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New Crab Titan


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I have an idea for a new titan, but I'm not good with drawing. 

This titan could be in the rotation with the others, or possibly its own thing once a month, or whatever.

It would be a crab titan.  Its hands would be the Big Daddy sprite.  I was thinking the other weapons could be dual malice and dual valiant sniper, and their damage/drain would be adjusted so that they are more like other titans (powerful weapons but not so overpowered that no one can beat him).

Unlike the other titans, this titan will be able to be drained of energy and that affect its weapons.  But it would have a high energy capacity, to the point where it might almost require two EMPs to drain him (like maybe 1000 cap, regen set to whatever you think is reasonable).

It would require a special build to beat him, but he would be able to be beaten.

HP would be about equal to most titans in middle/upper difficulties.

If drained, he would resort to jump towards you and stomp, but the stomp animation would be him slamming you with his Big Daddy Claws.

Again, I have the mental image in my head but I can't draw to save my life.  What do you think?  Please reply! 🙂 

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6 hours ago, SawzAll said:

Tengo una idea para un nuevo titán, pero no soy bueno dibujando. 

Este titán podría estar en la rotación con los demás, o posiblemente lo suyo una vez al mes, o lo que sea.

Sería un titán cangrejo. Sus manos serían el duendecillo de Big Daddy. Estaba pensando que las otras armas podrían ser de doble malicia y doble francotirador valiente, y su daño / drenaje se ajustaría para que se parecieran más a otros titanes (armas poderosas pero no tan poderosas que nadie pueda vencerlo).

A diferencia de los otros titanes, este titán podrá ser drenado de energía y eso afectará a sus armas. Pero tendría una alta capacidad de energía, hasta el punto en que casi podría requerir dos EMP para drenarlo (como tal vez un límite de 1000, la regeneración se establece en lo que crea que es razonable).

Se necesitaría una estructura especial para vencerlo, pero podría ser derrotado.

HP sería aproximadamente igual a la mayoría de los titanes en dificultad media / alta.

Si está agotado, recurriría a saltar hacia ti y pisotear, pero la animación del pisotón sería cuando te golpeara con sus Big Daddy Claws.

Una vez más, tengo la imagen mental en mi cabeza, pero no puedo dibujar para salvar mi vida. ¿Qué piensas? ¡Por favor responde!🙂 

man, you need to post the titan crab sprite first, otherwise no one will know what you are talking about and they will ignore your idea

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6 hours ago, SawzAll said:

I have an idea for a new titan, but I'm not good with drawing. 

This titan could be in the rotation with the others, or possibly its own thing once a month, or whatever.

It would be a crab titan.  Its hands would be the Big Daddy sprite.  I was thinking the other weapons could be dual malice and dual valiant sniper, and their damage/drain would be adjusted so that they are more like other titans (powerful weapons but not so overpowered that no one can beat him).

Unlike the other titans, this titan will be able to be drained of energy and that affect its weapons.  But it would have a high energy capacity, to the point where it might almost require two EMPs to drain him (like maybe 1000 cap, regen set to whatever you think is reasonable).

It would require a special build to beat him, but he would be able to be beaten.

HP would be about equal to most titans in middle/upper difficulties.

If drained, he would resort to jump towards you and stomp, but the stomp animation would be him slamming you with his Big Daddy Claws.

Again, I have the mental image in my head but I can't draw to save my life.  What do you think?  Please reply! 🙂 

The idea sounds unique but god damn, it feels like it want me to mention Crab Rave.


All jokes aside, this titan could switch things up in the titan lineup since it would be the first full energy-reliant titan. The other titans are just energy-free or lose the use of a single weapon when energy broken before lightning you up with its 4 other weapons or something like that, which is disappointing when they make it out to believe that energy-breaking will do something only to then screw you over as if the break never happened.


Crab Titan


Is Cool!

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