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hasn last won the day on June 4 2023

hasn had the most liked content!


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660 profile views
  1. dark blue or dark green i don't even play this game anymore
  2. i used to have negative 20M coins i believe
  3. i love trading in stocks last time i traded in stocks i got 3 blue rocks for 10$ one of my best investment! although i never heard of USDT?
  4. we gotta Let's gather the harvest!
  5. no tournament as of now not sure if there's anything interesting now but probably there will be interesting things in future!
  6. probably dangerous? never do dangerous things
  7. salaam alykoum brother what's up brother? i am doing great!
  8. nice mechs don't buy the offer wait for the better offers like 3K And 4K.
  9. just cheat EDIT:i am joking don't cheat don't take me seriously
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