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StealthBeaster last won the day on April 1 2022

StealthBeaster had the most liked content!

About StealthBeaster

  • Birthday 12/12/2005

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  1. Nice Perfect one keep going on 3k tokens offer worth it more than 2k offer.
  2. Unfortunately, only those people who have legacy accounts can use their shields. rockets and bullets.
  3. Cannot understand your question smoothly but I recommend you to upgrade that scp module if you own a good mech to handle it
  4. Oh nice weapons man! But wait what? Look out bro your modules is about... they looks sick! That mech deserve less than 5/10 You may need to feed your modules.
  5. You won't get it unless you're lucky enough in the tournament.
  6. i painted my mechs in the past like that before that offer appears. and now, i still won't to buy them even if i have a lot of tokens. lol
  7. Yeah nice worth it, but show us your mechs stats, including modules.
  8. Aren't you the player who faced me in arena?
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