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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. 21 minutes ago, Le Goldmane said:

    Im not good with introductions so,lets just get this over with

    My in-game name is Le Goldmane, im "known" around in discord by Lord Calcium VIII (or boney hawk)

    Im a legacy player,coming back to the game at 2020 s start and currently aiming to be a top player (dont worry im not too hopeful either)

    And uh,yeah. Thats it

    Dont forget your daily dose of calcium


    Yo! Whaddup Lord Boner? Welcome to the forums, where dreams and nightmares come true!

    For anyone who doesn't know as to why I called him "Lord Boner", it was a discord nickname that was agreed upon for him.

  2. 5 hours ago, MasterChief said:

    yes i completely agree 


    that does seem a little bit harsh. i feel like a 50-50 chance on normal, a  75 on hard, and a 100 on insane. that seems pretty even, right?

    Yeah, that seems fair.


    5 hours ago, MasterChief said:

    yes i know. its visible on your pfp. now, delete that post, it isnt relevant.

    Who are you referring to? 

  3. 2 hours ago, DragonsIayer said:

    Fantastic story

    Thank you. This is my best Nobel performance since the Chernobyl joke of Old Forums.


    2 hours ago, Liam.M.Lucas_2020 said:

    Would it count as harrassment if I kept reading?

    Depends on how close you're standing to court marshallin' distance.

    1 hour ago, Ad1tya said:

    You need to be really depressed to type that out

    Bored. Depressed. It feels the same, either way.

    But let me tell you about how mix boxes are common item portals.

  4. Who am I?

    It's simple. I'm Whiteout.

    I was from the old forums and I've been here for a short while now.

    You guys already know my story because of how many times I keep talking about it.

    Will I ever shut up about said story? Probably not.

    Am I good with conversations? More or less.

    Am I still here? Yes.

    With that out of the way, I am here.


    ... That's it. Really, that is it. I don't have anything new to add. Were you expecting to see something great or innovative? Well, you placed your expectations a tad bit too high.

    Alright, thank you for joining my ted talk... Now begone and do something with the remaining time that you may have before you regret the time you spent on reading this far into the topic.


    Seriously, just stop. There's nothing left. Quit reading immediately because the rest of this topic is pointless filler. If you're really gonna keep reading, at least read the first few lines because those lines have more value than whatever lies down here. ... Are you still reading? Why are you still reading this? Do you seriously want me to go further into my background? Why? Considering the amount of old forum users that have moved onto here, you should already know my backstory... So you don't need to read a whole topic just to see something that's been repeated multiple times on the old forums.













    ... Still not done? Really?













    Getting bored?



































































    Could you please stop reading? I said the magic word so that means you HAVE to stop reading now.














    I'm really being serious, there's nothing left for me to talk about....






















    Alright, if you want backstory, I'll give you a backstory.









    Once upon a time, there was a dude name Whiteout.











    That's it. Now, begone.


  5. The Idea

    This was just a random idea that came into my head that I felt like doing since I've got nothing better to do. All I want to say is that the designs that I made for this (in Workshop Unlimited) are limited due to the weight restrictions, so they're not accurate when comparing them to in-game bosses.

    As for the bosses themselves, I made 3 of them: Missile Major, Stasis Shocker, and Tungsten Halberd. Each boss has a dedicated theme to them and are obviously composed of a single element.


    The Mecha Concepts (Color Coded for Maximum Elemental Obviousness)

    Missile Major - Brutality

    - Missile-Based
    - Heat
    - Effective in close-mid range combat
    - Semi-Energy Free

    Stasis Shocker - Naga

    - Laser-Based
    - Energy
    - Effective in close-mid range combat
    - Energy-reliant

    Tungsten Halberd - Avenger

    - Conventional Armament-Based
    - Physical
    - Effective in close-range combat
    - Energy-reliant


    The Closing

    If you want me to make more boss ideas or if you just want to voice your opinion, use the comment section below because that's why it exists.

    Thank you for tuning into my SM brainstorming session.


    The Mecha Schematics (In Order of List Above)

    Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 11.41.34 PM.png

    Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 11.45.04 PM.png

    Screenshot 2021-01-18 at 11.47.52 PM.png

  6. 10 minutes ago, Kirubi said:

    How about a fortune box portal?
    Guarantee fortune box at insane
    A little adjustment at droprates (1 out of 11-13 Legendary drops?)
    And low income on gold and exp since it gives Fortune boxes
    i would say its like lottery 

    Considering how this game has a steep difficulty spike with each tier, having guaranteed fortune boxes for insane only seems a bit unfair for those (including I) who struggle to get past hard difficulty due to supply drops and their refusal to drop HP kits.

    Maybe add a guaranteed fortune box for first time completion and per every 5-10 runs of the portal?

    Edit: Executed the second maybe of the final sentence for a smoother appearance for readers. You're welcome.

  7. 18 hours ago, Norman said:

    Nightmare are mid torso. good: Easy to get, and light. Con: Low hp. Low hp is very big issue.

    I prefers Windigo now, since it been buff. it have more hp, energy and lighter then Zarkaras.




      Reveal hidden contents

    I can't vote if it was mid torso.🙃


    Alright, what happened?

    It sounds like someone with a Nightmare critically injured you in some way or form. 

    If you need assistance, feel free to say something because we're all here for support reasons (probably not but you get the idea).

  8. 1 minute ago, Prismatic_Clock said:

    me neither

    I guess the best plan of action is to say random things until something sticks then build upon it until you've come up with a proper idea, which is highly unlikely due to the randomness of the first building block since that would cause the general point of the whole idea to be disjointed or flat out random?

  9. 1 hour ago, RaymondL1747 said:

    I dont personally dont like the heat cost of the frantic brute i suggest it be lowered to 50 or 30 like the energy cost and its pretty much saying to heat mechs please come and shut me down

    Eh... The last time that Brutes had a heat generation of 50, they were capable of dishing out 700 damage crits against energy-free builds.

    So, shall we spare the EFAs of this world by not doing that? That'll likely protect the endangered EFA species from poaching Brute users.

    Save the Mechazon Jungle! Protect the EFAs!

  10. 10 hours ago, epicspeedster said:

    ofc, common relics are a waste of space, if you can divine it

    Common relics have been a waste of space because of how C-Ms have been a waste of space before the buff... Now there's one C-M that can be fed relics without the feeling of regret like a certain C-M torso that may or may not be related to Nightmare.

    cough cough Interceptor cough cough.


  11. The Nightmare torso isn't the best out of the buffed torsos (the best being Molten Platinum Vest/Lightning Platinum Vest) but it's definitely better than Zarkares now... At least, marginally better when it comes to energy stats and resistances, that is.

    Definitely worth divining it, though.

  12. The idea seems fair but it's also extremely restrictive considering how this is a game that lets you build whatever you want and get decimated by physical nearly 90% of the time.

    Counters are annoying, definitely, but with physical mechs essentially being brick walls in the top ranks, they're fighting with warped stats and strategies to stay afloat in this new meta of vests and high resistance.

    Look, I get that people find counters to be annoying but they're players that are trying to survive a hardship like everyone else (trust me, Spartan Carnages are annoying by themselves but full builds dedicated to them are worse). So, why not get to know the good counters and completely ignore the toxic counters?

    ... But that's the way I see things, so I may (and likely will) be wrong with the assessment. 

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