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  1. Thanks
    Alexander got a reaction from Jiyoon in Is it a ban wave on the way right now ?   
    Not right now. We’re working on the backlying fixes which we expect to finish in the next few days, we intend to do a smaller banwave right after based on reports and a bigger one later.
    Please report anyone you find suspicious Here.
    The aim is to have the game clean for the next 3v3 season. 
    We’ll do another balance update around the same time as well. 
    Hope that answers your question 🙂
  2. Confused
    Alexander got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Is it a ban wave on the way right now ?   
    Not right now. We’re working on the backlying fixes which we expect to finish in the next few days, we intend to do a smaller banwave right after based on reports and a bigger one later.
    Please report anyone you find suspicious Here.
    The aim is to have the game clean for the next 3v3 season. 
    We’ll do another balance update around the same time as well. 
    Hope that answers your question 🙂
  3. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from khan in Is it a ban wave on the way right now ?   
    Not right now. We’re working on the backlying fixes which we expect to finish in the next few days, we intend to do a smaller banwave right after based on reports and a bigger one later.
    Please report anyone you find suspicious Here.
    The aim is to have the game clean for the next 3v3 season. 
    We’ll do another balance update around the same time as well. 
    Hope that answers your question 🙂
  4. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Miron_Mironovich in Is it a ban wave on the way right now ?   
    Not right now. We’re working on the backlying fixes which we expect to finish in the next few days, we intend to do a smaller banwave right after based on reports and a bigger one later.
    Please report anyone you find suspicious Here.
    The aim is to have the game clean for the next 3v3 season. 
    We’ll do another balance update around the same time as well. 
    Hope that answers your question 🙂
  5. Thanks
    Alexander got a reaction from Ozen in Is it a ban wave on the way right now ?   
    Not right now. We’re working on the backlying fixes which we expect to finish in the next few days, we intend to do a smaller banwave right after based on reports and a bigger one later.
    Please report anyone you find suspicious Here.
    The aim is to have the game clean for the next 3v3 season. 
    We’ll do another balance update around the same time as well. 
    Hope that answers your question 🙂
  6. Thanks
    Alexander got a reaction from Sparks in Is it a ban wave on the way right now ?   
    Not right now. We’re working on the backlying fixes which we expect to finish in the next few days, we intend to do a smaller banwave right after based on reports and a bigger one later.
    Please report anyone you find suspicious Here.
    The aim is to have the game clean for the next 3v3 season. 
    We’ll do another balance update around the same time as well. 
    Hope that answers your question 🙂
  7. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from WarrMachine in Is it a ban wave on the way right now ?   
    Not right now. We’re working on the backlying fixes which we expect to finish in the next few days, we intend to do a smaller banwave right after based on reports and a bigger one later.
    Please report anyone you find suspicious Here.
    The aim is to have the game clean for the next 3v3 season. 
    We’ll do another balance update around the same time as well. 
    Hope that answers your question 🙂
  8. Thanks
    Alexander got a reaction from Shared-NW in Is it a ban wave on the way right now ?   
    Not right now. We’re working on the backlying fixes which we expect to finish in the next few days, we intend to do a smaller banwave right after based on reports and a bigger one later.
    Please report anyone you find suspicious Here.
    The aim is to have the game clean for the next 3v3 season. 
    We’ll do another balance update around the same time as well. 
    Hope that answers your question 🙂
  9. Haha
    Alexander got a reaction from OKI DOKI in So, I am Alex and I sort of run this   
    Hi guys 🙂 
    Let me give the good example and introduce myself!
    My name is Alexander but everyone calls me Alex. I am 28 years old, I am into sailing, ski-ing, reading, writing, anime/LNs, games and cooking. I started playing a game called BattleDawn back in 2006 when I was 14 and was asked to help test SuperMechs by a BD Admin back before it was public and just kind of stuck around. I lead a team called NCR (New Corgi Revolution) in Battle Dawn with Josh (Malicewolf) and am a member of the Shiba Revolution in Super Mechs. 
    I studied Software Engineering, but frankly I find most things interesting.
    Some years ago I was hired by Ilona to be Community Manager (we talked a lot and she suggested I apply if I really want to improve BD/SM so much, so I did), she however didn't stick with the company after that so I had to kind of learn the job on the spot on my own. And take parts of her job (Product Manager) while at it. This went pretty well and I formed a pretty natural gear in the SM and BD teams, but when the SM Team grew it became harder and harder for me to feel like I was making a meaningful impact. I went to Michael (Tacticsoft CEO), told him to either give me something else to do or I'll have to walk away eventually. He asked me what I want to do then and I offered to take over Battle Dawn instead, which was orphaned without a manager and close to a shutdown.
    I took it over, it went pretty well, Battle Dawn didn't get shut down, grew a lot. We recruited Josh and Elcent who are awesome human beings and eventually Michael passed me onto a guy who was buying the rights to make a Battle Dawn sequel. We got along and after spending a lot of time discussing with each other, we decided to buy Battle Dawn itself as well. I re-recruited Ilona to the team (sadly she left a while ago again :P) and re-recruited Simmen, Gato Games was born. 

    We improved Battle Dawn's servers a lot, I got the title of CEO, we recruited Gaurav, Fluffeh and Kenny and eventually got a chance to buy Super Mechs... Which at the time we couldn't. Got another one and this time we could and did. 
    So yeah, here we are and here I am. Please be nice to me. 😛 
  10. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Atusiff in Support from GatoGames   
    I am a bit sick right now so my apologies for my brevity in advance. 
    This is Tacticsoft's old support channel, we do have access to it, but its configured to handle pretty much everything by bots and automatically 'tag' messages that need manual answers. It works pretty terribly but is too full of spam to simply disable that system (integrating support in the game without first forcing players to a FAQ is a very silly mistake in my opinion...). 
    We intend to rectify this later - we just have a bit more on our plate ATM. We're in the final steps of hiring someone to take care of support (just on me, we did our interviews, I just need to make the choice and get the contract 😛Choosing is hard!) so we can start directing a bit more away from the bot system at that point. 

    In the long run I aim to get rid of it entirely and make it a system where finding the support option is a bit of a challenge by hiding it behind tons of FAQ's and self-help portals, but once you find it, you always get a human within 24 hours with the time, patience and skill to help you. We had the latter for years back in my day and I think if we streamline support we can make it reasonable again. Ultimately majority of support inquiries are "Please disable my base" (which is a forum form and we'll move to something automated), "I cant access my account" (forgot password link), "please give me ..." (ask your caretaker) and "someone was mean to me" (shucks). We want to give stellar support to those we can actually help, but to do that we've to first reduce the volume down from thousands of players to a manageable number. 
    Our email is support@gatogames.net, answer depends a bit on the inquiry. As mentioned, to disable your base, please use the form at the top. 
  11. Haha
    Alexander got a reaction from Mark3017 in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    Clevername, being a walmart employee, could you recommend us any hints or tips at the best methods of getting our own chance at a prestigious career at Walmart?
  12. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from OKI DOKI in for Kongregate SM users   
    Please don't do double post. 🙂 
    We'll handle the first batch of transfers this weekend.
  13. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from OKI DOKI in for Kongregate SM users   
    Please don’t attack SuperNova that way. From what I know, SuperNova only signed a deal with Kong on 31 dec and the people responsible at Kong weren’t themselves aware these issues would arise, thus never informed SuperNova. 
    The current question is if it’s possible (at all) to restore SuperMechs via SuperNova, it seems SuperNova nor Kongregate are sure right now. SuperNova’s suggestion to change authentication is only possible if they pass authentication somehow, which I believe Kong isn’t doing right now, so it’d require a change by SuperNova. 
    Players can play via Maxthon and such right now. The supernova team changed it so that is possible and will hopefully improve its compatibility with other old browsers too. 
    We’re currently in talks with Kongregate for trying to offer an alternative solution. 
  14. Thanks
    Alexander got a reaction from NAME_NOT_FOUND in for Kongregate SM users   
    It's been done, if logging in with the new details does not log you in with your Kong account, please message me (on kong). All requests via kong have been handled.
  15. Like
    Alexander reacted to its_over9000 in official unofficial subreddit   
    I was away from moderation for a bit. Of you happen to come across something like that please report it so it can be removed
  16. Thanks
    Alexander got a reaction from its_over9000 in official unofficial subreddit   
    Is this sarcastic?
    The few times I've checked the reddit, it always seemed a friendly, positive endeavour. A little bit more accepting of cheaters than I'd like (soft moderation is the main reason we're not featuring it right now), but overall people seem pretty friendly and happy there.
  17. Haha
    Alexander got a reaction from Killer gamer 22322 in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    Clevername, being a walmart employee, could you recommend us any hints or tips at the best methods of getting our own chance at a prestigious career at Walmart?
  18. Haha
    Alexander got a reaction from danger in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    Clevername, being a walmart employee, could you recommend us any hints or tips at the best methods of getting our own chance at a prestigious career at Walmart?
  19. Haha
    Alexander got a reaction from Sparks in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    Clevername, being a walmart employee, could you recommend us any hints or tips at the best methods of getting our own chance at a prestigious career at Walmart?
  20. Confused
    Alexander got a reaction from Tirreggregars in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    Clevername, being a walmart employee, could you recommend us any hints or tips at the best methods of getting our own chance at a prestigious career at Walmart?
  21. Haha
    Alexander got a reaction from SawzAll in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    Clevername, being a walmart employee, could you recommend us any hints or tips at the best methods of getting our own chance at a prestigious career at Walmart?
  22. Haha
    Alexander got a reaction from RaymondL1747 in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    Clevername, being a walmart employee, could you recommend us any hints or tips at the best methods of getting our own chance at a prestigious career at Walmart?
  23. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Jesper in for Kongregate SM users   
    Please don't do double post. 🙂 
    We'll handle the first batch of transfers this weekend.
  24. Haha
    Alexander got a reaction from epicspeedster in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    Clevername, being a walmart employee, could you recommend us any hints or tips at the best methods of getting our own chance at a prestigious career at Walmart?
  25. Like
    Alexander got a reaction from Andernut in for Kongregate SM users   
    Please don't do double post. 🙂 
    We'll handle the first batch of transfers this weekend.
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