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Frantic Brute Suggestion - Rework it to be less random, increase its energy weakness


How do you feel about this change?  

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  1. 1. Is it a good change?

    • Do this change
    • Tweak this change
    • Do not do this change
  2. 2. Is it too harsh or not harsh enough?

    • It's too harsh, the item should be better than this
    • It's not harsh enough, the item would still be too good
    • Its fine

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6 hours ago, Hamarius said:

I think some of you know that the "randomnes" of brute is (seems to be) based on timed intervals, so are all other "random" hits. So if you time it right you get a consistent high hit value. That's the reason so many experienced players get consistent high hits from brute.

Nerf it or get rid of it i say, makes things boring and pointless in arena. or make it legend maybe.

One idea was to make it a "Random" backfire wep, so despite what dmg it makes it can make "Random" self dmg up the same dmg it can to others, double the danger of using it. (at least that would be fun to watch 🙂 )

Making it a one shooter would make a difference to.







this would indicate a fixed clocking seed which is a rookie mistake for some programmer

resident shelf sitter

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4 minutes ago, trophy435 said:

this would indicate a fixed clocking seed which is a rookie mistake for some programmer

Possibly, if they're not calling (forgive my QBasic) RANDOMIZE TIMER.

Or it could mean they did a Nintendo Game Boy Pokemon thing and went with a table of truly random numbers.

But without the source code, we can't be sure.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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On 1/4/2021 at 12:17 AM, RaymondL1747 said:

Btw I don't know what to do with my frantic brute anymore since it got nerfed or balanced Idk if I should just continue using it

Are you bloody serious?

Mate,that thing still hits 600 upper limit.If anything,it made hits of like 200 even less probable than before.It's still an overly powerful weapon but just because it isn't absolutely broken anymore,people start saying it's crap and don't know what to do with it anymore,so really just scrap it?

Well yeah,it is crap to begin with.But this??Outrageous.I think some players have problems.Not only brain,but also ego and greed.

On 1/3/2021 at 2:02 PM, SawzAll said:

The person I faced in the arena with dual Frantic Brutes is probably not going to like their weapons nerfed.  But if we nerf them as little as possible, that may make less dual Frantic Brute players less likely to rage quit.

So you're willing to leave a broken weapon just a little less broken just because some abusers would be sad that their overpowered toys got a bit fixed?

Wow,so emPATHETICal.


Side note:I seriously hope you do study rights and become a judge.Let the mass murderers off the hooks with just a 50$ fine just because they're also human and they'd be sad and cold in jail for like...a life sentence.Way to go,buddy,way to go...

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15 hours ago, L4K3 said:

So you're willing to leave a broken weapon just a little less broken just because some abusers would be sad that their overpowered toys got a bit fixed?

Wow,so emPATHETICal.

Side note:I seriously hope you do study rights and become a judge.Let the mass murderers off the hooks with just a 50$ fine just because they're also human and they'd be sad and cold in jail for like...a life sentence.Way to go,buddy,way to go...

First, I was saying make the Frantic Brute like a 2 shot Spartan Carnage, so you may need to review the other things I also said.

Second, nerfing things is always unpopular.  A wise CEO of a gaming company recognizes this.  Indeed, they DO recognize it, as they didn't nerf it as heavily as you seem to imply they should have.

Third, your ad hominem only reveals how broken your argument is.  If you can't make a point without insulting others then your point is irrelevant.

Keep in mind the ignore features on this forum are way better than the previous forum software 🙂 

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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The hell is this, Crypt Of The Necrodancer ?Crypt.gif.b7bcba16917a62e1b6f0f252f03aa09e.gif

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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