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  1. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Spam in The difference between the normal and the silver boxes.   
    Note #2: My bad for the text wall, I got too invested in the post as I typed it, so I ended up making it into this. Another TL;DR will be provided, don't worry.
    Yeah, the box system was much more different back then, especially when "item boxes" (basically like the free mix boxes we have now but they were purchasable with gold if you didn't want to wait for free boxes) had a rare chance to drop a legendary item.
    Though, legacy had a lot more items than what Reloaded currently has, especially when it came to how all items had  "transformed" variants that were treated as entirely separate entities from the base item, which forced you to throw away an item once you got a better version of it since you couldn't transform it to a better state like you can do now. That, and every better item in the game had some sort of drawback to ground its benefits like, for example:

    The Galaxius Models - Had good stats, good HP, had 6 resistance for their respective element, and could be used on a lot of builds despite being legendary torsos but at the cost of being slightly above 400kg in weight, not having any resistances outside of their respective element, and were hard to get because of RNG and the simple fact that legacy had so many legendary items that even betting your life on a legendary drop being the item that you want was an unspeakably and extraordinarily bad idea 
    Reloaded, on the other hand, has less items overall than legacy but we didn't have "transforming", "divining", and "premium" items back then, so reloaded legendary items can be held onto for longer and even kept for a seriously long time if it was mythable or a premium item. Due to that, it would make sense that it would be harder to get legendary items from legendary-capable sources in order to keep players from simply breezing through the game just by getting premium legendaries from mix boxes because they got lucky.
    That, and we also have deals, arena boxes, and fortune boxes that add onto the legacy-like legendary drop sources that we already have, so, if there was a nerf in legendary drop rates at any point after legacy, it would've likely been done to counteract the increase of legendary item sources.
    So, yeah.. Mix boxes being turned back into item boxes, when things are much more different from what they were like back in legacy, is a pretty bad idea, at least to me, that is.

    TL;DR: Legacy and reloaded work differently, so mix boxes/silver boxes shouldn't be turned back into item boxes and silver boxes from legacy. The way things are working now wouldn't exactly benefit if those boxes were dropping legendaries, especially when new accounts have base integrated into them upon creation and when plenty of existing former silver box users (myself, included) have already begun to invest into base or have invested a lot of time and work into base to get it to a high level where it can start producing epic/legendary cards. Simply having basic boxes with legendary drop chances would undermine the idea of having/investing in base.
    Welp, even the TL;DR is long.. So, to put it simply if you don't want to read the TL;DR either:

     Legendary from mix box and silver box bad = bad idea if no changes are made to compensate but they wouldn't be "basic boxes" if they were changed as compensation for the added legendary drop chance.
    (This was a reply and yet it somehow managed to be just as long as my original post. I'm either too invested in explanations or I'm just too good at making text walls to the point that it might just be an unhealthy habit.) 
  2. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Atusiff in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Welp- Seems like the moment of 1,000 rep has arrived and now I have to make due on the 1,000 Rep Commemoration Q&A idea that I came up with.
    .. But I'm not gonna try doing a Q&A at 1:45 in the morning, so that's gonna be delayed until Tomorrow so that I won't be delirious when I'm gonna be answering questions and stuff. (Delirium is not a good thing to be affected by when you're answering questions.. Believe me on that because you do not want to see the type of crazy things I tend to say when I'm affected by delirium. No, it's not the top weapon Ultrabright box-shaped.. Thing.)
  3. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from ZeRo_ in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Welp- Seems like the moment of 1,000 rep has arrived and now I have to make due on the 1,000 Rep Commemoration Q&A idea that I came up with.
    .. But I'm not gonna try doing a Q&A at 1:45 in the morning, so that's gonna be delayed until Tomorrow so that I won't be delirious when I'm gonna be answering questions and stuff. (Delirium is not a good thing to be affected by when you're answering questions.. Believe me on that because you do not want to see the type of crazy things I tend to say when I'm affected by delirium. No, it's not the top weapon Ultrabright box-shaped.. Thing.)
  4. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from OKI DOKI in The weapons that need nerfs as soon as possible   
    The PTSD behind the act of watching someone snort a mile-long line of pure salt because of a select few alright weapons is coming back.
  5. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Shoultz262 in The difference between the normal and the silver boxes.   
    Note: Skip to the bottom if you want the TL;DR of the text wall that's directly below this note. Yes, it's a text wall and don't say I didn't warn you about the fact that this is a text wall.
    Silver boxes are a genuine method for obtaining upgrade food just the way they currently are. Before you ask as to why I say that, it's because silver boxes come at a price of 6,500 gold and can be purchased in bulks of 5 for 32,500 gold.
    That may seem like a lot to pay for a box that'll drop 2-3 items at once with a small chance for epics but keep in mind that silver box drops are immediate and don't require a wait period to get the rewards (like common crafting in base, which takes 30 minutes to craft a single common but it's more cost efficient since you can get 3 commons for 3,000 gold instead of 3 commons for 6,500 gold) and you only have to grind for gold needed to buy the boxes (unlike mix boxes, which you either have to wait 6 hours for in regards to the free box option of the box shop, or have to grind missions for in order to get, which consumes a lot of fuel and is time-consuming to collect enough food that way).
    Yes, silver boxes may seem like they're no better than mix boxes but they're a type of mix box that you can simply just buy without working or waiting for. Not only that, silver boxes aren't designed to be used as a source for epic items only (we have premium boxes, rank 10+ boxes, fortune boxes, and premium packs for that sort of thing), so they don't need a buff when they're useful for getting food items immediately. Besides, they're cheap because of that and buffing them would mean that the price for silver boxes would have to be increased, which would make it less enticing to use silver boxes over base in terms of pricing for common items and such.
    I apologize for having to write a text wall like this but I felt like getting into detail with this subject so it didn't seem like I was "pro-base" or "pro-silver box" and was simply trying to be biased (both sides have their ups and downs; one is short-term and the other is long-term).
    Though, base is honestly something worth investing in only if you're able to get a steady supply of coins from mission grinds (if you still have silver boxes, I suggest you keep the boxes until you're able to, at least, consistently farm Overlord's Den 8 - Bigboy on Hard or Insane since gold payment per run is much better than OD-8 on Normal).
    I would continue in detail with that but I'll just end the post here so it doesn't become any longer than what it already is. I hope this helps and answers some doubts/questions.

    TL;DR - Silver Boxes don't need a buff, they're good because they're cheap to buy (being the only gold-purchasable box in the game and all), reliable for upgrade food, immediately available, and provide immediate rewards without waiting times or effort in repetitive grinding to get. Also, don't give the 6,500 gold price boxes a chance for legendaries.. Just.. Don't.
  6. Thanks
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Mr Lord in The difference between the normal and the silver boxes.   
    Note #2: My bad for the text wall, I got too invested in the post as I typed it, so I ended up making it into this. Another TL;DR will be provided, don't worry.
    Yeah, the box system was much more different back then, especially when "item boxes" (basically like the free mix boxes we have now but they were purchasable with gold if you didn't want to wait for free boxes) had a rare chance to drop a legendary item.
    Though, legacy had a lot more items than what Reloaded currently has, especially when it came to how all items had  "transformed" variants that were treated as entirely separate entities from the base item, which forced you to throw away an item once you got a better version of it since you couldn't transform it to a better state like you can do now. That, and every better item in the game had some sort of drawback to ground its benefits like, for example:

    The Galaxius Models - Had good stats, good HP, had 6 resistance for their respective element, and could be used on a lot of builds despite being legendary torsos but at the cost of being slightly above 400kg in weight, not having any resistances outside of their respective element, and were hard to get because of RNG and the simple fact that legacy had so many legendary items that even betting your life on a legendary drop being the item that you want was an unspeakably and extraordinarily bad idea 
    Reloaded, on the other hand, has less items overall than legacy but we didn't have "transforming", "divining", and "premium" items back then, so reloaded legendary items can be held onto for longer and even kept for a seriously long time if it was mythable or a premium item. Due to that, it would make sense that it would be harder to get legendary items from legendary-capable sources in order to keep players from simply breezing through the game just by getting premium legendaries from mix boxes because they got lucky.
    That, and we also have deals, arena boxes, and fortune boxes that add onto the legacy-like legendary drop sources that we already have, so, if there was a nerf in legendary drop rates at any point after legacy, it would've likely been done to counteract the increase of legendary item sources.
    So, yeah.. Mix boxes being turned back into item boxes, when things are much more different from what they were like back in legacy, is a pretty bad idea, at least to me, that is.

    TL;DR: Legacy and reloaded work differently, so mix boxes/silver boxes shouldn't be turned back into item boxes and silver boxes from legacy. The way things are working now wouldn't exactly benefit if those boxes were dropping legendaries, especially when new accounts have base integrated into them upon creation and when plenty of existing former silver box users (myself, included) have already begun to invest into base or have invested a lot of time and work into base to get it to a high level where it can start producing epic/legendary cards. Simply having basic boxes with legendary drop chances would undermine the idea of having/investing in base.
    Welp, even the TL;DR is long.. So, to put it simply if you don't want to read the TL;DR either:

     Legendary from mix box and silver box bad = bad idea if no changes are made to compensate but they wouldn't be "basic boxes" if they were changed as compensation for the added legendary drop chance.
    (This was a reply and yet it somehow managed to be just as long as my original post. I'm either too invested in explanations or I'm just too good at making text walls to the point that it might just be an unhealthy habit.) 
  7. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T reacted to Zylok in I'm Quitting SM   
    It sure is sad to see you go m8, but with very little updates and no new things I can understand the game became less fun as it was the same stuff over and over again with no new possible builds and all that.
    I wish you luck in your further endeavours  and your real job.
    Been a hell of a ride these past years.

  8. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from epicspeedster in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  9. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Ad1tya in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  10. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from heat blast in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Old screenshot but I'ma flex it anyway

    New screenshot made solely for flexing

  11. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Atusiff in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  12. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Shoultz262 in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  13. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from MightyFire in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  14. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T reacted to CleverName in I'm Quitting SM   
    Won't be deleting it, but yes will be making a quitting vid soon

    And to everyone else - thank you very much for all the lovely messages - I will miss this community very much 😞
  15. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T reacted to GuningSnipping in I'm Quitting SM   
  16. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from AftoKrator in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  17. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from CleverName in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  18. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Predator in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  19. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from OKI DOKI in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  20. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Spam in I'm Quitting SM   
    Welp, I honestly don't know what to say to this since I'm really bad with goodbyes, regardless if I'm the one leaving or the one reacting.. But it was a nice experience getting to know you and all that.
    Besides, it's not every day that you can say that you've talked to the living embodiment of a META for a game like SuperMechs. While that isn't something special overall, it's at least something that's worth holding onto as a good memory that came from this game.
    You've contributed a lot, you've stuck around as this game grew, you remained loyal to the game through its good times and rough moments, and you've taken the time to get to know everyone here on the forums as good acquaintances and friends. To say the least, you've been one hell of a driving force that gave this community something to strive for, whether it be the goal of being the best community member or the strongest player in SuperMechs and while I may not know if anyone's gonna be able to top your achievements, I definitely know that you're gonna be remembered by the community you've stood by, standing strong and proud by both your friends and clanmates as you enjoyed the game for what it is.
    So, yeah, I'm bad at goodbyes and bad at saying memorable things for those who leave to remember me by, but I'd like to say one thing right now..
    Keep rocking that mystic paint, META man, for eternity and beyond!
    From that one rank 8 ORB Jumper that you met over a random physical beam drone concept idea that they needed advice on balancing its stats for..
    And.. Uh.. Apologies.. For not conversating with you more while you were still here, mate. But hey.. Better late than never, right?
    At the very least, i finally have a sprite for that drone I asked for advice on.. It's custom-made, so there won't be any more confusion over sprites and stuff.. God, it's hard for me to focus on typing this additional part to a goodbye you might not see but it'll be here for you to see if you do come back for final partings and what not..
    I may be struggling to get all the words out that I want to say in this moment as I type this edit, but I never was really good with goodbyes to begin with.. Even after the three times I said that I would leave, I just seemed to come right back because I missed things here and to see well-respected people like you leave.. It's disheartening, to say the least.
    Whether this'll be your final topic on the forums or the topic you'll return to in the future, I'll still wish you good luck in your life and hope that you keep being you, even now that you've parted ways with the game.
    But, yeah.. Wear that mystic paint, don that unicorn horn, and keep being the living META that's been standing beside us, from start to finish, for eternity and beyond..
    'Till we meet again, CleverName.. And sorry for having to make you read an edit just because I couldn't finish things off in a single post. It's just a habit of mine. I also apologize for making everyone else read this edit as well so that this doesn't feel as awkward as it looks.. 
  21. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T reacted to CleverName in I'm Quitting SM   
    Well - you read the title. It's been a fantastic ride playing SuperMechs, but my time has come to leave the game. I have really enjoyed the nostalgia these past couple of years from this game, remembering the times when I played when I was younger. However, I've arrived at the point where the game is too boring and feels like work for me. Additionally, my real world responsibilities are increasing and it's time for me to do something else in my free time. 

    I believe I've achieved everything that I originally had planned to, so I'm happy to announce that I can leave the game on a good note. I've really enjoyed the community here - there are some great people and I believe I can call them my friends. Not going to tag people - but you know who you are 🙂

    In terms of the transition of my account, I will be giving my account to a couple of trusted people. I will not be revealing who they are, but they are respected people in the community with deep SM knowledge. 

    Again, I really want to emphasize that the community has been great and has been a major reason why I haven't quit earlier. I appreciate getting to know folks and learn about their backgrounds. @Alexander & the Gato team - thank you for the privilege of keeping SuperMechs going and wishing the best for the future of the game. I also wish everyone else the best and good luck in SuperMechs and life 🙂

    With many bittersweet feelings,


  22. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from bumbum in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Old screenshot but I'ma flex it anyway

    New screenshot made solely for flexing

  23. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Spam in Wich heat drone is better   
    Both drones are very specific, so I wouldn't say that there's a better one out of the two.
    Nemo and Murmur are both capable of being used on boilers since one does cap damage while the other one does cooling damage, with both contribute towards overheating the target. For example:

    Murmur can assist the cooling damage done by Vandal Rages, slimming the chances that the target will be able to recover from their next overheat (since they would shut down due to their cooling being reduced the needed amount to cool the heat level below their heat cap). This leaves the target vulnerable after a various amount of turns (depending on their heat stats, specifically their cooling), allowing weapons like Heat Bomb to essentially heatlock the target if the user has other boiler weapons to keep the opponent's heat up.
    Nemo, while dealing less overall damage than Murmur, assists boiler weapons like Corrupt Light and Sorrow with heat cap damage. It won't ensure shutdowns like cooling damage but it makes it harder for the target to attack when their cap is steadily going below their heat level and forcing them into overheats, wasting action points that they would've used to attack you. There's also a chance for cap damage to shut an opponent down by stripping their cap down to where the cooling is unable to cool the heat down to the low cap.
    Either way, cooling or cap damage, the target will suffer after a various amount of turns have passed and their heat stats have been reduced to the point that they won't be able to retaliate.
    So, that's pretty much why I think there's no better of the two when they're simply that specific (Murmur's mostly used on cooling hunter builds that prey on a target's cooling until the target has 2 shutdown or something of that sort, anyway).
    Also, it depends on what kind of damage you prefer and what kind of weapon setup that your build has. I forgot to add that in the post so I'm using post merge to add it without editing.
  24. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Spam in Rate my heat mech 0-10 *UPDATED*   
    Thanks but I won't really be able to fully judge the build until I know which form is the one that's being judged,
    If it's the build's current state, it's a 4/10 (in general terms, not High Rank stanards) due to good HP, resistances, pretty decent heat stats, pretty ok weapon setup state (the weapon setup is pretty good but since they're legendary, they're not at their full potential), but low energy and regen when Flaminator is on the build, which consumes a large amount of energy per shot.
    If it's the final result (without changing parts), it comes out like this:
    This is more of a 6/10 since it has better stats than before and can deal more overall damage + heat damage but it still has some of the same issues that the original build has.
    The heat stats are alright since you have 606 cap to compensate for the slightly lower-than-average cooling (in terms of boiler cooling) of 318 but your energy is extremely vulnerable to weapons like Malice Beam and Hot Flash. It's not due to the regen but rather, it's due to the low cap.
    With a low energy cap, you'll risk getting energy broken, which prevents you from attacking with half of your weapons, since the cap can be drained in the matter of either a single EMP or multiple Malice shots.
    However, the build itself would make for a good boiler/partial heat counter build to use in the midranks as long as you take your HP into consideration during combat and make sure that you don't deploy the mech against energy builds (electric builds mostly don't have enough drain to break you quickly and they don't do cap damage, so your electrical resistance will protect you from most of their attacks).
    I hope this helps as a critique but if anyone wishes to correct me or wants to discuss more about why I gave these ratings, feel free to do so.
  25. Like
    W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T got a reaction from Spam in Rate my heat mech 0-10 *UPDATED*   
    Currently or when it's completely divine and with arena buffs? Just confirming which form of the build you want to have rated.
    Also, Zarkares is good for your build as of right now but try to get a Windigo or at least a Naga to replace it once you max one of them. They provide more HP for less stat penalty, they're lighter overall, and provide more balanced resistances.
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