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Steel Titans Tournament! πŸ’ͺ


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15 minutes ago, Wombat said:

Are we allowed to paint our weapons

I only ask because they can be inspected to see their true level

Yep, everyone did last toruney and there were no problems

and in the event they want to check Marija can just log into the acc and check the inv

Long live the Dragon Emperor


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If anyone needs a top up on boxes, react to this post with anything πŸ˜„Β I have also seen the messages in applications, dont worry.Β 

When posting your build, post ALL PAGES of your mech.Β 

I sent out 300 of each to those who reacted/posted in the application.Β 

Once again quick reminders:Β 

  1. Build submission lasts until Friday!
  2. Post ALL PAGES of your mech in YOUR APPLICATION.Β 
  3. Make sure you dont use forbidden items.Β 
  4. No going to arena, therefore no upgrading arena shop.Β 

Edit: My two posts got merged.Β 

Edited by Marija (see edit history)

Elcent is the best.


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We can use multiple modules that are the same, right? For example two Heat Engines.

2 hours ago, Biblebasher said:

@Marijacan I still apply for the tournament or not?Β 


On 5/19/2023 at 12:51 PM, Marija said:

The application time is up! Please dont send any more applications πŸ™‚Β 

Time is up.

By someone, somewhere.

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9 hours ago, Zylok said:

Hey Queenie, until what time do we have to send our builds to you on Friday?

I hope you mean post them in the application xDΒ 

I'd say up to 12 pm, central europe time. I will then make the pairs and the fighting begins.Β 


Also guys please PLEASE read the topic, dont just rush to play. Everything is in the thread, the additional stuff have also been answered by me, a quick tip if you dont want to scroll through a topic for my posts, just click on my name and read them there. I dont post around much so its all going to be tournament related stuff.


Elcent is the best.


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Please stop creating new applications, the application time ended last week.Β 

For submitting use YOUR APPLICATION THAT YOU CREATED. I see that some people have made a new one, WHY? What is the logic behind this when you can literally comment in the existing application, and its the only one you can see?Β  I have to go through 60+ of them to find in which one you posted your build, if you posted it. AND PLEASE POST ALL SLIDES OF YOUR MECH. It doesnt matter we can all see your top weapons, post the screenshot with visible mech stats.Β 

3 more hours until the build submission time is done. After 12pm, no more builds will be accepted, you can no longer edit your mechs. Any editing will mean automatic disqualification.Β 

Edit: I see now that only about a third of players actually posted their builds, whats going on? I gave out about 45 accounts, and not even a half of that posted builds. Was there not enough time?Β 


Edited by Marija (see edit history)

Elcent is the best.


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