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    S_k reacted to Misty tiger in Archi Buff   
    Poggers how bout 175 not to much to little :))
  2. Like
    S_k reacted to Tirreggregars in Buff Hardened Platinum Vest   
    Well that’s how it’s meant to be, currently they are both relatively useless. Unfortunately Alex doesn’t answer on forum as often as on discord, I will ping him once, so @Alexander please look at this topic and the archi minds buff.
  3. Like
    S_k reacted to Tirreggregars in Buff Hardened Platinum Vest   
    You forget that archimonde weighs much more.
  4. Like
    S_k reacted to Tirreggregars in Archi Buff   
    This is getting repetitive
    Archimonde is the worst l-m torso.
    It is practically useless
    It is practically worse than any e-m torso too.
    I would recommend simply adding some hp.
    Simply setting the hp to 1402 would be enough.
    That's 250 extra hp.
    Maybe even more.
    Before anyone complains, ik its a lot, but it weighs 7 less than a monkey, I'd say maybe up it even to 1452.
  5. Like
    S_k reacted to SawzAll in Archi Buff   
    I would not be willing to see a buff as high as 250.  I think last I recall looking at the stats, I'd be willing to see up to a 150 hp increase (at divine, no arena buffs).  This is because it already has good all-around resistance.  150 should make it very competitive without wrecking the mete (again).  I based this on configuring WU with all the torsos today using the CleverJumper (top phys meta) configuration, seeing how i could get just enough heat/energy stats but also then add as much hp and resist.  Archimond can get really competitive in that config already, so 150+ should make it a viable alternative to MPV/LPV (in my opinion) without making it better than them.
  6. Like
    S_k reacted to SawzAll in Windigo needs a nerf   
    No problem.  And you're right.  Windigo was made basically the flagship of F2P torsos.  Archimond, as a premium, should be better.  So either it should be made non-premium (and everyone who owns it given a legendary power kit at least) or it should be buffed so it's better than Windigo.
    On that thread, I gave my opinion that a 150 hp buff (at divine, no arena stuff) should make it very competitive without making it better than the monkeys or vests: basically, elevating it to almost equal status but not killing off other things in the meta.
  7. Like
    S_k reacted to CyberRodrigo in It's a new titan. I called him "Piercer".   
  8. Like
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    S_k reacted to Deus_Ex_Machina in -+’*Machine pit*’+-   
    I moved my arts here from now. Enjoy, peeps! 🤘

  11. Like
    S_k reacted to OHMssssGamer in Supermechs Sandbox   
  12. Like
    S_k reacted to saiyanayn in Supermechs Sandbox   
    yo thanks killin for makin this for me

  13. Thanks
    S_k reacted to WinzKay in Supermechs Sandbox   
    Very simple recolouring

  14. Like
    S_k reacted to WinzKay in Supermechs Sandbox   
    Ah yes, I remember this one

  15. Like
    S_k reacted to Benja07 in Supermechs Sandbox   
    Mira esto

    Epic to Mythical(Divine) Explosive Torso
     Epic to Mythical(Divine) Cannon
  16. Like
    S_k reacted to Zarkares in Supermechs Sandbox   
    Thunder Phoenix, also how do i make it smaller?

  17. Like
    S_k reacted to WinzKay in Supermechs Sandbox   
    Destiny (made for SeanChoi1870)

  18. Like
    S_k reacted to Bluz in Item Shop: Legendary to Mythical   
    This idea is very simple. We can choose only one item from a pool of three random L-M items, and you will be able to purchase your item of interest for 750 tokens once. This is in order to avoid further widening the gap between Supporters and Non-Supporters. 🙂
    The item pool will reset every two weeks. You have 24 hours to decide which item you will pick, and another 48 hours as a time allotment given to collect the needed amount of tokens for it. 
    Potential questions and answers for this suggestion:
    Q: "Wouldn't this take away the sole purpose of Premium Packs/Boxes?" 
    A: Possibly. However, you are waiting once per two weeks for a specific item to appear in these offers, and they are also randomized. In addition to that, its token cost is also more than doubled of what a Premium Pack would normally be priced. It's only the matter of your status in this game — either you are only missing one item to complete a build, or you still need plenty more weapons to finish your mech. 
    Q: "Why aren't legend tier E-M items included?" 
    A: Because they're generally way easier to acquire than L-Ms. And it also takes away the meaning of having to wait three random items to choose from per two weeks, right? If you need a crucial E-M, get a pack instead or perhaps grind plenty of mix boxes —you'll eventually get them. 🙂
    (...in case someone misses a very very important piece of information...)
    Q: "Wouldn't this feature be broken for those who have a surplus amount of tokens?" 
    A: I am very well aware that anyone could buy a full set of Fortresses, 5-8 Platinum Platings at once, or even ten of the heat/energy modules. Hence, we can only buy whatever we choose one time only.
    Q: "Wouldn't this feature take away the purpose of Exclusive One-time item offers?" 
    A: Probably not. In my opinion, item offers are far superior value-wise as you get other goodies from those. So, item offers should still be better. Also, I've mentioned this plenty of times already, but the items are random. You never know which items would be offered, in which adds a bit of spice. 😉
    Please feel free to ask if you have further inquiries! And also make sure to let me know your thoughts/perspectives on this. 🙂
    I hope you have a good day! 😁
  19. Thanks
    S_k reacted to STARWULPH in Windigo needs a nerf   
    Maybe Archimonde needs a buff...
  20. Like
    S_k got a reaction from MasterChief in Windigo needs a nerf   
    now they have to buff all the other torsos so that Windigo becomes a moderately good torso again and not so powerful.
    I hope they at least do that last thing you said.
  21. Like
    S_k reacted to Typhon4273 in Windigo needs a nerf   
    Windigo got buffed 2 months ago and soon the other torsos would probably get buffed as well
  22. Haha
    S_k reacted to CDR_Xavier in Cursed SM Images thread   
    lol. He's really a bad player
    But anyhow, tho; who won?
    Trying to upgrade my magma recoiler

  23. Like
    S_k reacted to TheExperience in Super Mechs: Zona de Youtubers (Super Mechs: Youtubers Zone)   
    Hola chicos, en este nuevo tema, podremos compartir nuestros canales de youtube, tambien nuestros videos, y compartir experiencias y conocimientos sobre youtube
    espero que este tema les sea util, para encontrar un canal muy interesante, y divertido para que lo puedan disfrutar
    todos mis deseos, TheExperience
    Hello guys, in this new topic, we can share or Youtube channels, also our videos and share experiences and knowledge about Youtube
    I hope this topic is useful to you, to find a very interesting and fun channel so you can enjoy it
    All my wishes, TheExperience
  24. Thanks
    S_k reacted to Turtle in Buff Archimonde   
    Archi is definitely not used in rank one builds. I'm not even rank one and I know that much. Archimonde is an L-M torso that has been sadly mistreated. Just give it a small HP buff then it's viable to use. There should be no reason I see people choose Zark 100% over Archi. 
  25. Like
    S_k reacted to RaymondL1747 in tokens   
    is that all u say when someone doesn't speak english?
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