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    Atusiff got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Now for the hard part…

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    Atusiff got a reaction from Andypandy in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Now for the hard part…

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    Atusiff reacted to Ad1tya in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
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    Atusiff reacted to W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Welp- Seems like the moment of 1,000 rep has arrived and now I have to make due on the 1,000 Rep Commemoration Q&A idea that I came up with.
    .. But I'm not gonna try doing a Q&A at 1:45 in the morning, so that's gonna be delayed until Tomorrow so that I won't be delirious when I'm gonna be answering questions and stuff. (Delirium is not a good thing to be affected by when you're answering questions.. Believe me on that because you do not want to see the type of crazy things I tend to say when I'm affected by delirium. No, it's not the top weapon Ultrabright box-shaped.. Thing.)
  5. Like
    Atusiff reacted to W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in 1k Reputation Commemoration Thread - Q&A   
    So.. Uhm.. Hello, everypilot. Whiteout here for another topic. But it isn't.. Uhmmm.. A normal topic that I would usually make. 
    You see, I recently hit 1k reputation on these forums just yesterday, which is a pretty big thing for me since I haven't hit a milestone of this caliber on any sort of forum that I've been to before, even when I was in the old forum, I still didn't have this kind of "reputation". So, pardon me for the awkwardness of this topic because I don't know how to do these sorts of topics, first time doing this and all.
    As for what this topic is, it's meant to commemorate the fact that I've managed to get 1,000 reputation, like a "pat on the back" or something. However, I didn't really know how to make a special topic to commemorate the moment.. So I went with something that I've seen done by more popular and notorious members of this community -- A Q&A.
    I originally thought of doing a Q&A on several occasions before now but I haven't done it since I believed that doing one would make me look like someone who noticed a trend and wanted to "copy" those who already started doing Q&As of their own. Though, I decided to do it now since it's to celebrate an achievement and I figured some people would like to know more about me (I'm mostly quiet in terms of things about me, anyway), so this topic would be doing two things at once.
    This Q&A isn't special in comparison to how others have done them; Feel free to ask anything as long as it's nothing too personal or too "uncomfortable" to answer. Also, I bet you were expecting me to tell some sort of story about my SM experiences or something.. Yeah, I won't do something like that just because I hit 1k but I might do it if I hit 1.5k or 2k, who knows?
    Anyway, with that now out of the way, let the questions and answering begin!
  6. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Alex2040bR in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
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    Atusiff reacted to iDaniRF in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
  8. Like
    Atusiff reacted to DragonsIayer in My Issues with the game   
    Personally, I think the game is great, but I have some issues (not bugs or glitches). Some of these could be nitpicks,  but some might be issues that should probably be fixed.
    1. No new weapons. (Nothing has really changed about the meta for the past several months.)
    2. We aren’t allowed to see drop rates. (This one is mostly a nitpick, but it would be nice)
    3. No extraordinary events outside of holidays. (I don’t have anything to say here)
  9. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Shoultz262 in I'm Quitting SM   
    Well, I didn't really know you that well, but farewell. You've had a huge impact on the game in general, especially concerning the competitive aspect of it. What you've run is practically always the meta, and you also made modifications to some builds that, in your hands, became meta and everyone copied you, such as the mercy sac cockpit spartan scope build. All in all, you're basically a legend within the game. And what you do with your account is your own business, I won't comment on that, but with your account trolls will likely stay as the top clan in the game. Farewell, Clever, it's been nice knowing such a huge whale lol, even though your existence within the game basically proved that the game is very p2w if you want to get medals.
  10. Like
    Atusiff got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Grind: The Introduction - Item limit   
    After my big opening I now have what’s considered a top ranker inventory.
    what is a top ranker inventory you ask?
    one where you can only open one 5x silver box or base box at a time before having to go and fuse those items away
  11. Like
    Atusiff reacted to CleverName in I'm Quitting SM   
    Won't be deleting it, but yes will be making a quitting vid soon

    And to everyone else - thank you very much for all the lovely messages - I will miss this community very much 😞
  12. Like
    Atusiff reacted to GuningSnipping in I'm Quitting SM   
  13. Like
    Atusiff reacted to W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  14. Like
    Atusiff reacted to WarrMachine in I'm Quitting SM   
    50 solo golds already?! Well you know what they say, time flies when you're having fun.

    It's been an honor and a privilege to fight alongside you Clever. I can confidently say that the past year has been some of the most fun I've ever had in this game, specifically getting to know you and the boys in TF. Sad to see you go, but everything that has a beginning has an end. In my eyes you'll always be one of the greatest.

    That being said, let's keep in touch. Hit me up if you ever want to grind some Eleven Table Tennis again. You can't handle this forehand! 😄 Best of luck with your future endeavors.
  15. Like
    Atusiff reacted to MightyFire in I'm Quitting SM   
    Goodbye King , i hope you the best of luck and love ❤️
  16. Like
    Atusiff reacted to AftoKrator in Grind: The Introduction - Item limit   
    that's pretty much me, except i'm not a top ranker. 
    my inventory is mostly crammed with epics that i haven't decided what to do with yet. also, since i never bought any inventory spots, i only have about 50 slots excluding the stuff on my mechs. 
    The only good thing about the inventory is that pwr kits don't take up an space, like that one time when i had up to 150 common pwr kits just sitting there because my inventory was full and i wasn't just going to use epics to upgrade common pwr kits. ....
  17. Haha
    Atusiff got a reaction from Spam in Grind: The Introduction - Item limit   
    After my big opening I now have what’s considered a top ranker inventory.
    what is a top ranker inventory you ask?
    one where you can only open one 5x silver box or base box at a time before having to go and fuse those items away
  18. Like
    Atusiff reacted to Alex2040bR in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
  19. Like
    Atusiff reacted to CleverName in I'm Quitting SM   
    Well - you read the title. It's been a fantastic ride playing SuperMechs, but my time has come to leave the game. I have really enjoyed the nostalgia these past couple of years from this game, remembering the times when I played when I was younger. However, I've arrived at the point where the game is too boring and feels like work for me. Additionally, my real world responsibilities are increasing and it's time for me to do something else in my free time. 

    I believe I've achieved everything that I originally had planned to, so I'm happy to announce that I can leave the game on a good note. I've really enjoyed the community here - there are some great people and I believe I can call them my friends. Not going to tag people - but you know who you are 🙂

    In terms of the transition of my account, I will be giving my account to a couple of trusted people. I will not be revealing who they are, but they are respected people in the community with deep SM knowledge. 

    Again, I really want to emphasize that the community has been great and has been a major reason why I haven't quit earlier. I appreciate getting to know folks and learn about their backgrounds. @Alexander & the Gato team - thank you for the privilege of keeping SuperMechs going and wishing the best for the future of the game. I also wish everyone else the best and good luck in SuperMechs and life 🙂

    With many bittersweet feelings,


  20. Like
    Atusiff reacted to WarrMachine in Which feature do you want the most in the game?   
    Increased max level cap to 300, with added end-game rewards at every level past 250. Things like extra inventory slots, team slots, tokens, gold, and an item of choice as the level 300 reward.
    Doesn't sound too difficult to implement from a developer standpoint, and offers all players a great incentive to grind and continue playing the game every day. 
  21. Like
    Atusiff reacted to MightyFire in Hello everyone im back   
    Sorry about my alt account MightyFire 2.0 anyway did i miss any?
  22. Like
    Atusiff reacted to khan in Subtle, yet possibly massive update to Base and Arena boxes   
    Pretty self explanatory from the title.

    I genuinely think that base (level 20 legendary/epic cards) and arena boxes could be greatly improved by simply removing all items that end at the epic rarity from it's drop pool.
    This is a similar thing that was applied to premium packs during 2018.
    Edit 1: Main complaint, this is a rank 3 arena box, and i've been getting pretty much similar loot for the past half year, with the last good thing i got being all the way in may.

    Feedback appreciated
  23. Like
    Atusiff reacted to MightyFire 2.0 in Hey , Im Fire Aka MightyFire as you all know im back   
    Looking forward to new players 
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    Atusiff reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    I like those little flags. Still growing.😎
  25. Like
    Atusiff reacted to khan in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Finally got one of these bad boys.
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