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  1. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in My attempt at a valiant   
    yeah, I wish to be able to do something like that. I am terrible even in my calligraphy. I am worse than a doctor prescription. 😱
  2. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in About the gold portal rewards   
    I will make this clear.
    1._ It is really good that this 20-30-40, since it is supposed that the more difficult the more rewards.
    2._ Those who are against the opinion ask yourself, Is it really worth killing me for 30 tokens in insane, while in normal you receive almost the same rewards? Your opinion will be not obviously, since in normal you have almost the same.
    3._ It is true that your mech may not be able to do the mission the first time, but that is motivation to upload it, so that when you relive that moment you will definitely achieve it.
    Maybe you are more against my opinion or not, but believe me, nobody here wants to kill in a difficult way for receiving little reward, knowing that in an easier way you win the same, unless you are a masochist,
  3. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from NeedyJay in Some missions can't be completed   
    In fact I managed to do the missions, you must have something to not unlock the achievements, the only mission that does not work for me is to kill a lvl 1 titan alone, I have already killed enough and I still do not unlock that achievement.
  4. Sad
    Electrick010 reacted to Kendall Passionate Polaris in I quit   
    I do not vibe with this universe
  5. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Aionion in It's March , where those prenium packs percentage gimmicks explanations at   
    Allow me to explain the screenshot in an easily understandable list : 

    1: This topic is a question i expected an answer from Alex from all the way in 2020

    2: I never said or tell any of you on discord to go and Burn Alex's house down or call him the N word  nor i ever told you that Alex's post back in the 2020 forum is a lie , manipulating me into starting a "Let's hate on Alex" train.

    3: There are no accusations thrown at anyone nor i ever mentioned Alex is a liar , again you manipulated my meaning of "we still need time to answer your question" to "whoops , i lied"
  6. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to CleverName in It's March , where those prenium packs percentage gimmicks explanations at   
    Defer to Alex if he wants to post anything, but I can summarize:
    1) Drop rates are really bad - probably worse than you think.
    2) Pity system - if you open 2 premium packs and get all purples, you're more likely to get a legendary in next pack.
  7. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Aionion in TheWindWeaver , returned with the critical hits   
    The name is TheWindWeaver , im the lady that have been around the game since the more positive times before reloaded , former 2 old forum members and the game's veteran , im well known for untilizing high risk high reward Frantic Brute tactics [Yes , tactics] , i roam around the more lower ranks for more relaxing fights , don't hestitate to request a win if you were to see me in the Arena as i have no intention in competetive gameplay . A pleasure for me to be in the new forum against new people as well as old people alike
  8. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in Reclutamiento para Angeles del Pyre.   
    Clanes comi Troll Fast son clanes dedicados a ganar medallas. 
    Lo basics en ellos es mantener puntos acumulados altos llamados  AP. 
    El AP esta basado en no perder peleas de combate o PvP persona contra persona.
    El rango del jugador determina puntos base y ganar o perder determinara el subir o bajar esos puntos ganando o perdiendo las peleas. 
    Un ejemplo para un rango 5 sin estrellas los puntos acumulados base son 91. El ganar o perder no determina solo Las estrellas para pasar de rango r5 a r4 pero el AP incrementara. 
    Ahora, que pasa cuando se llega a rango 1 y estan 200 peleando en ese rango y alguien pierde?
    Pues cuando se juega ganando sube basicamente un punto y cuando pierdes te quita 10 puntos. En otras palabras si el jugador alcanzo la posicion individual the 1 pues bajara a la posicion 10 o mas bajo. 
    El juego castiga el AP mas particularmente cuando pierdes con alguien de mas bajo rango o puntos. Mientras mas bajos Sean los que te ganen mas rapido baja tu AP.
    Si observas en las ligas de clanes o de personas en particular las de jugadores independientemente veras la mezcla de distintos rangos uno arriba de  los otros. Por ejemplo podrias ver un rango 3 entre los rangos 4 y 5 relacionado al AP porque podran estar todavia en rango 3 pero perdieron varias peleas en contra de rangos 5 y bajo el AP pero tienen mas rango como jugador.
  9. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Reclutamiento para Angeles del Pyre.   
    Estoy completamente de acuerdo, muchos son por estudios o trabajo, realmente es complicado moverse con muchos contras, por eso algunos clanes tienen un rol y un uso.
    1._ Clanes de estar lo más alto.
    Ejemplos: Troll Fast.
    2._ Clanes de Máximo Farmeo.
    Ejemplos: Candela inc. 
  10. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Evelyn Rose in I need to be out of SM, at least for a little while.   
    Hello, I think I got quite tired of SM, I need a break from the game since it generates great frustration, it was fun but lately every time I enter the arena I only find mythical counters or full, it does not give me problems, but, every time I always start with the second, and that does not even amuse me, it only guarantees a defeat, and I cannot use my second as it is very weak, apart from my work I will have to do something important, I will not say for personal reasons, but I want to relax from all those people with full mythical ones, especially those who make fun...

    I do not give up, I just need to feel free of many burdens, frustrations, stress, help my clan to a large number of wins, (I want to believe), as a sign of farewell, this is my clan today.

    Rest boys and girls, I'll be back in April as new =).
  11. Sad
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in I need to be out of SM, at least for a little while.   
    Rest a bit. Forget about those making fun. Just play your game. If you are not going to play pvp at list keep grinding on the side everyday and collecting the base gold. 😔
  12. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Typhon4273 in Isn't zarkares a litte op?   
    Actually it needs a buff
  13. Haha
    Electrick010 reacted to Norman in Where did all off killin's videos go? Seems they were all unlisted. Anyone know why?   
    Here the rare footage of Killin hack this days:
  14. Haha
    Electrick010 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Celebrando 14 de Febrero, (en zona de amigos).   
    Mereces mis respetos.
  15. Thanks
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in Como desactivar la Base? (Tutorial).   
    Muy interesante y completo. 
  16. Thanks
    Electrick010 reacted to OKI DOKI in Celebrando 14 de Febrero, (en zona de amigos).   
    Soy un viejo. Con eso lo digo todo. 🤗
    1-  Me gusta Anime desde pequeno
    2- Cocino desde pequeno pues me gusta hacer mi propia comida
    3- Deportes como baloncesto, tenis, pelota, futbol, voleibol, natacion, scuba, serfeo y otros.
    4- Juegos de mesa, cartas, gallitos, trompo, video juegos y mas
    5- Ser justo y entendedor pero realista
    6- Ayudo sin pedir nada acambio
    7- Muchos otros.......
    Lo que no me gusta:
    1- Discuciones ofensivas
    2- Hacer bromas despectivas 
    3- Comerciales
    4- Adereso en las ensaladas
    5- Otros
    5- Mayonesa, Mostaza
    6- Mentiras  
  17. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Reclutamiento para Angeles del Pyre.   
    Saludos Pilotos, hoy estamos buscando miembros para que se unan a (Angeles del Pyre).

    Un clan activo que esta hecho para usuarios que necesitan recompensas decentes, monedas para el titan, conseguir reliquias epicas, etc.
    Aqui presentade los requisitos. 
    1._ Debes de ser activo, (mínimo 15 victorias diarias).
    2._ Tienes que ser Mínimo rank 12
    3._ No esta permitido Insultar miembros. 
    4._ Colaborar con el titan
    5._ No está permitido aprovechar de errores, como los titanes de example.
    6._ pueden ver excepciones con ranks. 13 si el usuario puede minimo rozar el rango 12.
    Ahora hay que dejar esto en claro.
    Las noticias del Clan se informaran desde Super Mechs Latam, ya pronto habra un club aparte traducido al inglés.
    Aveces puedes romper reglas, pero si abusas o es irreparable entonces seras expulsado instantáneamente.
    Los requisitos si estan con miembros de rango +9 el 60% del total.
    Espero aquellos que necesiten actividad les pueda servir este clan y lo disfruten. 
  18. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Como desactivar la Base? (Tutorial).   
    Buenos dias miembros hispanohablantes, hoy compartiremos un pequeño tutorial para aquellos que tengan poco conocimiento del foro y del inglés, (¿Cómo desactivar la Base?), Bueno, aqui te enseñaremos como hacerlo.
    Paso 1._ Aqui estamos en el menú y con las flechas y círculos rojos te indicarnos como hacerlo, (presiona el botón de más) (+).

    Paso 2._ A partir de aquí nos saldrá una ventanilla y tendremos opciones, tienes que dar al botón (Request in Request Base Disable).

    Paso 3._ Ahora nos enviará una página donde solo tendremos que mandar nuestra ID de usuario y lo mandas y listo !, tu base se desactivada pronto. 

    ¿No recuerdas tu ID ?, bueno aquí también te mando una pequeña guía adicional, entras al juego, buscas en la configuración y le das las opciones donde te indique. 
    1._ Aquí entra una configuración.

    2._ En esa imagen te dice donde esta la ID.

    3._ Listo ya tienes la ID para desactivar tu Base.

    Quieres otra forma ?, bueno este es más corta pero eficaz, (no lo garantizo), aqui también te mando los pasos.
    1._ Entra en el juego y le das al icono de soporte.

    Aqui rellenas los requisitos, (nombre de usuario, correo electrónico, ID).

    Aqui les informan en Ingles su petición ya que los desarrolladores no hablan Español, Ejemplo: Buenos días, ¿pueden desactivar mi base? Aquí está mi ID: (Aqui ponen su ID).
    Hay que tomar en cuenta esto.
    1._ Espera de minimo 3 dias o máximo 2 meses ya que la programación no es fácil. 
    2._ No hagas las dos casas, solo haz una ya que te escuchan más cuando solo lo haces una vez, si lo haces bastante te lo considerarían como Spam.
    3._ Como en la 2 solo hazlo una vez, si activas nuevamente la Base ya no te la quitaran, En una de las Reglas te advierten que solo te desactivada tu base solo una vez, asi que si lo lograstes y lo vuelves activar olvidate de pedirlo por segunda vez.
    Espero que Esta Guía y Consejos te hayan servido de mucha ayuda, un agradecimiento si eres un usuario paciente y responsable que quiere jugar con Silver Box !.
    En caso de que tengas problemas por favor contactar con un desarrollador, no cuenta si lleva mucho tiempo ya que dije la programación no es fácil y ser paciente es la clave de la vida =).
  19. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Celebrando 14 de Febrero, (en zona de amigos).   
    Saludos gente sin vida social y sin novias (o sin novios para las chicas).

    Aqui para aquellos desesperados que ni amigos tienen creo esta sección para que compartimos nuestros gustos ya ver si encontramos esa media naranja que deseamos.

    (también puedes decir lo que no te gusta o ver a la gente que sigue este foro que no sirve para nada, o desilusionarte con su edad ya que es muy viejo o muy joven).

    Un detalle: No estas obligado a participar o decir lo que quieres, esto esta hecho para divertirnos, ahora si EMPEZAMOS !!!.
    Iniciando conmigo.


    1._ Me encanta dibujar.
    2._ Me gusta cocinar.
    3._ Ser retrasado por diversión.
    4._ Programar (Aunque no sepa pero lo haria con esfuerzo y afecto).
    5._ Crear Historias tanto tontas o divertidas.
    6._ Ser muy bueno en algo que me guste.
    7._ Sorprender a la gente.
    8._ Colaborar en algo (ya sea útil o no).

    Lo que no me gusta.

    1._ Ser subestimado.
    2._ Ser burlado (en un humor desagradable).
    3._ Escandalo masivo (en especial cuando quiero dormir.
    4._ Defraufarme (ya sea de mi mismo o decepcionarme de algo que no cumplo con mis expectativas).
  20. Like
    Electrick010 reacted to Alexander in Favorite food of Alex?   
    Some interesting responses, others a bit harsh .... xD
    To answer the question, it's a toss up between 3 things:

    A proper spaghetti carbonara with guanciale and absolutely no cream is delicious, rich, flavorful and creamy. The rich egg, fat and cheese would grow boring, but the delicious salty guanciale keeps it exciting at all times - which is why you must cut it into bigger chunks than on this picture, and not too many of them. The guanciale serves to keep your pallette awake, not to flavor the entire meal. 
    For the vegetarians in this thread, you can probably replace the fat by another type and the guanciale by practically anything else salty. Nuts might honestly work so long as cooked fairly softly. I've made nut-based pasta's before and they work well. For vegans, you're fresh out of options - no egg is no dice.
    A proper lasagna bolognese is delicious, sweet and savory with cheesy goodness to boot! 
    It's one of those dishes you eat so often of poor quality, you think it has a certain homely, reliable flavor but isn't very special. Until you have a proper one in italy that is and you discover it is an assortment of delicious flavors that differs a bit with every bite as the center is cooked slightly differently from the rest of the lasagna. 
    Now, when I make it at home, I lack some italian ingredients. A killer tomato paste is hard to find at home, so is great quality pasta (unless you have space for your own machine, which I do not :(). In fact, even the tomato's used to make a killer tomato paste/bolognese are practically impossible to find here, but you can find a canned one that is extremely good if you live in the USA. I heard nothing but positive things about San Marzano tomatoes in a can, but we don't have those here.
    So my trick at home is to use a little bit of sambal, which slightly drowns out the poor quality tomatoes and offers a sweet yet spicy twist to it that works well with lower quality ingredients!

    A quality buccatini pomodore is a bit of a national treasure, a very sweet dish with some salty goodness from the grated cheese. The thicker pasta really helps provide a nice bite!
    In Pienza, at probably my favorite restaurant ever, they had a local special. A pici (similar to buccatini) with garlic foam, tomato sauce. It was divine and honestly made me beg my companions to try it themselves - best meal I had in my life. I am yet to successfully recreate it but once I've some time and space for a pasta machine, I will. 
    Now as you may have noticed, I quite like my italian pasta's. I am a somewhat picky eater and I find pasta is provides what I need in addition to being quite delicious. I imagine though some of you may be disappointed to not find any dutch food in here, so I will offer my favorite dutch meal and probably the only one genuinely I love.
    Farmer's Kale with sausage and gravy is a a dutch speciality, though I usually choose to eat it without the gravy as its a bit much for me.
    It's extremely savory/umami and when piping hot will make you feel fulfilled in ways that are hard to imagine. 
    If cooked properly, the mashed potatoes and kale mesh into one soft substance. You don't taste any fibers from the leaves or tomato - there's no unpleasant texture - it's basically just mashed potato texture. It's extremely healthy and easy to make. 
    Hope that answers it for everyone!
  21. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from Fordekash in Favorite food of Alex?   
    It eats. your money, while the poor eat our time, 😅, (A joke comment).
  22. Haha
    Electrick010 reacted to Marija in Favorite food of Alex?   
    He eats souls of the innocents for breakfast 
  23. Thanks
    Electrick010 got a reaction from S H A B B A in I would like to join a clan   
    If you want you can join my clan "Angeles del Pyre", you will not have much difficulty killing the titan and send me a request, but if you want a very active clan join Candela Inc, the clan is quite active and highly recommended if it meets the requirements.
  24. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from AudiGodzilla111 in im lonely D:   
    Do you want some advice from me? Well 😃, here I happen to you as I do.
    1._ Enjoy your privacy, because if you have many friends, they will ask you for a little or a lot of society, (making you miss a lot of your privacy).
    2._ Friends go out alone, you don't have to go looking for it (for example, I hang out with those who love me, those who don't, nah!).
    3._ Do not become so fond of it either, since it remembers something called "false friendships" and that destroys the happiness of many.
    I hope my advice is useful, since at first I wanted to make friends but seeing that it is impossible and there are false friends, I better lost interest and decided to do what I love, and real friends began to appear and I prefer a thousand times to win. your respect instead of wasting time looking for something fake.
    Well, I learned that from the Internet since there are malicious people who only look for people with that type of thinking, you just be positive and dedicate yourself more to doing what identifies you, since it is what makes a person unique and "detergent", (different).
  25. Like
    Electrick010 got a reaction from OKI DOKI in im lonely D:   
    Do you want some advice from me? Well 😃, here I happen to you as I do.
    1._ Enjoy your privacy, because if you have many friends, they will ask you for a little or a lot of society, (making you miss a lot of your privacy).
    2._ Friends go out alone, you don't have to go looking for it (for example, I hang out with those who love me, those who don't, nah!).
    3._ Do not become so fond of it either, since it remembers something called "false friendships" and that destroys the happiness of many.
    I hope my advice is useful, since at first I wanted to make friends but seeing that it is impossible and there are false friends, I better lost interest and decided to do what I love, and real friends began to appear and I prefer a thousand times to win. your respect instead of wasting time looking for something fake.
    Well, I learned that from the Internet since there are malicious people who only look for people with that type of thinking, you just be positive and dedicate yourself more to doing what identifies you, since it is what makes a person unique and "detergent", (different).
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