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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. 21 hours ago, SC2A said:

    then why energy mechs using lava feet lol

    most of the time, peeps use hybrid builds for legs for more hp.... as we all know, energy parts always tends to be missing something in comparison to other types (heat or phys)

    also for less weight, maybe

  2. 9 hours ago, heller said:

    also how to i upgrade power kits ?

    they upgrade and transform the same way other items do. ...... wait, don't tell me you've played the game long enough to max your base, but never upgraded powerkits before......

    anyways, it is usually not recommended to transform powerkits due to it being kind of a waste. you'll understand once you see the numbers. best to leave then at maxed at the rarity they came with. also, don't use powerkits to upgrade powerkits, that's also kinda wasteful,..... unless you have way too many of then like that one time when i had over 150 powerkits......

  3. 59 minutes ago, SC2A said:

    the funny thing is he means that he doesnt have any "heat" legs i guess

    well, sure, use other legs, but unless if you're me who likes to lose in arena with hybrid mechs, best to use heat legs for heat mech

  4. well, having legs would be good. pointless having weapons without legs

    for legs, best to get massive lava feet. if not, scorched feet or devouring paws could work. (dynamite boots also work.... for some special situations) 

  5. 10 hours ago, heller said:

    i was thinking about it too beacuse its not slow or expensive but i have maxed base so yeah all what you mentioned are viable i just want the best and the fastest (not too expinsive and not too slow)

    seeing that you do have that much gold, the slot before powerkits might be a good one. 

    much less wait , but for 6k gold (i think) chance of rare and super quick (i think thats the name, "super quick")

    but above all, powerkits are still worth buying. for me, it have 1/5 to 1/6 chance of dropping rare powerkits, otherwise all common

  6. so, best ones to buy are: 

    first slot : the 1k or less gold common items only. (the one that costs 965 for you)

    the level 16 upgrade one : the one that drops only powerkits (good to farm a lot of it) don't transform them once maxed. leave them maxed. not worth it to transform. 

    also, the lvl 20 upgrade : the chance of legendary. ... because there is a chance of legendary. basically buying prem boxes with gold and 3 days of waiting. but still much more worth it that buying prem boxes

  7. i woudn't exactly say hybrid builds are bad. they're just only useful in some very specific situation. 

    i use hybrids. both of my 2v2 arena builds are heat-phys hybrids. (guess that explains why i'm stuck at rank 10. even tho having an individual phys and heat mech didn't do much for me either. i'm just experimenting.)

    if you have a nightfall to cover rank 2-ish, don't use a drunk lightning. (less suicidal weapons means higher chance of living... sorta)

    replace drunk lightning with a malice beam or something (to get energy drain) malice shouldn't be that hard to get. 

    if anything, don't use lazy falcon or any other suicidal (backfire) snipers. not worth it. hysteria or even reckless beam (for hyrbid purposes,and, you know, less energy cost and covers the range) could work. 

  8. 6 hours ago, JamAnime said:

    Make a CUBE legs. Weight 200. Hp 1200. No Stomp, Can't use Teleport-er with them or charge. Can't use Jump weapons with them.  Knock back weapons do apply with CUBE Legs.

    so a less functional but more hp claw. 

    like a whole mech sitting on a titanium cube??

    if it's like that then make knockbacks not work on the CUBE, gives a little more functionality

  9. Grave Diggers need more love. look at the amount of dmg it does. just a little more hp and it'll be a pretty good leg.

    Also, as a game that haven't had any major updates in the past.... half a year?

    we should focus on bring in new ideas and making new ideas to attract more players instead of fiddling with the old items

  10. 1 minute ago, Mr.Fred said:

    i have this question, if it actually happen, then will someone get 5000 wins just for 1250 token?

    see, thats what i'm saying. 

    it sorta creates a negative effect to the game. 

    more motivation for instant gratification, less motivation for actually enjoying the game (like me) and making friends

  11. now now, i think that's a bit too much. too many tokens. 

    tokens are supposed to be hard to get (or obtain, whichever saying you like)

    if you make rewards go that far, if we meet a clan full of people who get like 500 win a week per person (yes, those kind of people exist, and they do this because they have no life  🤐🤫 or are just way to free), it makes a somewhat disadvantage to those of us who can't farm all day like they do. 

    now, i'm not saying i'm against this. just take it down a few notches. 


    maybe.... 🤔🤨, if i don't say this now, someday after this gets implemented (that is, if it does), someone is going to jump out and start a flamewar about how unfair the devs are and totally make a big deal about this like disabling base. 


  12. Lets see, whats in this.....🤔🤔

    main body is shadow wolf

    plus reckoning, rust heat blaster, possible top of dawnblaze (or could be reckoning)

    laser barrels are from abomination. bottom part look strangely like rusty heat blaster, but not really. 

    what else am i missing.....🤔

    good art tho. used enough parts to make it look almost, almost, unique

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