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8 minutes ago, Andypandy said:

I really want them

<With that i would easly get rank 5

phys mech it is basic to rank up but require some modules. You can rank up with anything but phys pull more generally speaking. Not the rule just in basic. A basic claw, night fall, night eagle and rock will do the trick but if have mercy better to help you out against energy mechs. Now with free energy weapons around can help better for an R5 or 1v1 season


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Just now, OKI DOKI said:

phys mech it is basic to rank up but require some modules. You can rank up with anything but phys pull more generally speaking. Not the rule just in basic. A basic claw, night fall, night eagle and rock will do the trick but if have mercy better to help you out against energy mechs. Now with free energy weapons around can help better for an R5 or 1v1 season


by the time you reach R5 with those, will have to change a bit because that combination has fallen to mare R5-R4 rank and hard sometimes to get the R4 due to many counters around.Β 

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1 minute ago, Andypandy said:

I got a good ener mech with valiant,recoiler(ener) Last words and malice beam

good mech for R5+.Β  if you have a Rail gun and runner will be better. If you plan to use that with claw I will say no go there. Use runner or energy legs.Β 

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2 hours ago, Grosboss said:

no idea, we'll see tomorrow

r u serius how did you know that

37 minutes ago, Soviet Union mech said:

I Got -700 HP by that mercy when I have -167 res on my main🀣

lol mercy maximum damage equal to scope minimum damage

mercy is just like frantic brute

its not consistent

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