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New ads for Pc version

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Idk if the ads on pc version are the only that the game can have, but please put one more or change one of these, special of the grizzly bear

A. The grizzly bear celebrates his 75 anniversary for 3 years, i think two options

1.The ad is more old than the greedy drone  2.the party of the bear is so cool that the bear has celebrate it for more than 3 years, idk exactly how time that bear is celebrating his brithday

B. The other ad is above a.... That ad it so boring than never remind what game that have, only remember is about a investigate 

Please, put one other ad, i think i gonna lose the head because i have to hear these ads 3 times in same campaign battle


Edited by Bring live your dreams (see edit history)
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Hey, don't complain.  There's a slightly different June's Journey one now where it takes forever to find five fruits while this tinkling muzak plays.  What more could you want.  Mind you, it's a bit repetitive on mobile just now - I just got Jeff Goldblum telling me about Raid six times on the spin.  He doesn't take long about it though, so I can live with that.

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18 minutes ago, Canucklehead said:

Yeah, the Stephen Colbert, " Smokey The Bear ", has been going for quite some time now. Maybe McGruff, The Crime Dog, could replace it...... Here's a question for you, about this ad: What song is " Smokey Colbert " referring to, when he says " The song was wrong, we did start the fire. "?


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It could be either. It is the Late Night Talk Show hosts' voice, that I am sure of. Maybe, if it is " cold bear ", it is a slight towards Donald Trump and his alleged collusion with Russia, as this ad did come out during his term in office, Stephen Colbert is very left-wing, so, anything's possible, I suppose.

1 hour ago, The_Real_Ramsay49 said:

I think we need to address the question of whether it’s “Smokey colbert “ or “Smokey cold bear” cause ngl I can hear both when he say it 


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1 hour ago, The_Real_Ramsay49 said:

I think we need to address the question of whether it’s “Smokey colbert “ or “Smokey cold bear” cause ngl I can hear both when he say it 

Doesn't it just say "Smokey called bear" or am I missing the joke

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On 12/24/2021 at 6:02 PM, The_Real_Ramsay49 said:

I think we need to address the question of whether it’s “Smokey colbert “ or “Smokey cold bear” cause ngl I can hear both when he say it 

the guy speaking is called colbert then guy makes a joke by saying "colBEAR" and winking (ugh so hot) 

On 12/24/2021 at 5:46 PM, Tigergeezer said:

Well that clears that up.  Not sure I'm going to be able to stop hearing "Smokey Cold Bear", mind you.


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