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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. don't need to fill all weapon slots. 

    can probably take off the cracked plasma cannon. 

    if you find a better E-M (epic to myth/divine) mid-range phys weapon, it can replace both the arnold and metal piercer. the best to hope for is nightfall. 

    to be honest with you, it'll be more help in combat to use common teleports unless if you are an energy mech user or need a double tp. common teleport only need 3 energy and since the epic tp doesn't do much but teleport anyways, it's practically useless to use an upgraded one. the only possible reason would be to get that 6 tokens for achieving a lvl 25 tp. 

    build is not bad. legs are workable. maxed out windigo, it's a good torso. don't use roller legs unless special reason

  2. On 10/13/2021 at 11:50 PM, YT RAINPLASMA YT said:

    Rolling beast is rusty and heavy

    sure is, now i kinda regret using a stars paint on it


    14 hours ago, SC2A said:

    you already know that rolling beast has more dmg than massive, and it has 3 moves, so that's why

    yeah yeah, but it's still pretty outdated. 

    like grave diggers, though i'm working on a pair just for fun

  3. I know there have been a lot of difference discussions and suggestions about too less inventory slots or other similar problems. 

    Currently, getting more slots is a pain due to being so expensive (but as far as i know that is either for the ultra-rich players or just plain stupid).  

    As everyone (.... or most people) know, similar items in Minecraft (MC) are Stacked

    So, I'm proposing that items with the same name, rarity, upgrade level, and color be put into stacks. The number per stack can be set to 64 (like MC) or however many the devs feel would be sufficient. (or they can stack like relics where it'll just have 99+ when it gets too big). The stack number would be shown in the left side just like how relics are stacked. 

    Color is a big thing because some things may be colored if the player want to keep a specific item (for who knows what reasons)

    The main purpose of this is .... of course, to reduce the need of wasting more tokens on inventory slots and better manage each player's inventory. As I first thought of this idea, I thought it would be the most beneficial for un-upgraded common and rare items when fooding them. Since they are going to be fooded anyways, it wouldn't really matter which one was clicked on from the stack. 

    Speaking of clicking: the simplest way is still to click once for one item since shift-click would probably take a lot more programing and work [for the devs] . 


    Now, I hope no one have talked about this before be, otherwise, all this planning would've been for nothing. Anyways, if anyone think this idea might ... or might not ... work, please respond. I'll check in as often as I can if anyone have questions on other details. 

  4. On 10/22/2021 at 4:26 AM, SC2A said:

    and having converter for what reason?

    because a lot of people have random useless things flooding their account.... especially arena coins for those who have maxed their arena shop. 

    kinda useless just sitting there anyways

    maybe convert extras to gold, even... at least gold have more uses

  5. if i remember correctly...... 

    my first 3-4 month was very lucky, got some really good l-ms and basically had a fully functioning phys mech. 

    i remember fooding a rusty blue monkey and a slightly upgraded seraphblade for a malice beam and ... something else, can't remember. 

    i also, for the first 1 and a half year or so, bought only prem boxes since i thought the gratification was more instant. 335 tokens does take a long time especially when i don't have ads. 

    speaking of ads, for the first 2 years of this account, i used an adblocker, which meant i missed all that free stuff and the 60 tokens EVERY DAY. 

    ... and ... back then, i never once thought of building a heat mech, so i never kept ANY heat drones in my inventory (i also never had any l-m heat drones). and now that i started to get into heat, starting with a boiler a few month ago, i had absolutely no heat drone to use. .... that was pretty sad. 

    these two might not have been such a horrible mistake, but i still consider it to be pretty bad: 

    one: i divined a zark like 2 weeks before the windigo buff, making my newly divined zark completely useless now that i have a divine windigo for my boiler. 

    two: used a star paint (blue july 4 paint) on my maxed rolling beasts.... maxed just a while before stone feet came out...... but since i didn't get a stone feet until 2-3 month after it came out, the rollers worked fine. 

  6. english please. thank you. 

    disabling base can take up to a few months. just wait for it and be patient. ....

    ..... and please don't make more base disabling related topics.... it's getting annoying. 


    I mean, there's so many of them you can probably find a handful just by scrolling down a bit. 


  7. 10 hours ago, iSwarky said:

    Do. Not. Fill. All. The. Weapon. Slots

    well, i honestly don't see anything wrong with having all slots filled. as long as:

    1. you have all that extra weight after modules and utilities
    2. if it doesn't have range gaps...... cuz whats the point of having 6 weapons with the same range. at the same time, have more weapons also does give a higher chance of reaching more range tiles compared to have less weapons. 
  8. On 9/8/2021 at 1:17 AM, Exquisite Phosphorus said:

    If I remember this, titan reward is given after 3 days no matter defeat or not. So to get 300, you need about 9 days.(that is if you only get 149 tickets and below, I think)

    alright, now things are that simple. 

    amount of titan reward depends on the difficulty of the titan. the stronger the titan, if you do the same amount of dmg and tickets, you'll get more rewards. 

    most of the time, getting more pure dmg is better than getting more pure tickets, so it's best to get both. 


    if you don't kill the titan or do not unlock it before it leaves, you'll get halved the supposed reward you see on the titan reward list. 

    other than that a titan lasts 3 days... none of your numbers makes any sense. 

    On 9/8/2021 at 12:36 AM, Tigergeezer said:

    On PC, it's more of a pain.

    yes, PC is different and is a real pain. afk doesn't really work because you have to check back whenever ads appear and if you stay on the ad too long, you'll get another one. 

    from my experience, first ad comes after killing first enemy.... or losing/quitting. 

    my phys mech takes on average a little less than 2 minutes to auto-farm OD6 once. on good days when i remember to check back for ads, i can run at most 3 OD6 before seeing an ad. most if the time, the ad comes half way through the 3 mission. 

    with that, i estimated that an ad will come up every 5 minutes or so. ..... on PC, ofc. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Bring live your dreams said:

    buy 8 hours of premium to evade that

    hmm, that is an option, but it does cost tokens...... which should be used more wisely imo

    and for those who can afford it, i think the 500 clan coin for 3 day prem account might be a better deal than the 8 hours. I might be a little wasteful, but clan coins are a lot easier to come by than tokens despite the amount difference. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Exquisite Phosphorus said:

    So have you ever open campaign, start a battle, put autoplay on and leave just to comeback and see an ad that you forgot to skip. Pressed the "X" and game lost connection. Restarted the game and only 1 enemy is down. Can those ads play after the mission ends? Because if that's the case, at least we(me) didn't waste some time doing nothing.

    ... ok. here's the thing with ads.

    Ads happen roughly once every 5 minutes when doing campaign/raid/portal. 5 minutes as in if you use autoplay and do a mission after another with minimal lag time between the end of an old mission and the start of a new missions. 

    Other thing is that ads are only triggered after fighting an enemy, doesn't matter whether you win or not. 

    If it's your first mission after a long time (like 10-30 minutes) an ad will trigger upon defeating your first enemy. If you do your missions quickly as I mentioned above, then you can run 2-3 missions without seeing an ad. 

    Also, from my experience, if you just had an ad, and took roughly 3 minutes to defeat your next opponent, you will get another ad. 

    Occasionally, upon losing or quitting a battle, if you click in the "close ad" section, you can skip the ad entirely. (doesn't always work)

    8 hours ago, Exquisite Phosphorus said:

    Inconvenient ads

    Also, if you know what ads are, they are meant to be annoying and appear when you least want to see them. And so, that'll naturally make them inconvenient

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