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Change Suggestion: Valiant Sniper


Change Suggestion: Valiant Sniper   

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Valiant sniper be changed as suggested in the below post?

    • Do this change
    • Do not do this change
    • Tweak this change

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The Valliant Sniper is probably one of the most powerful energy weapons in the game however I fear it actually does its job too well leading to players stacking too much energy to play against it or avoiding energy mechs completely. 


I would like to propose that the valiant sniper has its energy damage nerfed and regeneration damage increased. This would result in delaying the 0 energy hit making it more viable to play against the valiant without making the valiant too weak. 


  • Nerf Energy damage 240 -> 210
  • Buff Regeneration damage 13 -> 25
  • Buff electrical damage  160 - 232 -> 220 - 320 



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5 hours ago, Elcent said:

The Valliant Sniper is probably one of the most powerful energy weapons in the game however I fear it actually does its job too well leading to players stacking too much energy to play against it or avoiding energy mechs completely. 


I would like to propose that the valiant sniper has its energy damage nerfed and regeneration damage increased. This would result in delaying the 0 energy hit making it more viable to play against the valiant without making the valiant too weak. 


  • Nerf Energy damage 240 -> 210
  • Buff Regeneration damage 13 -> 25
  • Buff electrical damage  160 - 232 -> 220 - 320 



Without more damage to overcome 90 electric resistance, it’s still going to be relatively ineffective vs almost energy free meta phys. Great idea though. I like the direction. 


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Valiant sniper isn't that good anymore. UPC replaces it now. As a dual valiant user myself, the only thing it has really going for it is drain and resist drain. It has very low damage and only 2 uses. I still can't beat most energy free physical mechs, so I see don't how it needs a nerf. It was already nerfed once before. Plus, energy is dead in the current meta, there's no need to make energy more useless in top ranks. If anything, nerf upc instead.


Besides, valiant was always meant to be a low damage high drainer, your changes basically made it less unique.

Edited by Shoultz262 (see edit history)
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I disagree mainly because energy has already become weak enough. With the current meta build (and variations) being energy free I feel that energy needs more help than ever, and I’d even suggest buffing some energy items to make it competitive like phys again. (I’m not necessarily suggesting buffing vals, I think that they are fine right now)

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I think Valiant Sniper is fine as is. I believe most players play it for the energy drain component (versus damage - although that can do quite well if opponent is fully drained). With that being said, the proposed changes I think are too drastic (of a buff) for Valiant. 

13 hours ago, Elcent said:
  • Nerf Energy damage 240 -> 210
  • Buff Regeneration damage 13 -> 25
  • Buff electrical damage  160 - 232 -> 220 - 320 

(This "nerf" seems like a "buff" to me.)

For the trade of -30 energy damage in exchange for +12 regen damage and +60/88 electric damage (!!), I think the new Valiant would both be strong in energy damage, regen damage, and electrical damage. Additionally, the 12 regen damage somewhat has a "breakeven" point of ~3 turns (12*3 = 36 which is a bit more than 30 damage missed). So assuming Valiant is used and the match lasts more than 3 turns, the -30 energy damage with +12 regen damage generally results in net positive for the Valiant owner from original version. Plus, you don't even need to drain the opponent to do increased damage; as it's already raw damage (electric damage). I think the effect this change would have would make Valiant way too strong.

Perhaps a buff may be needed for Valiant (a very very small one), but I can't support OP's proposed changes. =P


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5 minutes ago, CleverName said:

I think Valiant Sniper is fine as is. I believe most players play it for the energy drain component (versus damage - although that can do quite well if opponent is fully drained). With that being said, the proposed changes I think are too drastic (of a buff) for Valiant. 

(This "nerf" seems like a "buff" to me.)

For the trade of -30 energy damage in exchange for +12 regen damage and +60/88 electric damage (!!), I think the new Valiant would both be strong in energy damage, regen damage, and electrical damage. Additionally, the 12 regen damage somewhat has a "breakeven" point of ~3 turns (12*3 = 36 which is a bit more than 30 damage missed). So assuming Valiant is used and the match lasts more than 3 turns, the -30 energy damage with +12 regen damage generally results in net positive for the Valiant owner from original version. Plus, you don't even need to drain the opponent to do increased damage; as it's already raw damage (electric damage). I think the effect this change would have would make Valiant way too strong.

Perhaps a buff may be needed for Valiant (a very very small one), but I can't support OP's proposed changes. =P


I agree, valiant was always supposed to be a low damage high drain weapon. If you're going to buff the weapon, buff it in all aspects, even if it's a small buff. Otherwise, I think valiant sniper is fine as it is. Even if the suggested change gives it higher damage, that lowered drain can make a huge difference in battle, so I don't support the change as well.

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Valiant needs a buff i guess. Seeing nowday new meta makes it unsefull to be used at top rank. I had pack of divined item of energy weapon including vals and his buddies, but now i'm suffering from top rank and throwing everything out. Rounded energy mech has 2.5 k HP including its weapon packed such as the good one bunkershell and it's clearly dissadvantage facing neither rounded phy mech or free en phy mech. You want be able to endure more than 5 turn

Edited by R.I.C.O (see edit history)
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39 minutes ago, R.I.C.O said:

Valiant needs a buff i guess. Seeing nowday new meta makes it unsefull to be used at top rank. I had pack of divined item of energy weapon including vals and his buddies, but now i'm suffering from top rank and throwing everything out. Rounded energy mech has 2.5 k HP including its weapon packed such as the good one bunkershell and it's clearly dissadvantage facing neither rounded phy mech or free en phy mech. You want be able to endure more than 5 turn

You could try a higher hp variation. Typically I use something like this for 1v1 and it works quite well. I’m not sure what val weight is like but I use a mortal because I don’t have one. 


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3 minutes ago, Shoultz262 said:

Cancer? Do you even play dual valiant? It's only really good if your enemy is dumb and doesn't know how to avoid it. And it's not broken like upc either.

I'm not even gonna start another thing with you. Because you know what you're right, the only cancer thing is tryna talk to you. The polls have spoken anyways. This isn't happening so i'm not gonna waste my time any longer on this topic.


And would you look at that, you have a dual valiant as a pfp and want the valiant to be buffed. HHHmMMMMMmMMmMmM 🤔

Edited by Liam.M.Lucas_2020 (see edit history)
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Ok then. Whatever. 

4 minutes ago, Liam.M.Lucas_2020 said:

I'm not even gonna start another thing with you. Because you know what you're right, the only cancer thing is tryna talk to you. The polls have spoken anyways. This isn't happening so i'm not gonna waste my time any longer on this topic.


And would you look at that, you have a dual valiant as a pfp and want the valiant to be buffed. HHHmMMMMMmMMmMmM 🤔

I never said I wanted a buff to valiant, if you read my posts here you would know. A small buff would be appreciated, but it doesn't really need one.

Stop assuming things and read more.

Edited by Shoultz262 (see edit history)
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