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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. 1 minute ago, kill with boss said:

    Earn gold: Go to campaign 1v1 Overlord's Den Mission 6, click insane mode, and just play until your battery empty. (level up)

    yes. i know this. it's just, farming gold can't keep up with buying 4 chance of legendarys in base every week. 

    i have powerkits. roughly 200 of them. mostly lvl 1 common. takes lots of gold and commons to upgrade them. 

    which loops back to not having gold and buying stuff from base. 

    i'm trying to keep a constant balance of 500k gold in case of emergencies or upgrades.

    ofc, i can always use my 500+ unopened boxes to upgrade, but the process of opening and upgrading and opening and upgrading over and over again is onerous especially when i only have about 10 open inv slots open after each upgrade. 

  2. Just now, White Star said:

    The name's wasn't even up for decision 😂 i even said on the first post UP there.

    well, as you can see, people don't like it. 

    i'm still going with what i said earlier. take off the second word. makes it sound stupid. 

    just wyvern

  3. 7 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    Because exactly 0 people associate a wyvern with anything else other than fire.

    they fly. like drones. 


    to be exact, in most mythologies, wyverns are not dragons. dragons are defined as a lizard-like creature with scaly skin, 2 wings, and 4 legs. wyverns are defined as a lizard-like creature with scaly skin, 2 wings, and 2 legs. both can fly, but a dragon would be a giant lizard on wings whereas a wyvern would be a t-rex-without-paws on wings. 

    that said, if dragons are associated with fire, it's got nothing to do with wyverns. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T said:

    ntegrated Chromebook coding software that's literally just called "Text", which can be used to make .json or .txt files, and Imgur, the site that can be used to get the direct link for images, which is what WU can use to fetch custom sprites for newly added items.

    well, i have all those, but the question comes down to what you put in the .json file and in what order. 

    always happy to learn. 

  5. umm. yes. 

    actually, that might not be a bad idea. that way it'll give the new people something to look forward to .... like "oh, getting higher ranks can actually get better rewards" and not "wow, i got a legendary at rank 15, maybe i should just sit here and wait for more legendarys". people sometimes get that twisted mindset. sorta like waiting for death knowing that it'll come eventually, but in a long long time. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Deimos said:

    Tommorow is most likely portal, I remember Alexander saying there won't be a sale for christmas so no snowball. 

    dang it. i missed it last year.... so i don't want to miss it again this year. 

    1. get over 1000 unopened boxes. (currently have 530)..... i'm not collecting just to collect. i just don't have room and decided to collect some for fun.... btw, they are all mix boxes. i do open other boxes because i know i might actually get good stuff in them. 
    2. get at least 1 E-M or L-M phys res drainer because i don't have any. 
    3. get at least one of the following: 
      1. sorrow
      2. distance shredder
      3. quad core / overload preventor
      4. valiant sniper
  7. 46 minutes ago, Jajcyn420 said:

    Dude i keep looking at topics and i dont know when someone sent something because some guy upvoted or downvoted a comment and its very annoying that i cant read the replies in chronological order, its like reading a book but the most popular part comes first, the ending is in the middle and the start is at the end.

    well, i have nothing against upvotes or downvotes.... just don't make it change the order of the text. the voting can still be there for other references. 

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