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A fun little experiment.


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First off im gonna clear that im not trying to insult anybody by any means. I wanted to do an experiment.

So i drew some of the people's pfps in the forums. (Probably will do some more later i had to prepare for guests.) 

Spam : Screenshot_2021-08-06-10-39-02.thumb.png.e516cf0809e4dc62b288977538c9091a.png

Aftokrator (the old one): Screenshot_2021-08-06-10-35-57.thumb.png.dbf03cce5af7ccfb9ca929e922d62489.png

OKI DOKI:Screenshot_2021-08-06-10-43-30.thumb.png.49bec341a426ffc9a45eba100e87a1f2.png

Btw this app is called ibis paint x and the is whatever the hell you want in this map. Some people drew actual anima characters.


Edited by iSwarky (see edit history)

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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7 hours ago, iSwarky said:

First off im gonna clear that im not trying to insult anybody by any means. I wanted to do an experiment.

So i drew some of the people's pfps in the forums. (Probably will do some more later i had to prepare for guests.) 

Spam : Screenshot_2021-08-06-10-39-02.thumb.png.e516cf0809e4dc62b288977538c9091a.png

Aftokrator (the old one): Screenshot_2021-08-06-10-35-57.thumb.png.dbf03cce5af7ccfb9ca929e922d62489.png

OKI DOKI:Screenshot_2021-08-06-10-43-30.thumb.png.49bec341a426ffc9a45eba100e87a1f2.png

Btw this app is called ibis paint x and the is whatever the hell you want in this map. Some people drew actual anima characters.


You have perfectly depicted me in the morning.

PURPLE  Bring Back The Confetti! "Like and follow it'll give me a better reputation" - Spam


Stolen from @JamAnime

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  • 8 months later...
8 hours ago, Yukiya18_JPN said:

Yes, I made it as an image.



Nice, try mine, my pfp is kaneki from Tokyo ghoul, and my name means crow on Latin. 

Btw how do you call this type of digital art? Kinda looks like digital collage

PS I'm male

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 06.08.2021 at 10:48, iSwarky said:

Во-первых, я хочу прояснить, что я никоим образом не пытаюсь никого оскорбить. Я хотел провести эксперимент.

Так что я нарисовал некоторые pfps людей на форумах. (Вероятно, сделаю еще немного позже, мне нужно было подготовиться к гостям.) 

Спам : Screenshot_2021-08-06-10-39-02.thumb.png.e516cf0809e4dc62b288977538c9091a.png

Афтократор (старый): Screenshot_2021-08-06-10-35-57.thumb.png.dbf03cce5af7ccfb9ca929e922d62489.png

ОКИ ДОКИ:Screenshot_2021-08-06-10-43-30.thumb.png.49bec341a426ffc9a45eba100e87a1f2.png

Кстати, это приложение называется ibis paint x, и это все, что вы, черт возьми, хотите на этой карте. Некоторые люди рисовали настоящих анима-персонажей.





I like Fluffeh 💀

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