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O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little


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Yes, it does cost a lot but it is the way to level up parts faster. Sure can go with rare option. I used to use rare option because I was able to balance better the budget with 4 factories at L2 option plus save some gold. Due to the time to make parts was different I was able to control better. Power kits a batch of 100 takes 1.5 days and come fast but gold goes away fast. It is an option for players that can grind enough gold if not I will recommend RARE option than any other or SUPER QUICK if is in a rush and is poor on gold.

As a side note. Well, family is sick and my lady she is at the hospital not doing that great but hospitals do not want people around. I have my 2 children sick one with covid. No easy but managing. 

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Hi Pilots,

How are you?

Like I mentioned in OKI DOKI

I am passing through tuff time at home with family sick. My lady is currently at the hospital already for some days due to covid regardless been vaccinated long ago. She is been delicate and just barely stabilizing. She might stay at hospital for a week or so. Not sure at all. Hospital do not want us there so only visual communication for few minutes with her.

My son does has covid and he is with me at home and we have to stay here for 14 days by rule. He is doing ok in some ways but condition still there affecting him been tired when is very active boy jumping around etc. My daughter is getting a bit better trying to get breathing back to normal and feel tired all day long. 

I am a bit tired too and checking my self and waiting for covid test even I have been vaccinated. My family is currently sleeping and I am taking this short moment to do this and will try some pvp testing parts combos.

Hope you all are save.


About the game

I have been very slow grinding and not doing much pvp. Having family sick and lot of work ahead now pending and delayed but working a bit in the side to not allow accumulate more I have been affecting the clan on wins and basics not getting done. I requested to kick O.D. FARM out of the clan and bring someone can do the job.  I will have the account in a stand by for this week and if the clan is doing ok I might search for a temporary clan for this account for only 5 wins and TITAN, WAR, TICKETS at low rank. I will decide if I will join as temporary member since this account is designated to help my clan CANDELA at any given time. In mean time I need to keep developing a bit the acc with some relics. I will look for a temp clan that can fight for gold relic. Not sure. 

Anyway, lets check progress. 

I as previously mentioned this acc now is back to solo for now. I make my own solo clan just to get back as normal. The goal has not been changed like in OKI DOKI looking to increase gold reserve and max parts already at myth status. Gold reserve reached 111millions and it is the best gold reserve ever on any of my accounts. 


Factories are idle and like in OKI I will save a bit more gold till next week changing plan of making power kits this week. Oh yes, it is a "FRANTIC". Why? It is original part of my first mech in this account never developed and because was already at L40 it was easy to click and presto to be use in future phys mechs if have too. It will be max out.



I was not having plan to transform few parts but I needed the room to reduce mix boxes and use properly mix boxes epics grants to  make more legends and open space in the storage. 



Clan war








Super Mechs_2021-11-25-14-54-38.jpg

Super Mechs_2021-11-25-14-56-18.jpg

Super Mechs_2021-11-25-14-57-24.jpg

I got another shockwave. Oh well. I have another for the collection. Why no different?



Oh, forgot. I am back to my solo clan MECH CHUNKS FARM now 4.0 version. 🤣🍺


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Now I have 60 millions and finished develop just one part. Vulcan? Not that great to use.  I think I am close now to O.D power and myth parts. 😋 Please check acc later when you have time and let me know about the mech I am building. I will text you. Oh, mom told me just now she is a bit stronger in her account. 

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Great RON. I will check your account later. Not having time busy with your cousins and auntie as you know. 

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am regular taking care of my family sick time and it is not been that easy but they are improving. I took some days off out of work to support family emergency and working a bit in the side line to avoid work accumulation because it does get complicated as day are passing. I am happy my family started to respond to treatments and improving slowly but improving. 

Back to the game...

It is been a while without a full account progress passing multiple months as normally I do. I will be adding full current account status to keep some records as normally I do.

Let see... O.D. FARM it is not been growing on new weapons just to say during this period of time but it is been focused on accumulating gold and maxing out parts currently in the storage and balancing weapons for set ups and testing.

Gold is been growing in a steady way step by step for close to a year and progressing at the same time. It is been a challenge but it is paying off little by little keeping enough farming regardless less farming and pvp during this time. 

I added few sales and I think I posted them previously and was nothing mayor. For now gold is growing. My plan for this next week is to increase more gold reserve and max maybe 1-2 weapons only and keeping the gold reserve trending up a bit. I still have power kits on reserves from the last craft of 1k I think.  Gold moved to 110 millions again and added a token purchase just to add them for future sales due to the account is weak regardless R1 any season if I play for it.  The account it is limited on weapons and I am looking forward to increase power doing the same I do without real changes. 



The base it is idles with some power kits reserves. I do not know the amount on reserve. 


Arena shop items are fully max out and silver coins accumulation keeps growing.


My TITAN little flags as I like to call them keeps growing.


Boxes on reserve not that many but happy.


O.D FARM it is been a solo account for a week. I had to walk away the account and give space to someone else that can go for all basics and wins because I have no time for it so I requested the leader to get someone to replace OD. FARM. 


I guess no much play for sure and sleepy. 


Let see account parts available. Weak but moving forward.


































Rank Box



Clan War



Part maxed this week




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Thx, it is been a lot of hard work farming for sure. Not a single day missed since creation back on FEB/2020. The account just have 1 year and 10months. I will say for a player who will like to be R1 every season can be R1 with this account at current level. I tested and I was hitting R1 any season full R1 stars when played serious. I do not have much time to be focus player so I do only farm and little pvp and keep basic rank on R3 and sometimes when I have the desire then I play for rank1 and always get the rank. It is a wasted account for the point of view of a pro player and for my point of view it is fun to farm and make parts in that way and test without worries of ranks or to please someone else who want that way. I play on my way and always will be. You have to be happy in the way you truly want to play and can. 🙃

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6 minutes ago, King Oblivion said:

yup with your 337 saved premium boxes. welp like I say, whatever floats your boat man. Btw wanna donate some tokens? my dual spartan alt could use em, I need a valiant and another bunker would be nice...and a heat or ene vest

to be honest I won't mind to give few tokens to someone in need and is a hard worker in his or her account. Alex should open not just a Christmas sale and portals etc all together but also a Christmas tokens purchase or even premium from player to player. I do not mean trade but real purchase easy way to help peers or maybe friends with good discounts or maybe be a permanent option. I personally since I am not in a clan for tokens wise but I see some players so consistent and hard workers on wins for all of us it will be nice to be able to give that player a surprise gift. I am not rich but maybe every 4 months of steady peer and hard worker might be good to give a few back. Some people are selfish but is their money but I do not mind a bit sharing if I see that on them sure I can't to everyone but at list 1 person every 4 months will be ok.🍺

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cool, i'm running new energy build now(because the old one useless now lol)

On 12/6/2021 at 5:56 AM, OKI DOKI said:

Great RON. I will check your account later. Not having time busy with your cousins and auntie as you know. 

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am regular taking care of my family sick time and it is not been that easy but they are improving. I took some days off out of work to support family emergency and working a bit in the side line to avoid work accumulation because it does get complicated as day are passing. I am happy my family started to respond to treatments and improving slowly but improving. 

Back to the game...

It is been a while without a full account progress passing multiple months as normally I do. I will be adding full current account status to keep some records as normally I do.

Let see... O.D. FARM it is not been growing on new weapons just to say during this period of time but it is been focused on accumulating gold and maxing out parts currently in the storage and balancing weapons for set ups and testing.

Gold is been growing in a steady way step by step for close to a year and progressing at the same time. It is been a challenge but it is paying off little by little keeping enough farming regardless less farming and pvp during this time. 

I added few sales and I think I posted them previously and was nothing mayor. For now gold is growing. My plan for this next week is to increase more gold reserve and max maybe 1-2 weapons only and keeping the gold reserve trending up a bit. I still have power kits on reserves from the last craft of 1k I think.  Gold moved to 110 millions again and added a token purchase just to add them for future sales due to the account is weak regardless R1 any season if I play for it.  The account it is limited on weapons and I am looking forward to increase power doing the same I do without real changes. 



The base it is idles with some power kits reserves. I do not know the amount on reserve. 


Arena shop items are fully max out and silver coins accumulation keeps growing.


My TITAN little flags as I like to call them keeps growing.


Boxes on reserve not that many but happy.


O.D FARM it is been a solo account for a week. I had to walk away the account and give space to someone else that can go for all basics and wins because I have no time for it so I requested the leader to get someone to replace OD. FARM. 


I guess no much play for sure and sleepy. 


Let see account parts available. Weak but moving forward.


































Rank Box



Clan War



Part maxed this week




rail gun ;-;

Hcaptcha scam

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Hello pilots,

Dont have impressive inventory but am happy with what i got so far.

Accumulate just enough items to be competitive in the arena ,after 11 months of play I reach the level 3.

Am looking forward  to next year will be  ranking up surely to higher level.

Also with the help of my clan , the clan perspectives is very good moving up from last place clan to the average level 20 so far. 

The clan goal will be reaching top 10 , surely clan will be moving forward this new year.

Y’a wishing you all health and lots of play time….

Physique mechs are nice way to move up Fast and then expand heat and energy built on the way ,futur looking beautiful.

XRB 🇨🇦

4 minutes ago, Clan Red said:

Hello pilots,

Dont have impressive inventory but am happy with what i got so far.

Accumulate just enough items to be competitive in the arena ,after 11 months of play I reach the level 3.

Am looking forward  to next year will be  ranking up surely to higher level.

Also with the help of my clan , the clan perspectives is very good moving up from last place clan to the average level 20 so far. 

The clan goal will be reaching top 10 , surely clan will be moving forward this new year.

Y’a wishing you all health and lots of play time….

Physique mechs are nice way to move up Fast and then expand heat and energy built on the way ,futur looking beautiful.

XRB 🇨🇦

Thanks Oki wish your family Quick recovery!

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