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    epicspeedster reacted to khan in Minor experiment   
    I've read through the topic and replies of all the members, here is my POV on this experiment.
    1. Increasing Gold capacity is a notch in the right direction, i feel like the gold/hour should be increased with it if it hasn't already been.
    I don't really see the point here, the reason why most people enable base is to get to level 20, and start spending money on a chance to get L-M items, not E-M. If you do insist on making the price more expensive, the time/card should be decreased.
    3. Tweaking base is a good idea, since the majority prefer silver boxes instead of it, this will maybe make them change their mind.
    Slight note:
     I do not have level 20 gold mines and or item factories, so i can't talk from experience.
  2. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to HeIIfire in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Legacy alt's third LPV, pog

  3. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Ozen in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
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    epicspeedster reacted to Liioh in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Free fortune box. Second Burning, and I'll probably divine this when I get enough relics.
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    epicspeedster reacted to Ozen in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    My third sorrow, from the quad core offer packs

  6. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to A Happy F4ce in Exclusive Limited Time Offer   
    I bought the offer. I would have bought it without the premium packs even. those modules are OP ASFFFFFFFFFFFF
    anyways, gonna get opening some packs
    expect an auto-merged multipost edit of my results

    missed one that was all purples

    misssed one again lmao - it had one leggy feet leggies

    forgot a few - nothin good. some rolling beasts and sparked legs

    all said and done Im happy - I got two  combined storage uinits (premium) which Ive wanted FOR AGES (since I came back and found out its a thing) and I got that physical doofer thats all the rage
    like I say Id be happy with the one but I have two. so all in all Im happy I bought it. but it is a lot of money and might not be for you. first big spend in like 3 years??? so I felt like splurgin' and Im not unhappy but I do feel the pain of the bad drops - trust me, Ive been there.
    so thats that. happy vibes to all who read this
    UPDATE: I have just realised I confused COMBINED STORAGE UNIT for QUAD CORE BOOSTER
    LOL!!!! (*in pain*)
  7. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to SawzAll in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    These are just the ones worth sharing from today's deal.

  8. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from ALFRExd in My attempt at a valiant   
    I'm sorry for it being lopsided, it was a first attempt
  9. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to HeIIfire in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Took a while, but finally finished this.
    Now I can work on my mods and second mech until I get Grim Cobra

  10. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to Liioh in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    2 down, 2 to go.
  11. Haha
    epicspeedster reacted to Raul in Is this supposed to be a mistake?   
    Not a mistake per se, it was a joke I made last night, should probably remove at this point 😄
  12. Like
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    epicspeedster reacted to W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Got this from a premium box just now. 😄
  15. Like
    epicspeedster reacted to rc in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Rip premium items... 💐

    And rip War Hammer from the last sale...  🕳️🔨

  16. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Pink555 in My attempt at a valiant   
    my second attempt at a smaller one, still lopsided
  17. Thanks
  18. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Tirreggregars in My attempt at a valiant   
    my second attempt at a smaller one, still lopsided
  19. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Tirreggregars in My attempt at a valiant   
    I'm sorry for it being lopsided, it was a first attempt
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    epicspeedster got a reaction from OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    my opinion is that you trash epics that are useless, sure let's say you only have 2 nightfalls maxed, but you want more, so you upgrade that till its maxed. But once you have enough of that epic item you should just trash it. Also maybe you wanna upgrade some of those not maxed mythicals you have lying around in your inventory
  21. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Ad1tya in My attempt at a valiant   
    my second attempt at a smaller one, still lopsided
  22. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from Ad1tya in My attempt at a valiant   
    I'm sorry for it being lopsided, it was a first attempt
  23. Like
    epicspeedster got a reaction from JamAnime in My attempt at a valiant   
    my second attempt at a smaller one, still lopsided
  24. Like
  25. Haha
    epicspeedster reacted to OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    What the heck with the commander thing. I do not even can command my shitty mechs.  🤣

    I am a noob. 😋

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