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I dont even know what to say.


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CMON ALEX!!! You are SO CLOSE to making those offers in premium packs!

Idek if this is good or not. I mean it doesnt have an effect on the gameplay and stuff but like... 

I have been saving up for like 7 weeks to get 650 tokens ajd i seriously want to buy a 1000 token offer. So im not gonna buy this.

Lets be real here, everyone wants a discount on premium boxes after seeing these two.

CleverName would be very happy with this deal lol

I dunno if i should put this in the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh post but i made a new one cuz why not.

When i said idek what to say, i didnt mean to say "this offer is bad" i seriously dont know if this is a good deal or not.

Edited by iSwarky (see edit history)

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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Just now, Atusiff said:

This offer was a part of TS’s summer sales, which include discounted packs at a later date. (In the old ones at least)


A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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Just now, Electrick010 said:

Long ago I ran into people who spent almost 2k tokens for that weapon, in arena noob.

I mean if they have their moms credit card they can buy everything they want.

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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Just now, Ad1tya said:

TS used to give us 20% discount
Don't know if Alex is gonna change the % but expect it to be 20%

Idc about the % of the discont. I want the discount in the first place. Like please?

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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Just now, IlyaMech said:

I don't think that paint should cost less at all (well, just ordinary paint), but coloring pages have the right to reduce the price because it costs a lot.

Sadly we didnt got a discount on premium packs but we atleast got the 100 token quest which was nice.

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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17 minutes ago, iSwarky said:

К сожалению, у нас не было скидки на премиальные наборы, но мы, по крайней мере, получили квест на 100 жетонов, что было неплохо.

God, I also liked the quest for 100 tokens and then I bought a premium pack with them, but there were only epics and I didn't want to embarrass myself on flex


Oops, again a quest that gives 100 tokens.

I will make an article on this approx.



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