoping get better in a few days. My son is doing ok. My lady is getting sick today too with fever now waiting for covid test results. 

I have not been playing for few days around pvp but will see how family will recover. 

Ok, about OKI update.

I have been busy at work due to training and work related issues cutting all my pvp time away but I am still trying to see if  I can can get a few. I need to help my clan but I am failing recently on pvp. It does affect the clan and my progress for sure but it is a game and in my human side I feel busted and really tired and need some time of serious sleeping time unable to get. No vacations around due to people are out on vacation or sick plus jobs assignments changes.

Oh well, the only thing I can do is farm time to time and even farming it is been also a lot less. Anyways, I still moving on in the progress little by little.

Let see what the pizza delivery brought today. 

I have been really busy and gold reserve is been growing a slow motion but I was able to move back to 101millions. My current goal is to grind till next Sunday if possible and then start to craft some power kits. I still have more parts at myth level needing to max out but will take a bit longer now to get it done. I do not have the expectation to play much for some more weeks.  


I made some legend parts for meat and transformed this one. The only part this week focusing in the gold reserve recovery. 


I had few ranks boxes around not opened and few others opened but not screen shot. 



Clan war


I decided to get this offer to complete full set in OKI for future set ups in mind. I do not need more on basic modules. I have all what it is need for heat, energy resist and shields. 




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3 hours ago, Electrick010 said:

Excellent progress, congratulations on your new badge.

*Grand Master*

You're the first to do it.



Thx bro. Yes, I am the first in the reset due to it was reset few months later post been open the forum. SPAM was the one ahead of everyone then reset and I was ahead then he stopped to log that often but I was not in a competition it is just simple action when I connect and just happen. When I farm the accounts I can take a look and react to someone for fun or else due to I do not have much time to look for hours.

3 hours ago, Electrick010 said:

Excellent progress, congratulations on your new badge.

*Grand Master*

You're the first to do it.



thx bro. yes I am the first but not competing for it. happens in a normal way posting etc when have time on my farming or breaks at work 

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22 minutes ago, SC2A said:


I just co pilot it and thats just a test build


And bruh mid ranks are filled by counters

I think yes. Even worse, I am trying to play undeveloped and the game giving ridiculous mechs matches. 




Then I decided to switch mech because impossible to play with real rank power R7 due to matches and used a stronger mech recently maxed then the game match me with a weaker R10. Why then the game do not set me up with those stronger as the picture and instead a lower ranker. 🤷‍♂️

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6 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

I think yes. Even worse, I am trying to play undeveloped and the game giving ridiculous mechs matches. 




Then I decided to switch mech because impossible to play with real rank power R7 due to matches and used a stronger mech recently maxed then the game match me with a weaker R10. Why then the game do not set me up with those stronger as the picture and instead a lower ranker. 🤷‍♂️

yeah, i usally play like a r3 player to fight them but still

but my soviet acc has a very good start when almost get r8

Edited by SC2A (see edit history)

Hcaptcha scam

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