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so, forum game peeps. Basically the first poster asks a question, then the next poster answers that question and asks one of their own. 

So ill start, are you male or female? Now next poster answers, then asks a question of their own for the next person 🙂

I'm the real Turtle, simple as that.

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No. The pandemic will continue throughout 2021. The vaccine doesn´t prevent contagion, it prevents fewer people from dying or requiring intensive care. Countries will begin to recover their economies, but the competition will be tough, tougher than in the pre-pandemic period. With very limited economic resources, governments will no longer have the same resources as in 2020 to help unemployed workers and the most needy sectors. The year 2021 will be difficult, but with great hope for a health and economic recovery to 2022.

What would you do if you dedicated yourself to politics?



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29 minutes ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

What would you do if you dedicated yourself to politics?

I would try to re-popularize libertarian views. I am sincerely deeply concerned about the effects of our backsliding democracies and the popularity of authoritarian policy (everyone loves a "strong" leader who is harsh against the people/things they dislike right now..) in a world where every message can be automatically discerned and categorized by sentiment towards people, where your patterns can be calculated.

I can write a bot that figures out at a decent rate how likely you are to be anti-government through your PMs on this forum with just a couple of days of work. If you add customized Machine Learning, a few years and a team you can predict who is going to rebel before they even do so, without them realizing themselves yet that they will sour on the government. 

The current state of the world deeply concerns me, I fear it's almost inevitable for countries to backslide into perpetual authoritarian dictatorships where modern technology such as AI and drones are used to cull an ever shrinking groups of ever-more-loyal minions. It takes one improperly limited president/prime minister with dictatorial ambitions to sink us into the void of dictatorship forever - having a gun or being willing to fight for your rights isn't going to help once they have fully automated drones and the factories are manned by robots. 

I think impressing this onto people with honest, candid and colorful language, painting a picture of the future that might be and explaining why it is so important to prevent it, might give us a chance to reverse that course. In addition to that I would focus on giving equal opportunities to everyone - it is proven to raise productivity. Lower the work weeks to the point of efficiency (take a gander at scandinavia - lowering it from 40 to 33ish hours actually raises their total productive output...) by having professional research done and getting an institution going advicing companies on best practices (also encouraging remote work where beneficial etc), provide housing and education to anyone even remotely likely to make use of it, legalize drugs but use taxes to discourage abuse of them via education and provide the help needed to those addicted, create a sense of national pride in the lack of corruption in our society to ensure corruption will continue to be reported long in the future, add safeguards such as corrective binding referendums via the internet and the ability for the people to dissolve a government over a 3 months period at any point if too strongly in disagreements... 


Can you tell? I like politics. 😛 



If you had a button where if you pressed it everyone would go to sleep, but be truly happy while doing so and live for a hundred years this way, just having beautiful dreams the entire time but no more real life, would you press it?

Do you think it'd be morally justifiable to press it?

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1 hour ago, Alexander said:

If you had a button where if you pressed it everyone would go to sleep, but be truly happy while doing so and live for a hundred years this way, just having beautiful dreams the entire time but no more real life, would you press it?

Do you think it'd be morally justifiable to press it?

Only if you can't die in "real life", if you get old and die, I wouldn't press it.

Maybe it is, only is justificable if you couldn't die, if you die, its obviously unjustificable.


Would you try to "wake up" (cheating) to do anything forever, and do illegal things?

Edited by Kiira (see edit history)

The only and the best. THE KIIRA. The rank 10 one.

Probably listening to Spanish Song

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