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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. On 12/8/2021 at 8:10 AM, iSwarky said:

    Troll physics: Infinite cards.

    Step 1- Have a main account

    Step 2- Create a new account

    Step 3- Instantly buy a premium box since you have 100+ tokens at the start (make another account if the drop is bad)

    Step 4- Make the new account trade the items you got to your main.

    Step 5- Repeat steps 2-3-4.

    Enjoy your infinite monkes!1!11!11!1!!!

    this is pretty much exactly the cheating i've been talking about earlier


  2. On 12/5/2021 at 9:59 PM, Zutchse said:

    maybe make it 1-3?

    2-4  is probably better. 

    1-3 is too close. 2-4 at least stretches a little into mid-range. swords and pizza cutters are usually paired with axes, hammers, or legs which all do knockback (except claws) so having the range start from 2 will be more useful. 

    and, tbh, more range = more chance of damage. so 1-4 will probably make it a little more op. 

  3. ... well, if you are talking about mix boxes in campaign, 

    there's the 0-1 chance of getting a box. 

    if you didn't get any, it just means you are running on the short end. usually, the chance for me is a little less than half. 


    if you are talking about fortune boxes,..... you can only get them from boss levels and have a very low drop chance. I'd say probably less than 10% because i haven't gotten for like 2 months.

  4. 16 hours ago, geminiogen69 said:

    also i messaged and asked @Alexander a question to add trading system, i have a proof what i typed


    why the hell???
    you know he's not gona look at that... and even if he does, it will never happen. 


    as i said above. there are dozens of ways to cheat with a trading system CHEATING IS BAD. 


    ... or was that supposed to be a joke

  5. 2 hours ago, TritiumThermonuclearBomb said:

    Instead, trading should be restricted to items in the same... family, I guess. Like you could trade one type of massive feet to another, Face Shocker to Heat Point, Heron to Seraph, Brutality to Windigo

    still doesn't solve the cheating problem

    about rarities tho, everything should get an equal/ estimated worth in tokens and compared that way when trading


  6. 8 is the max number of modules you can have. 

    best is 6 plates, 1 combined resistance module, and one quad core or overload preventor.

    thats for most extreme hp


    otherwise, one fortress of each, at least one quad/ overload prev, and the rest are plates

  7. 10 hours ago, Dark conon mech said:

    we could make it so you cant immediately trade for stuff when you start of but after a year or so of playing you can start trading for epics and legendries


    doesn't solve the cheating problem

  8. first, check to see whether your old account was actually deleted

    ........ discord is weird. (i technically have 5 discord accounts all connected to the same email and password. because everytime i changed my name#0123 (not real username), discord sames a new version of my account but doesn't delete the old records). 


    back to the topic. 


    try that first actually and see what happens. 


  9. if you fish around on the website you should be able to see a slot to change your email. 

    ... did take me like half an hour of fishing when i got my hacked account back a few months ago

    once you change the email, you can reset everything again

    btw, fishing is hard work...... the website is confusing

  10. ohhhhhhhhhhhh, ok. i get it now. 

    searching for players in chat never worked for me. 

    like sometimes, even if i'm searching for someone what just sent a message in chat or are still replying in chat, i still can't find them. 

    also, @Raul what's the 4 digit number after the player name. it's not the player ID, i know that much. is it just a player code for the system or discord code (just guessing)?

  11. 1 minute ago, TritiumThermonuclearBomb said:


    good for mid-range dmg and res drain. also no pushback so don't have to worry about spacing for other weapons. doesn't weigh as much as supreme cannon or other dmg type weapons (mostly launchers), and it's E-M/D, which means it's slightly cheaper to upgrade. (also means more chance of dropping)

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