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    Atusiff reacted to W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in Why dont we have some weapons on all elements?   
    The weapons that don't have variants in specific elements either have a variant in that element that just looks different or they're meant to be unique purpose items designed to provide a more diverse combat experience.
    That, and some variants could potentially cause massive problems in combat due to being extremely strong when involved in already powerful combos or just being hard to compete against.
    For what I mean about the "variant but different look" thing, I'm talking about weapons like Abomination, which is basically the heat variant of Last Words and Terror Cry, or MortalBullet, which is the energy variant of Sorrow and Purifier. They look different but they're still bound together by the logic of variants.
    As for the whole "extremely strong variants", I'm pointing to things like physical pusher drones, heat/energy Claws, and physical Bunker Shells/Magma Blasts since those things without new variants are good in their own areas as is.. We really do not need a variant that could potentially be stronger than the current item(s) they're a variant of or an item that could start a cascade of chaos that eventually affects other items.
  3. Haha
    Atusiff reacted to AftoKrator in Why dont we have some weapons on all elements?   
    I call this, the Tree Cannon. 

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    Atusiff reacted to Spam in Why dont we have some weapons on all elements?   
    If we had that then nothing would be unique to a single element.
  5. Haha
    Atusiff reacted to iSwarky in Why dont we have some weapons on all elements?   
    So i've been seeing a lot of fanarts recently and it thought "why dont we have that?" So i came up with this post.
    I've always wanted to see a heat version of night eagle (we had that in legacy btw) or an electric version of red rain/burning shower. I mean would it hurt to have? What is the reason behind it?
    If they actually get added the community will do the art themselves tbh.
    You ever heard of "what the dog doin?" Yeah this is "what the reason?"
    Some of you might say it would be op but they can easily get nerfed if the community complains about it.
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    Atusiff reacted to SawzAll in Power Kit Chance of Rare: 22.31%   
    BLUF: When you build power kits in the factories, the chance of rare is 22.31%

    LONG STORY: Because I was bored, I decided to test the power kit chance of rare power kits.  So me and 2 others from Noble Warriors ran some power kits to see what happened.
    The first 3 results that one person got were identical, but it was not an error.  So I ran the numbers on all of the results (130) and it came out to 29 out of 130, or 22.31%
    I decided to test this, however, by including only one of the first three that were identical, just to test to see if this random chance would make a difference (i.e. whether, if I assumed it was a fluke and discarded them, if that changed the results).  The result with the first two discarded was 21%, well within the 5% margin of error I would accept in random chance rolls.
    So there you have it.  Thanks to @Marethryu and @AftoKrator for their help!  Screenshots below.
    Our data points:

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    Atusiff got a reaction from Diamondude14916 in What music are you listening to?   
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    Atusiff reacted to JamAnime in The Beginning of a Legend.(40985204)   
    Hello boys and girls, in this topic I will publish all my advances from now on, before I could not do it because I did not know how to use the forum, my old advances were registered on the Discord servers.

    I introduce myself, my name is 40985294. Nice to meet you: D


    Well, I keep introducing myself. I am a veteran player for 3 years, I am currently at CANDELA INC. It is a very good clan that welcomed me 4-6 months ago. He got to the 3-2 range very easily in all modes.
    Well that was all take care of yourselves until next time =)
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    Atusiff reacted to Jajcyn420 in Quest to find all badges   
    One of marija badges is sus...
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    Atusiff reacted to JamAnime in Quest to find all badges   
    I guess I will share...

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    Atusiff reacted to Dragon Slayer in Quest to find all badges   
    I got the frog badge after my 400th reaction.
    400th given reaction.
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    Atusiff got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Quest to find all badges   
    so i am confusion
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    Atusiff got a reaction from Ad1tya in Atusiff's Archive Thread   
    Week 9:
    Unclaimed boxes: +5 Fortune boxes (296), +1 S tier box (9), +1 R3 box (40), +12 Premium Packs (37)
    -2.6K tokens, -700K gold
    Inv: +1 maxed item (quad core booster)
    +1.4K arena coins (10K)
    Week 10:
    Unclaimed boxes: -13 Fortunes (283), +1 S tier box (10), +1 R3 box (41), +15 Premium packs (52), +1 Premium box (11)
    -1.4K tokens (7.1K), +1.6M gold (20M)
    +200 arena coins (10.2K)
    Cleared 3% of 3v3 campaign (81%)
  16. Haha
    Atusiff got a reaction from Spam in Quest to find all badges   
    so i am confusion
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    Atusiff reacted to khan in Quest to find all badges   
    Have fun

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    Atusiff reacted to OKI DOKI in Quest to find all badges   
    no idea.  I just saw that one in my acc. 🤦‍♂️ maybe over reacting 🙂
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    Atusiff got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Quest to find all badges   
    Don’t know how many reactions it is, maybe 500ish?

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    Atusiff reacted to Sparks in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Only took me 3-4 days.

  22. Haha
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    Atusiff reacted to gRedsz in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
    New video!
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