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1 minute ago, Yakir said:

wow old

actually no. I am a recent player. Many here even have less power they are way longer player than me. I am one of the players that showed up by the end of the old administration and forum. I am no longer a rookie but just a recent player. My accounts do not compare against those famous tops by miles. 🤣 I just chill in this game for fun of making parts farming but poor pvp not having time for it but consistent on it. The account has never missed a day of farming so far. Sure, lately days of play but never farming. So, I can say the account have not missed a day of play since creation. 

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1 minute ago, Yakir said:

lol my alt which is only rank 38 and i barely use has more premiums than my main account which is level 99

2022-08-22 (1).png


nice account. That is an R5 if max parts. About parts, it is just luck. Some accounts are luckier than others. I had one account and is free as powerful as O.D FARM belong to my daughter. All free and she ranks R1 when have her mood for it, but she plays other games. I created 8 R5+ accounts and gave away to family 6 of them. I kept OKI my first built in the beginning with my niece who used to live with me. She does have a powerful account too I gave to her but play randomly and her farming is equal to mine or better and her account is nice account with parts I do not have all free. She is also an R1 when please. She learned to play and build together with me, so she is a good player by mood. 

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8 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

nice account. That is an R5 if max parts. About parts, it is just luck. Some accounts are luckier than others. I had one account and is free as powerful as O.D FARM belong to my daughter. All free and she ranks R1 when have her mood for it, but she plays other games. I created 8 R5+ accounts and gave away to family 6 of them. I kept OKI my first built in the beginning with my niece who used to live with me. She does have a powerful account too I gave to her but play randomly and her farming is equal to mine or better and her account is nice account with parts I do not have all free. She is also an R1 when please. She learned to play and build together with me, so she is a good player by mood. 

wow how long did it take you to make 8 rank 5 accounts

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4 minutes ago, Yakir said:

wow how long did it take you to make 8 rank 5 accounts

Hmm, I will say like 8 months. I have computers, phones, note pads everywhere. I used to farm all of them at the same time back at home and at work with the phone one at the time just farming not playing them at work except OKI 5 wins and stuff. The rest back at home doing titian, collecting tickets, raid, 5 pvp plus of course enhancing and that takes a lot of time. O.D FARM is the youngest and I started that one on 2/20 post base game insertion. When I gave the other accounts, I was focus in to keep OKI in lower rank waiting to increase power on O.D FARM to rank both at the same time at higher level even had already power for it. 

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1 minute ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hmm, I will say like 8 months. I have computers, phones, note pads everywhere. I used to farm all of them at the same time back at home and at work with the phone one at the time just farming not playing them at work except OKI 5 wins and stuff. The rest back at home doing titian, collecting tickets, raid, 5 pvp plus of course enhancing and that takes a lot of time. O.D FARM is the youngest and I started that one on 2/20 post base game insertion. When I gave the other accounts, I was focus in to keep OKI in lower rank waiting to increase power on O.D FARM to rank both at the same time at higher level even had already power for it. 

but theres only so much you can already farm because at around rank 100 you cant afk farm anymore because the fuel wont be enough for a level up to refill fuel

also do you farm od6 or od8 boss and what mode because i find that farming od6 hard(which is the only one i can afk beat that is good) and i can afk today beacuse of exp +50% so i went up 20 levels to 100 but od8 hard is way to hard for me to afk beat. were you able to do it at rank 14 to 12

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2 minutes ago, Yakir said:

but theres only so much you can already farm because at around rank 100 you cant afk farm anymore because the fuel wont be enough for a level up to refill fuel

also do you farm od6 or od8 boss and what mode because i find that farming od6 hard(which is the only one i can afk beat that is good) and i can afk today beacuse of exp +50% so i went up 20 levels to 100 but od8 hard is way to hard for me to afk beat. were you able to do it at rank 14 to 12

wdym afk farm, do you just mean leave it on autopilot and check back in every few minutes to start a new mission?

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2 minutes ago, Yakir said:

but theres only so much you can already farm because at around rank 100 you cant afk farm anymore because the fuel wont be enough for a level up to refill fuel

This is not the right thread to talk. this is Flex. you can go to my OKI DOKI thread but as last answer in this thread, in order you can farm, you need to keep regen working. What I do mean, if you have maximum of 80 on fuel, that is the max to farm in one shot. Now, what about if you farm every 4hrs just for saying, the regen will keep working not getting capped. If you let cap to 80 it will stop to regenerate. If you reduce that then you have more fuel during the day. In my case I am a consistent farmer because I can't pvp much but with my phone I can farm in a steady way. My account reaches 95 in fuel, that is the max in the game so far, so I farm before going to bed in full, by the time I am up, it is barely stating to reach the limit, so I start to farm right at the moment I woke up. When I walk to the office, I farm from parking to office and takes 10 min or so. I have to talk to the bosses etc on meetings, but I can keep in the side the phone and click for a farm around. When I work clicking is not an issue to farm, so I work 14hrs or more a day so that gives 3 full loads of farming of 95. So, I can farm 5 full fuel or maybe 6 till recently so regen keeps moving and me enhancing account with some farming and 5 pvp getting some 500-600k on gold daily or with other events even more like 100% fuel and I can farm in full every 2hrs, gold at 100% or 50% etc. 

you need to find the right way to advance in your own personal conditions. There is no trick, it is about to konow what to do with what has been given.

In my thread there is an explanation of what I do daily about farming. 🙂 

Some lower ranks players, followed and pushed to top ranks doing the similar thing. They were low and bang, in matter of months bang. Also, farming is important to max your account level, if you farm as fast, you can get parts, storage space and some gold. No rocket science to see that reason I maxed to L250 in 8 months my O.D FARM and leaning process in OKI with 9motnhs and weeks.

You can see that in my progress thread


Also, farming provided your future parts to level up. As much you farm, more parts available to level up. Now, a top pvp player can win 25 a day and will earn as much like me with one shot at farming. Been a top you can get 20l on gold for win fight and if is one player that pvp a lot, can get millions in a week and max parts really fast. 

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 OKI at 190 million.  👍 Next stage 205 million and start to craft power kits. Will take some more weeks but is moving forward. 


5 hours ago, JOmama said:

mine is that poki is following me

Screenshot (114).png

Haha. Is cool to follow you and forum members plus read about them when I have the chance. Also is fun they can have followers. My pleasure. I am guilty of charge. 🤣🤗

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3 hours ago, Silver Shadow said:

Nice amount👍

How many the target? 😄

Not sure. I have been increasing step by step for 1.5 years. I was running always low making parts as fast I was able to do farming with pvp limited. I stabilize for a while a bandwidth changing the Target by 10 million at the time and stay there for a while then change later when I get bored of making parts and start to increase a bit more without using base for crafting and using just daily and a bit extra of farmed gold in a consistent way as best I can. I can have a lot more, but I can't pvp much and I want to do it, but I can't because been a part maker for fun the gold is goal. 

I think I will stay in 200 million for now maybe till end of the year and increasing that mean above 200 to craft or to divine. Due to the cost to craft power kit is around 2.3 million per 400 units plus need to max costing more gold, I think it is good enough fun reserve and will then start to max other parts. I already reached OKI DOKI goal of 250 parts for this year ahead of my expectations even with lower farming and pvp. 

In mean time I keep using a balanced mix boxes farmed daily to enhance a bit part without affecting gold increase. 


Parts that I will max are encircled but for sure some of those will get max too later on. 


No rush. I do not need the parts just making them for collection fun. Maybe the MAGMA will be use in the future. 

Do not know in reality. I change by mood as I do play this game. 🤣 What a waste of account. 🤣

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1 hour ago, OKI DOKI said:I do play this game. 🤣 What a waste of account. 🤣

Many agree with this😂😂

6 minutes ago, Silver Shadow said:

Many agree with 

1 hour ago, OKI DOKI said:


Do not know in reality. I change by mood as I do play this game. 🤣 What a waste of account. 🤣

I mean this, Idk why quoted not showing 😂

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2 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Not sure. I have been increasing step by step for 1.5 years. I was running always low making parts as fast I was able to do farming with pvp limited. I stabilize for a while a bandwidth changing the Target by 10 million at the time and stay there for a while then change later when I get bored of making parts and start to increase a bit more without using base for crafting and using just daily and a bit extra of farmed gold in a consistent way as best I can. I can have a lot more, but I can't pvp much and I want to do it, but I can't because been a part maker for fun the gold is goal. 

I think I will stay in 200 million for now maybe till end of the year and increasing that mean above 200 to craft or to divine. Due to the cost to craft power kit is around 2.3 million per 400 units plus need to max costing more gold, I think it is good enough fun reserve and will then start to max other parts. I already reached OKI DOKI goal of 250 parts for this year ahead of my expectations even with lower farming and pvp. 

In mean time I keep using a balanced mix boxes farmed daily to enhance a bit part without affecting gold increase. 


Parts that I will max are encircled but for sure some of those will get max too later on. 


No rush. I do not need the parts just making them for collection fun. Maybe the MAGMA will be use in the future. 

Do not know in reality. I change by mood as I do play this game. 🤣 What a waste of account. 🤣




I like Fluffeh 💀

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