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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. Just now, SawzAll said:

    Yep, first it was all 3 of my torsos, now all 3 of my massive legs.  Heat is coming next.

    So far, I've maxed all 3 of my torsos and 2 of my legs... Now I just need to get my third mech settled before I can start working on it.

    And yes, I still use Devouring Paws because those legs are really nostalgic to me... That, and they're just badass when max mythed.

  2. Hello, everyone.

    Today, I'm here to talk about something a bit special... It's about my drone. As it turns out, RIDVAN22 has confirmed that the sprite wasn't for my drone but rather, it was a top weapon that's been collecting dust in the item libraries. Now, I would leave it off on this note... But RIDVAN22 did something else that I really want to make clear.

    He's framing me out to be a sprite stealer.

    So, I'ma start things off by talking about my rough draft. RIDVAN22 says that upon noticing the sprite, I "made a topic about it". Let me emphasize to you all that my topic outdates his post by a month and when I did make the topic, the concept was spriteless. It wasn't until he showed the sprite in General Chat 2.0 that I was intrigued by the sprite. However, he failed to mention anything about it being a top weapon... Actually, he captioned the sprite image with "some kind of drone?" when he revealed it if I can recall correctly, so where in the hell was this idea that it was a top weapon? (Keep in mind that he was one of the few people that retrieved the image from the game files, where all of the information about what the sprite is should be.)

    The next point -- The Profile Picture. If you didn't remember, I made a Exponential Equinox.gif on the forums and used it as my profile picture. If you also didn't remember, I was also constantly asking everyone as to if they knew the artist of the sprite because I wanted to verify if it was actually the sprite of my drone. Surprise surprise, no one answered... Until RIDVAN22 came along and spilled the beans behind my back just a week or so ago. And in case you were wondering, I made that pfp shortly before the new forums were made, not when I noticed the sprite (do you see where I'm getting with this?).

    If I'ma be honest about this... It seems that RIDVAN22 assumed things rather than doing a short search to find the context behind the whole thing. I would be fine with this if it didn't frame me as some kind of thief when in reality, it's all been nothing but me asking questions into a void while the one person with answers just sat nearby until a few months later.

    I didn't want to do this topic in the first place, either, but since he decided to do that, there's no other way to clear things up rather than make a topic to counter his post.

    With that out of the way, I hope everyone has a nice day.

    And remember...

    To expect the unexpected, pilots. 


    I couldn't fetch the image and make the topic at the same time, so I made the topic and decided to add the image after... Oh, and RIDVAN deleted the "new item sprites".


    Real classy, mate, really classy.

    If you want context, that little smiley face had a full catalog of item sprites that he listed.


    Like this.1458178660_Screenshot2021-02-01at10_48_52AM.thumb.png.44eca455017a7235d38c7f7626ae2308.png

    And the "I wanted to show this again" addition has the "drone" sprite that he failed to emphasize about.

    RIDVAN, if you're reading this, try looking at context before you go on about how I could be a sprite stealer.


    Oh, and that link shows the topic where I asked for the artist of Exponential Equinox. RIDVAN didn't show this at all.

  3. On 1/18/2021 at 4:40 PM, RiD22 said:

     About this sprite, let me clear things up:

    In old forums i found it in game files months ago;

    1-It's not a drone, sprite is in top weapons category in the libraries

    2-it has 3 elements and 3 transforms

     About drone and fanart part, it's not made by Whiteout as far as i know.

    When he saw it he thought it's a drone, he liked the sprite so much that he named it, made it to his pfp and created a thread about it.

    2021-01-19 002955.png

    The Rough Draft for my drone concept outdates your post by at least a month or so as far as I can remember, so I didn't make it after noticing the sprite but rather, I noticed it after it had been a while since the creation of my rough draft.

    As for why I thought that the sprite was for my drone concept, no one bothered to mention anything regarding as to what it was or why the sprite was created, so I was unsure of things until I began to think that the sprite was a drone.

    Yes, I even made a topic trying to find the artist of the sprite to see if they could clear things up but still no response. So, that's how I mistook that top weapon for a drone.

    Note: It also would've been nice if someone actually did make things clear rather than remain silent until things got to this point.

    Another Note: When I created the rough draft, there was no sprite to begin with. Also, I never claimed ownership of the sprite, only the concept that I created.

  4. Something, I Guess

    It's the same as before. You can choose what fills in the blanks but it helps to rewrite the sentence with your choice in bold or a different color to show that it's a word that you chose. Other than that, go wild.


    Ad Lib #1 - Accidental Fuse

    Oh no! I accidentally fused my ____ into my ____! How will I ever get it back?

    1. Noun

    2. Noun

    Ad Lib #2 - Sense of Style

    Does the ____ paint look good on ____? Does it look good on ____?

    1. Paint Name

    2. Item

    3. Item

    Ad Lib #3 - Arena Misfortune

    Damn it! That ____ just did a ____ damage crit on me and now I will never be able to reach rank ____ because of how I'm going to ____ this battle!

    1. Item

    2. Number

    3. Number

    4. Verb

    Ad Lib #4 - Campaign Conqueror 

    I made it to the ____! All I have to do is beat ____ and I'll be able to get the ____ box with a ____ item. I wonder what item it will be... Probably a ____?

    1. Region Name

    2. Region Boss Name

    3. Box Type

    4. Adjective / Rarity

    5. Item / Rarity

  5. Hello and welcome to the fact that the game kicked me out during the claiming process of 10 tokens.

     I had 7 tokens before claiming them and I still have just 7 and not 17... Is this game seriously still making rewards go poof by buffering then kicking players to force delete said rewards?

    I would really appreciate it if I could get those 10 tokens back if possible because I went back onto arena from quite a long break from it for those tokens.

    My account's name is {{W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T}} and the login credentials are:

    Username: Hah
    Password: Why would you think that this was legit?

    Fun Fact: Those login credentials are fake, so don't bother trying to believe in the joke.

    Update: I don't know what just happened but I suddenly got those missing 10 tokens after the game had a stroke and died.

    ... I'm still wondering what's wrong with this game sometimes.

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