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    SawzAll got a reaction from W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in New Crab Titan   
    I have an idea for a new titan, but I'm not good with drawing. 
    This titan could be in the rotation with the others, or possibly its own thing once a month, or whatever.
    It would be a crab titan.  Its hands would be the Big Daddy sprite.  I was thinking the other weapons could be dual malice and dual valiant sniper, and their damage/drain would be adjusted so that they are more like other titans (powerful weapons but not so overpowered that no one can beat him).
    Unlike the other titans, this titan will be able to be drained of energy and that affect its weapons.  But it would have a high energy capacity, to the point where it might almost require two EMPs to drain him (like maybe 1000 cap, regen set to whatever you think is reasonable).
    It would require a special build to beat him, but he would be able to be beaten.
    HP would be about equal to most titans in middle/upper difficulties.
    If drained, he would resort to jump towards you and stomp, but the stomp animation would be him slamming you with his Big Daddy Claws.
    Again, I have the mental image in my head but I can't draw to save my life.  What do you think?  Please reply! 🙂 
  2. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in New Crab Titan   
    I have an idea for a new titan, but I'm not good with drawing. 
    This titan could be in the rotation with the others, or possibly its own thing once a month, or whatever.
    It would be a crab titan.  Its hands would be the Big Daddy sprite.  I was thinking the other weapons could be dual malice and dual valiant sniper, and their damage/drain would be adjusted so that they are more like other titans (powerful weapons but not so overpowered that no one can beat him).
    Unlike the other titans, this titan will be able to be drained of energy and that affect its weapons.  But it would have a high energy capacity, to the point where it might almost require two EMPs to drain him (like maybe 1000 cap, regen set to whatever you think is reasonable).
    It would require a special build to beat him, but he would be able to be beaten.
    HP would be about equal to most titans in middle/upper difficulties.
    If drained, he would resort to jump towards you and stomp, but the stomp animation would be him slamming you with his Big Daddy Claws.
    Again, I have the mental image in my head but I can't draw to save my life.  What do you think?  Please reply! 🙂 
  3. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Should Flaminator be buffed?   
    Yeah this and other comments is why I ignore you on the forum.  Just every once in a while when someone quotes you, I feel compelled to reply because of the damage your comments might cause.
    Savagery is not useless.  It does a lot of heat damage, and you still see it in rank 4-5 battles.
    Corrupt is not useless for the same reason.
    Flaminator doesn't do cooling damage so on a cooling destroyer it's supplemental.  But you could substitute corrupt light for flaminator on any of those, so I'm still trying to understand why you think this way.
    There are several problems with calling any weapon useless:
    Usefulness depends on build.  Ever get your butt handed to you by someone using Sorrow?  Exactly. Usefulness depends on rank.  But rank in this game depends mainly on your luck or money (i.e. the items you have) and your build.  If you are rich and have all your stuff divine, you can make it to rank 1.  However, tactics and build will determine if you make it to top 10. Usefulness also depends on your inventory.  If savagery is all I have, but I find a way to make it work for me, it's useful. Sometimes such weapons are substitutes for items on META builds.  Like Flaminator for the HHCs on the META list boiler.  Works like a champ for me because I don't have 2 x HHCs. But you said the same thing about Reckless Beam and I still see people in ranks 4-5 using Reckless Beam.  I wouldn't do that, but they're doing it and apparently it's working for them.
    So please stop saying things are "worthless" because:
    1) there's a use for them somewhere and
    2) you might make newbies feel inferior just because they found a use for something you falsely claim is worthless.  
  4. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Canucklehead in Should Flaminator be buffed?   
    First off, I'm rank 3-5 and I use it right now on my boiler.  Not trying to be rude or anything, but "nobody uses it" is incorrect.
    It's not logical to say that there's "nobody" using any weapon.  So long as there are human beings playing SM, there will always be someone using every weapon, even if it's only one person using it.
    With all due respect, I don't think it needs a buff.  I think it works great.  Buffing it puts it in danger of being more powerful than hybrid heat cannon, it's premium counterpart (sort of).

    As it is, HHC is just strong enough to justify being premium.  If you buff Flaminator, you'd have to buff HHC so that it's premium status is worth it.  But I would argue the opposite: that because Flaminator is already pretty close to the stats of a premium item, it should not be buffed.
    So yeah, not trying to be rude or anything, and I appreciate you putting in a suggestion, but I think Flaminator is fine.  I can get rank 4 in 3v3 and 2v2 with my heat boiler.
    My experience is that the energy cost is both good and bad.  It's good when fighting heat vs heat because Flaminator won't heat me up while using it.  It's a liability when fighting against energy, though, obviously.  So that's why I run Corrupt Light + Flaminator so that their pros and cons are balanced together.
  5. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Xynt in New Crab Titan   
    I have an idea for a new titan, but I'm not good with drawing. 
    This titan could be in the rotation with the others, or possibly its own thing once a month, or whatever.
    It would be a crab titan.  Its hands would be the Big Daddy sprite.  I was thinking the other weapons could be dual malice and dual valiant sniper, and their damage/drain would be adjusted so that they are more like other titans (powerful weapons but not so overpowered that no one can beat him).
    Unlike the other titans, this titan will be able to be drained of energy and that affect its weapons.  But it would have a high energy capacity, to the point where it might almost require two EMPs to drain him (like maybe 1000 cap, regen set to whatever you think is reasonable).
    It would require a special build to beat him, but he would be able to be beaten.
    HP would be about equal to most titans in middle/upper difficulties.
    If drained, he would resort to jump towards you and stomp, but the stomp animation would be him slamming you with his Big Daddy Claws.
    Again, I have the mental image in my head but I can't draw to save my life.  What do you think?  Please reply! 🙂 
  6. Like
    SawzAll reacted to OKI DOKI in Should Flaminator be buffed?   
    It cannot be enhanced since premium availability. Also, Flaminator even with the current modules around and having a proper set up it does pack a punch and no even is the necessary the premium to do the job. I have loses against with good players and set up. 

  7. Thanks
    SawzAll reacted to Patimomo in NEVER GIVE YOUR ACCOUNT   
    Yesterday playing arena a user called U.S.S.R oferred me if i want tk i say y s then he ask me the username and password then i tell my username but no my password today my account isn't open i tried now i have my acc back.Never  give your username and a ccount and be carefull with people called U.S.S.R PD:Idont speak english is the reason of bad orthography
  8. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in Murmur Revision   
    Yeah and so I picked 10 because I figure since most META-listing builds are about 2:1 cap to cooling/regen.  I figure that would make sense.  But I'd like to hear everyone else's opinion too 🙂 
  9. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from OKI DOKI in buff purifier   
    Not if we do our best to make sure we don't overbuff it 🙂 
  10. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in More Fuel   
    Increase your arena shop fuel regen and fuel capacity buffs (mainly fuel regen).  I usually farm the mission right before the big boss.  Not sure if that's the most efficient one, but that's what I do.
    Farm the missions with the best / most XP because that's how you level up, which ultimately increases your fuel capacity.
    When I'm trying to get items and/or gold, though, I farm 1v1 final boss.
  11. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Username4 in Murmur Revision   
    As in 15 at divine.
    I take that back, you could make it 10.  But at divine.  So maybe 9 at mythical?  Because honestly why do we even have cooling damage in this game if you can't really make a cooling damage build?  I think Murmur should be the drone for the cooling damage mech.
    But keep in mind Nemo does 20 capacity damage at Divine.
  12. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from AEROST-YT in the new offer today :)   
    If you have absolutely no premium resistance modules, I recommend this deal.  I got the defense matrix, then another in one of the packs it came with, as well as a max protector and either a quad core or an OLP.  I got this deal last month and it literally propelled me to rank 5.
    Now I'm at the point where I'm saving my tokens for a physical and a heat fortress.
  13. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in the new offer today :)   
    If you have absolutely no premium resistance modules, I recommend this deal.  I got the defense matrix, then another in one of the packs it came with, as well as a max protector and either a quad core or an OLP.  I got this deal last month and it literally propelled me to rank 5.
    Now I'm at the point where I'm saving my tokens for a physical and a heat fortress.
  14. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in Murmur Revision   
    As in 15 at divine.
    I take that back, you could make it 10.  But at divine.  So maybe 9 at mythical?  Because honestly why do we even have cooling damage in this game if you can't really make a cooling damage build?  I think Murmur should be the drone for the cooling damage mech.
    But keep in mind Nemo does 20 capacity damage at Divine.
  15. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in The most hidden secret in the game   
    Thanks for the honorable mention but my research thread is complete.  🙂 
  16. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Furry Scavenger in The most hidden secret in the game   
    Thanks for the honorable mention but my research thread is complete.  🙂 
  17. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Deimos in buff purifier   
    Honestly, I think just making it unlimited uses would be enough, as it's already more powerful than Sorrow on paper.
    So I say the only thing it needs is unlimited uses.
  18. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in Murmur Revision   
    Case in point this morning. Keep in mind my boiler is recoiler, corrupt light, flaminator and Nemo. I didn't even hit this person with my vandal rage. This person may have been relying on their heat resistance. But that didn't save them. Especially when their cooling was exactly 270 and 270 is exactly how much heat damage I can do per turn. Not posting this to brag, just to point out that heat resistance isn't everything. If their stats were better, they would've beaten me. Their resistance just made it take longer.

  19. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in We Need Urgent Changes!!!   
    No worries, I voted, thanks!
  20. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in I’m trying to get my other account back   
    I would suggest, however, that you go to Battle Dawn link if you used a GMail and see if you can reset your password to it, and then log into it via "SM login" then that gmail email and password.  I don't know if it will work, but I'd try it anyways just in case.
    I know Alex helps migrate Kongregate accounts.  Maybe he can help migrate GMail accounts to a normal SM login?  Not sure.
  21. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from MasterChief in Murmur Revision   
    Well even if you don't have resistance, a boiler is intended to overheat the enemy.  I've overheated people with my boiler that had a lot of heat resistance.  It just took longer to kill their mech, but I was able to do so.
    I think Murmur's thing should be cooling damage, and that the cooling damage get increased.  Probably to 15.
    If we go there with heat drones "needing" resistance, you'd have to then buff Nemo and Flamewave to give them resist drain, also.  I don't think this is the solution.
  22. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from SC2A in The rank 5 lock   
    I don't know if I can agree.  When I encounter him, he's rank 7-9.  I never encounter him at rank 5 or higher.  I think this person's behavior is intentional.  If I remember correctly, I would encounter him before I first made rank 5 and then a few times after I made rank 5 (because I would fall back to rank 7 after the season and have to climb back to rank 5).  I've never encountered him at rank 5 or higher.
  23. Like
    SawzAll reacted to rc in how to report anyone?   
    I’m certain he means in-game mute.
    Here’s how you do it in the game:

    By the way, could someone tell what all the faces mean? I only know of the greeting and gg.
  24. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in DEWASTATOR, Dewastator   
    They are probably the most infamous smurf in this game.  Or might be a traded account on the "account black market" or whatever.
    Which would make sense to me if it was a traded account: then you don't need to care if you're caught because it's just a random account that might not be traceable back to you.  (This is just me thinking hypothetically.)
    Just a regular smurf.  Do your best to kick their butt so long as you don't do it by engaging in smurfing.  Don't fight evil with evil.  Fight evil with good.
    And/or join Noble Warriors, a clan that is anti-hacking and anti-smurfing.
  25. Thanks
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in We Need Urgent Changes!!!   
    I don't like this poll.  It's not specific.
    If you had poked around in the forum you'd already see a lot of suggestions for new features, as well as item buff requests.
    Also, the difficulty with this poll is I have to select one of several options.  I think more than one of these is correct, but I can't vote that way.
    Please make this poll more robust so I can help you by being one of the voters.
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